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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Donald Wojciechowski

Donald Wojciechowski

Choice Hotels Launches New Division to Market Cloud-Based PMS | News | Hospitality Maga... - 0 views

  • Choice Hotels International Inc. has announced the launch of SkyTouch Technology, a new division that develops and markets cloud-based technology products to help hoteliers industry-wide improve their efficiency and profitability
  • solution that draws on Choice’s award-winning choiceADVANTAGE property management system
  • choiceADVANTAGE has become the most widely used cloud-based property management system in the world, with more than 5,500 successful installations
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  • ability to connect seamlessly with other systems used by chain and independent hotels.
    This article discusses how choice hotels international has launched a new technology called SkyTouch. The technology is a cloud-based property and rate management system that claims to improve efficiency and profitability. Much of the technology is based on choiceAVANTAGE which is said to be the most widely used cloud-based property management system currently in the world. SkyTouch is similar to choice advantage however in addition it gives the ability to connect seamlessly with other systems used by the property.
Donald Wojciechowski

PhoneSuite Introduces Innovative Voiceware VoIP Hotel Phone System - 0 views

  • Voiceware by PhoneSuite is a server-based core that’s compatible with the latest full-featured SIP phones from a variety of manufacturers, yet still works with a hotel’s existing standard guestroom phones
  • he system can be run on-property or “in the cloud,” and allows hoteliers to choose the features that make sense for their operation,
  • Voiceware offers more functionality and an interface that’s easier to use than traditional hotel front desk consoles.
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  • PhoneSuite’s phone systems for economy to midscale properties integrate seamlessly with Property Management Systems and eliminate hours of training with an easy-to-use console
    This article discusses a new VoIP telephone solution for hotel properties of various sizes. The system works existing phones in hotel rooms can be run on or off the property. The system claims to be guest centric in that all services such as wake-up calls, preferred languages, group affiliation are tied to the guest account not a phone. Guess are even given the ability to access many features of the system on or off property. Administratively the system claims to be more functional and easier to use than traditional front desk consoles. if I was the operator I would consider this VoIP system when evaluating phone systems.what I find most attractive is that it to be run in the cloud and various modules can be added based upon the level of service I felt was necessary for my property.
Donald Wojciechowski

Red Lion Hotels Completes Expansion of Its Credit Facility with Wells Fargo :: Hotel Fi... - 0 views

  • Red Lion Hotels Corporation (NYSE: RLH) announced last Thrusday that the company has completed the expansion of its credit facility agreement with Wells Fargo Bank
  • Under the secured facility, Red Lion Hotels obtained $45 million in a term loan with a 15-year amortization maturing in June 2018.
  • Proceeds from the term loan were used to refinance approximately $38 million in maturing CMBS debt and pay expenses in connection with the transaction.
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  • "Since June 2011, Red Lion Hotels has reduced its debt by over $58 million and purchased $37 million of leased properties using proceeds from the sale of assets," said Shiflett
  • The Red Lion Hotels and Red Lion Inn & Suites network is comprised of 51 hotels with 9,088 rooms and 471,687 square feet of meeting space. The Leo Hotel Collection is comprised of one hotel with 2,956 rooms and 220,000 square feet of meeting space. The Company also owns and operates an entertainment and event ticket distribution business.
    This article discusses how red lion hotels secured a $45 million loan the 15 year amortization maturing in June 2018 proceeds were used to refinance maturing debt and pay expenses in connection with the transaction. The transaction is being done with Wells Fargo. Red lion hotels Corporation is a hospitality company that is engaged in ownership franchising and operation hotels in 10 states is of May 29 they had 53 hotels system wide
Donald Wojciechowski

Plugging into a new green trend | National Restaurant Association - 0 views

  • Add a term to the vocabulary of green-minded restaurateurs: e-cycling, or keeping discarded computers, TVs, POS systems and other electronic devices out of landfills.
  • "Recycling is not a choice anymore,"
  • • Take-back program
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  • • Donation.
  • • Commercial recyclers.
  • "Anything with an on-off switch can be recycled,"
    This article discusses one of the topics we had in class regarding the environment in the hospitality industry. Consequently, I thought I would do an additional post for this topic. The article discusses e-cycling and what should be done with electronic devices in the hospitality industry. More and more states are passing legislation to be prohibiting the general dumping of electronic equipment. This will have an effect on hotels that are disposing of old televisions and restaurants that are disposing of old computer systems. In fact "anything with an on-off switch can be recycled". The article gives three suggestions for hospitality companies to consider when disposing of e-waste. First, consider donation to local schools and charities. Second, inquire as to whether the manufacturer has a takeback program. Third, seek out and only use a commercial recycler for disposing of the trunk equipment
Donald Wojciechowski

