teacher community communication - 12 views
I love setting up activities online where students can do it online and have fun while doing so
This is a diigo group created as part of the MOOC "ICT in Primary Education: Transforming children's learning across the curriculum" (https://www.coursera.org/course/ictinprimary). You are encouraged to contribute, sharing additional resources (web pages, links to publications, ...). You need to (i) Join Diigo and (ii) Add new bookmarks clicking on "Bookmark", adding a url, then click "Next" (and fill in the details for Title, Comment, Tags) and finally click "Post".
I love setting up activities online where students can do it online and have fun while doing so
I played a game with my elementary school students called Bingo Quimico, in which they had to guess the elements based on the symbols presented.