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Contents contributed and discussions participated by mellakygg


Proximity Marketing : Future of Retail? - Centareum - Medium - 0 views

  • Digital is a way of life now.
  • Due to methods like ecommerce, show-rooming and ‘brick-&-click’, the lines between the physical and virtual marketplaces are getting blurred.
  • With omnichannel browsing and buying patterns of consumers, proximity marketing seeks to provide marketing solutions that are relevant as well as personalized.
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  • Techniques such as NFC, geofencing, beacons, social check-ins and retargeting are being used nowadays to achieve the perfect blend of digital marketing and offline purchasing.
  • One of the most important aspect of Proximity Marketing is to provide the right promotions to the customer at the right place and time for the right price. This translates to not just reach, but conversion.
  • The ads must get delivered to the customer when they are near the store and the possibility of the conversion is the highest. Statistics show, ads served in the vicinity of the store tend to get 5x more conversions.
  • The deep analytics of the profile of the most loyal customers and their corresponding buying pattern must be kept in mind.
  • Marketing platforms have a high cost and with the increase in cost and decrease in sales volume, retailers are in dire need of cost cuts.
    Digital technology has revolutionized our way of life, our very existence. With the prevalence of smart phones, the lines between physical and virtual market places are getting blurred due to e-commerce, show-rooming and brick and click. Typically to find a local business, customers use a smart phone, social recommendations, opt-in push notifications and retargeted ads from websites previously visited. Enter Proximity Marketing: It describes location technologies for attracting customers by direct communication on their smart-phones or Bluetooth or GPS enabled devices. It provides the right promotions at the right place and time for the right price. This not only reaches customers, it converts them. Statistics show, ads served in the vicinity of the store tends to get 5X more conversions. With omnichannel browsing, personalized buying patterns of consumers are used along with techniques such as NFC, geofencing, beacons, social checking and retargeting to capture business. Using this 4R principle, Centaream, the new Proximity Marketing mobile marketing platform will start facilitating business for merchants by October 2018 in the U.S.A, Singapore and India. In my opinion, proximity marketing makes sense and should be a big success.

Accounting in Hospitality Industry: An important asset to growing business - 0 views

  • A properly organized accounting system is an essential requirement for any business and hospitality industry is no exception when it comes to this rule.
  • Every successful venture needs a solid financial management to enable its growth.
  • With such useful data available at hand hotel owners can make proactive decisions and improve the profit of their business.
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  • Hospitality accounting includes the following:Preparing a precise collection of month end accountsBudget preparationBusiness planningCreating financial statements and balance sheetsPayroll
  • Accounting is highly significant to hospitality industry because it enables you to gain deep insights into the financial status of the business. Using the real time reporting of financial activities, you are regularly updated about what is going on with your business.
  • This means you can take better decisions and achieve greater outcomes. It also offers ease of handling as the maintenance of proper records will save you lots of time and effort.
  • With good accounting practices you will be able to track cash flows and record transactions.
  • It not only leads to wastage of your precious time and resources, but your lack of experience and skill will hamper your growth. Expert accounting companies will simplify restaurant accounting and hotel accounting for you. They can help you control cash flows and maximize your earnings. So in order to excel in the dynamic environment of the hospitality industry, good accounting is an essential factor.
    For all businesses, including hospitality businesses, it is essential to have a properly organized accounting system. Every business needs solid financial management to achieve growth without which every business withers and dies. Proper accounting is at the heart of solid financial management. Hospitality accounting includes: preparing a precise collection of month end accounts, a trial balance, budget preparation, business planning, creating financial statements and balance sheets, and payroll. Not only does it enable you to track cash flows and record transactions, but it provides deep insights into the financial status of the business enabling owners to make proactive decisions and improve profits. So to excel in the dynamic hospitality industry seek professional help from expert accounting companies to set up proper accounting to have solid financial management. In my opinion, I believe that to have a successful business you need to have an up to date, accurate way to record your accounting transactions so getting professional help from experts would be wise.