FDA Cracks Down on Company's Facebook "Likes" : Food Liability Law Blog - 0 views

  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently published a December 11, 2012 warning letter on its website that cited a dietary supplement company for its improper social media activity
  • the warning letter explained that the supplement company’s “liking” of a consumer testimonial posted to its product Facebook page was a violative claim in that it established the product as a drug intended to cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent a disease
    I found this article interesting because I never knew the FDA would consider a Facebook "Likes" as a product endorsement. Although the article discusses the FDA's warning letter to a supplement company could this warning also apply to the hospitality industry? An example would be a claim about the benefits from a spot treatment at a resort or the health benefits of a herbal tea? The FDA has scrutinized social media over a dozen times in the last two years for making improper claims on Facebook or twitter but, it is the first time the FDA interpreted that a like implies endorsement of an approved claim. The article also discusses the FDA will next look at re-tweeting posts on twitter or +1 on Google plus. I agree with the article that in view of the FDA's actions special consideration should be giving to social media marketing strategies.
Donald Wojciechowski

Hotel Technology Trends Revolutionising the Industry | Hotel Industry Magazine - 6 views

  • Cloud / Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Software delivered as a service, rather than held on premise is already a mainstream technology topic and despite being a new concept in the hospitality sect
  • As hotel technology trends continue to develop at a relentless pace
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  • Mobility
  • Mobile is the new face of computing as devices such as tablets and smartphones revolutionise the way we interact with technology.
  • investment
  • 3. Social
  • For any hotel to not at least monitor social media is tantamount to willingly flying blind.
  • Personalised Systems
  • Customers expect their experience within a hotel to be totally personalised
  • Integration
  • Globalisation
  • This means that the technology systems in use – especially those in large chains – must account for the global perspective.
  • All of these trends have already brought about a profound change in the hospitality industry – and they will continue to disrupt and redefine operations.
    This article discusses hardware and software trends in the hospitality industry. Article discusses six points that are having a major effect on the hospitality industry. The first area is the definite shift from software held in-house to software used in the cloud. The article estimates that around 85% of all inquiries are from companies that are looking to use the cloud for software needs. The second item article discusses his mobility. The use of devices such as tablets and smart phones are revolutionizing the way people interact with technology this is also revolutionizing the hospitality industry. The third area that the article discusses the social media and the profound impact it has had has had on the hospitality industry. Article points to trip advisor who has become one of the major sources of information for people researching holidays travel, hotels and leisure facilities. The fourth area in which hardware and software is changing hospitality industry is the feeling of a personalized experience. People are expecting that their experience within the hotel to be personalized and technology is helping the industry personalized their experience. The fifth area is the integration of the hardware and software from the many specialized facilities within a property. Traditionally golf spas have operated their own individual software system now that software system is integrated into the overall properties software system. The last area of hardware and software trends that is changing industry is an area of globalization. Properties will need to adapt their two different management approaches to survive in high levels of economic uncertainty. Consequently, brands with large chains must look at their business from a global perspective.
Donald Wojciechowski

GDSs are still strong in the US hotel market | Tnooz - 0 views

  • In the US hotel market, global distribution systems (GDSs) are as strong as ever, when the data is looked at in a certain light.
  • The resilience of GDSs flies in the face of a decade’s worth of industry chatter that GDSs are experiencing rapid decline
  • GDSs have a cost advantage over OTAs. That’s partly because of the higher value of the transactions they typically process at volume, compared with the typical bookings that come through central reservation offices
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  • The major GDSs are racing with each other to become more dynamic and allow hoteliers to connect to travel agents at the point of sale and increase upsells of guests on amenities
    This article discusses how GDS's are still going strong in US Hotel industry. 55 million hotel reservations made last year through GDS according to Travelclick in e-commerce service provider. PhoCusWright estimates that GDS is represent 10% of all hotel revenue. Furthermore according to a study by the American Hotel and lodging Association 1.3 billion in fees were paid by hotels on base revenue of about 100 billion. The article states that these fees are usually passed on to the travel agents. Comparably bookings made through online travel agencies is nearly double that figure at approximately 2.5 billion on the same 100 billion of base revenue. The article concludes by saying that business travelers tend to stay at properties with higher average daily rates pushing up the average chance action on the GDS bookings.
Donald Wojciechowski