Managing Multiple POS Outlets is a Cakewalk With a Cloud-Based PMS - Hotelogix - 0 views

  • Well, it has several smart POS systems for all its outlets. And, most importantly, the hotel’s cloud-based PMS integrates seamlessly with all the POS systems empowering the management to increase billing accuracy while saving time. Now that is smart hoteliering, don’t you think!
  • In today’s fiercely competitive market, you need to stay one step ahead of your competition when it comes to adopting technology to grow your hotel business. Or else, you are bound to face operational bottlenecks like Hotel A.
  • For all these activities, guests usually pay during check out.
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  • During the stay, guests can order food from your restaurants, use the spa, the gym, the travel desk or the gift shop
  • On the other hand, , you may face loss of revenue if you forget to post a certain amount on the final bill.
  • So, in such cases, charges need to be posted directly to the guest folio in the Hotel PMS. The whole process needs to be properly streamlined as manually posting the bills can lead to multiple errors.
  • this is an important part of ‘guest convenience’, too.
  • Now, to avoid such confusion, you must ensure that your Hotel PMS and POS systems are integrated
  • With such an integration, bills from multiple outlets like F&B point, gym, or spa can be automatically charged to a guest room and the folio can be updated with no manual intervention. This whole process eliminates billing inconsistencies and helps you ensure a pleasant guest experience.
  • Because, today’s leading POS systems are all on the cloud. So, it becomes a tough and complicated task to integrate your on-premise PMS with your POS system that is on cloud too. Integrating multiple POS systems with your old and outdated legacy PMS is a mammoth-level hassle, that you’d much rather avoid. Not only is it cumbersome, it is also impractical in this day and age.
  • A cloud-based Hotel PMS can come to your rescue ,in this case.
  • What this translates to, for you, is having all your hotel-related data under one umbrella, in one single system, on one dashboard. Moving from an on-premise system to a cloud-based PMS gives you the luxury of automation, accuracy, time and most important of all- convenience.
    In today's fiercely competitive market adopting technology to grow your hotel business is essential, to avoid facing operational bottlenecks like Hotel A, unlike Hotel B who uses the latest technology to do smart hoteliering. This means getting a cloud based Hotel PMS which can easily integrate with a POS system that is also on the cloud. This translates into having all your hotel-related data under one umbrella in one single system, on one dashboard, giving you automation, accuracy, time and most importantly convenience. So during the stay, guests can order food from the restaurant, use the spa, the gym, the travel desk or the gift shop and pay for everything during checkout without being over or undercharged so both the hotel and guests remain happy and guests have a pleasant guest experience. In my opinion Hotel A needs to upgrade their technology to integrate the cloud PMS with the POS system also on the cloud and add other facilities to supplement revenue for the hotel when room occupancy might be down.

A viewpoint on GDS surcharges and the evolving airline distribution landscape | PhocusWire - 0 views

  • The fact is that the current system is old. It’s been around since the 60s and it has serious flaws baked into its older mainframe approach. Not so long ago, research revealed security flaws in PNRs as used by the GDS, which meant they could be easily hacked.
  • This means that travel agents’ bookings are swayed by the airlines they have preferred agreements with. It earns them bonus payments if they reach a certain volume each year. This can skew the equation away from the traveler's best interests.
  • The fact is that three main players still dominate the global travel distribution system.
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  • Recently, there have been disputes between certain airlines and the GDS.
  • Tensions between airlines and GDSs have been further exacerbated with carriers making more from unbundling their fares and then offering services like luggage, food and drink as add-ons. This move has been hugely profitable for airlines -- and has increased airline revenues by shielding these add-ons from middlemen.
  • European airlines have perhaps been most active in exploring models outside the GDS.
  • The fact is that it’s new technology that will guide and change the travel distribution system. Smaller players have more of an opportunity to create innovative solutions that do not involve the big three.
  • They have direct access to consumers and are pushing hard into selling travel. If Facebook opens up its user base of more than one billion people to travel companies you can imagine that many will jump on board.
  • Airlines have been heading towards a merchandising strategy for some time now, increasing profits and shifting from a service provider to a retailer.
  • However, there is no doubt that this is the path they need to take to grow and attract wider sales.
  • The fact is, in order to make these changes successfully they cannot be restricted by financial burdens, outdated systems and old technology. New platforms and systems need to be continuously developed to support them as the airlines’ business model evolves and passengers demand more from their carrier wherever they book their tickets.
    Some argue that the GDS is a fair system. It it does enable travel agents and clients to access travel data, make price comparisons, access special rates and book travel. The big 3 Travelport, Amaadeus, and Sabre do generate billions of dollars of global travel sales for travel providers. The fact is though that the current system is old, dating back to the 60's, has serious flaws, and can be hacked. It is also biased as travel agents bookings are swayed by the airlines they have preferred agreements with, which can skew the equation away from the traveler's best interests. Having 3 Big players with a virtual travel monopoly is not an ideal situation. Carriers are fighting back and airlines are changing strategy. Tension between airlines and the GDS caused by disputes has European airlines exploring models outside the GDS. To make the changes successful they cannot be restricted by outdated systems, old technology or financial burdens.

Cloud Computing Is Crucial To The Future Of Our Societies -- Here's Why - 0 views

  • Cloud will provide the digital infrastructure of tomorrow’s cities, where an estimated 6 billion of the world’s population will live by 2045. Smart elevators and parking lots, driverless cars and drone taxis, trains and subways, farms and power plants -- all will be safer and better managed, thanks to the cloud’s ability to store and analyze data.
  • The cloud will also be transformative for companies, especially small and mid-sized businesses, as data analytics, artificial intelligence and other capabilities become available as services.
  • A utilities cloud will automatically repair faults in the power grid to ensure that homes and businesses get the electricity they need.
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  • A commercial aviation cloud will help airlines manage ground operations such as maintenance, fueling, baggage handling, and cabin cleaning, thereby increasing efficiency and helping flights take off on time.
  • A banking cloud will let financial institutions scan thousands of transactions per second to prevent fraud.
  • The cloud will also help society cope with growing volumes of data. This includes applications like high-definition video, which Huawei estimates will account for 89% of individual user traffic by 2025.
  • The cloud will support emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and help them to adapt to new platforms such as mobile. When smartphone sales overtook sales of PCs in 2011, mobile became the world’s largest computing platform. Naturally, AI has made its way into phones.
  • Because inference needs to process data in real time, all the time, even tomorrow’s super-advanced smartphones won’t be able to meet the computing demands imposed by AI. They’ll have to rely on the processing power of the cloud.
  • In particular, video will feature prominently in tomorrow’s vehicles, providing in-car entertainment, enhancing road safety by allowing drivers to “see through” other vehicles, and making cars more secure. To thwart burglars, vandals and car thieves, many cars now have multiple security cameras. Video footage can be stored on a secure digital card inside the car or beamed up to the cloud.
    The cloud will provide the digital infrastructure for the cities of tomorrow, where an estimated 6 billion of the world's population will live by 2045. A commercial aviation cloud will help airlines. A utilities cloud will automatically repair faults in the power grid to ensure a smooth supply of power to homes and businesses. A banking cloud will scan thousands of transactions per second to prevent fraud. The cloud will help society cope with growing volumes of data. High definition video will account for 89% of individual user traffic by 2025, of which image and video content will be for non-entertainment purposes. The cloud will support the emerging artificial intelligence technologies which will be adapted to mobile use, notably the cell phones which overlook PC sales in 2011. Although driverless cars are still a ways off, it will be realized soon, thanks to the power of the cloud.

Information Technology A Boon To Hospitality Industry | By NP Chandra Shekhar, CHA, MHC... - 3 views

  • Information is the key for decision making in any business. Getting the right information at the right time, at the right place and faster makes lot of difference in any business and so especially in Hospitality Business where the decisions are taken instantly in some levels.
  • It is a combination of the Right People and the Right System that makes a business successful.
  • Computer cannot replace men!
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  • A good Information Technology System comprise of three components, Systems, Software and Hardware.
  • From the time of reservation until the time customer checks-out of the hotel everything is recorded and the data is available. The computer system really monitors the guest requirement, their likes and dislikes, their wants and satisfaction levels in a readable way that helps the hotel enhance their future services.
  • Information and good service is the key for success in hospitality industry.
  • Selecting the right type of system is most important for any hotel operation. Most of the hotels use special software made for hotels which are generally called as Property Management System (PMS).
  • Normally, all systems comes with Room Division – with Front Office System and House Keeping Module, Food and Beverage Division – with Point of Sale and Back End system – with Accounting, Inventory, Human Resources.
  • System requirement for each facility differs and it should preferably be a cost effective solution.
  • Good IT personnel should have the knowledge of all the three components, i.e., System (flow of each activity), Software (that translate the activity in measurable terms both quantitatively and qualitatively) and Hardware (Media through which we can see these activities). All this should reflect in primarily guest satisfaction, staff satisfaction, management satisfaction and owner satisfaction.
  • Yet, man made the computer and not the other way.
  • Man cannot be replaced at any level.
    As the topic suggests information is the key for decision making in any business. Computerized modern information technology should make this process much quicker and more efficient. But, of course, as the old saying goes "Garbage in Garbage out." So it is a combination of the Right People and the Right System that makes a business successful. Computers cannot replace men. Good people along with a good computerized system is necessary. The software used for any hospitality business needs to be tailored to the specific needs of that organization depending on whether they primarily sell just room service or whether they offer a lot of food and beverage service or other services. Good I.T personnel should have good knowledge of all three components: System (flow of each activity), Software (that translate the activity in measurable terms both quantitatively and qualitatively) and Hardware (media through which we can see these activities) To achieve this at least two months of training should be done, of which one month must be on the job training. Once an appropriate mix of competent people and a good system is set up this should reflect in guest satisfaction, staff satisfaction, management satisfaction and owner satisfaction.
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