Hotel Cyber-Security | Past Issues | Past Issues - 0 views

  • Hotel cyber-security is facing increasing scrutiny from federal regulators.
  • last June the Federal Trade Commission sued Wyndham Worldwide hotels after apparently unsophisticated hackers allegedly stole the credit card information of more than 600,000 customers leading to a more than $10.6 million fraud loss
  • The FTC has claimed that Wyndham did not maintain appropriate firewalls, did not configure security software to protect credit card information, did not remedy known security vulnerabilities, and failed to use complex passwords allowing hackers to infiltrate through “brute force” – essentially by guessing the password of the administrator.
    This article discusses the Federal Trade commission's actions against Wyndham Worldwide Hotels. Unsophisticated hackers breached the hotels system and obtained the credit card records of 600,000 guests, causing the FTC to claim that the hotel group did not maintain proper system security. However, several groups file a Amicus Brief that the FTC is not clear as to what security standards they require. Currently the FTC requirements "will depend on the size and complexity of the business, the nature and scope of its activities, and the sensitivity of the information at issue". This means to many in the industry that company does not know if they are maintain proper security in the eyes of the FTC until they are sued by the FTC. The article goes on to say that a company should "Review your privacy policy immediately to insure it is compliant with the most recent standards and that the data security systems in place are actually consistent with the stated policy".
Donald Wojciechowski

Carbon footprint, guest sensors, door sensors, motion detector, Night Occupancy Mode, V... - 0 views

  • Modern systems have managed to finally link cost-effectiveness with environmental sustainability, though many properties are still struggling to grasp what the best way is to control the energy output of the hotel guestroom.
  • motion detectors and door switch sensors are commonly used in collaboration with one another in the guestroom.
  • the majority of a hotel’s energy savings is received through management of the property’s HVAC system
    This article discusses the various options for reducing both a hotels energy costs and its carbon footprint. Many times a hotel will combine a door sensor with a motion detector. However, some in industry argue that a door sensor is over unnecessary. Real saving is energy is achieved through "through management of the property's HVAC system". Whatever system is installed it is best to err on the side of the guest. Door sensors can be tell if a guest has enterer or exited a room. But if a motion detector is installed it can be sure of a guests presence.
Donald Wojciechowski

Aloha POS System Review for Restaurants - Gourmet Marketing - 1 views

  • Aloha Point-Of-Sale software is one of the industry leaders in restaurant POS systems and most restaurant owners have some familiarity with the system.
  • Critics of the software feel that the costs are too high, and customers must pay for every upgrade.
  • Large operations and chain stores gain many benefits from Aloha software, but smaller restaurants might consider other options or buy limited versions of Aloha for their immediate needs.
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  • Most POS systems make it easy for staff to learn how to use them, but Aloha surpasses industry standards by offering more than 300 training modules to educate employees and management teams.
  • System tools track frequent diners, store customer-feedback information and analyze in-store and online ordering statistics to help managers craft better advertising campaigns.
  • Ordering strategies prove critical to restaurant success because perishable foods have limited shelf lives, and this software helps to develop restaurant specials to use highly perishable ingredients within acceptable time guidelines.
  • Faster processing speeds empower real-time seating strategies, incorporate customer requests and give more accurate waiting-time estimates.
  • Technology advances create increasingly affordable POS options such as wireless devices that might offer easier transitions for small restaurants. Many smaller operations find the cost of Aloha systems a significant obstacle.
    This article gives a good short look at the pros and cons of the Aloha POS system. The system is one of the most popular POS systems used in the industry. Aloha is currently used by small independent restaurants, local franchises, and national chains. The system is said to be a blend of many systems. NCR recently purchases Radiant Systems the developer of Aloha. The system includes both hardware and software. Some of the benefits of the system include the large number of training modules. Operationally the system has a "intelligent tracking system including on-screen dashboards that update in real-time to assist in management decisions in both FOH and BOH areas". In addition, the system can "personalized service by identifying repeat customers, remembering their preferences and keeping track of VIP guests". Back office features that are included with the system are labor assignments and work schedules. The systems also can keep track of maintenance, cleaning schedules, and daily duties. On the management side the system is said to provide "complete system control". Some critics of the system say the disadvantages are that the costs are too high and that restaurants pay for every upgrade. The quality of service depends on the quality of the local vender. Hardware may need to be changed with new upgrades is software adding to the high costs than expected by customers. After reading this article my feeling is that for an small independent restaurant the Aloha system might not seem like a good choice after considering the total cost of the system. Smaller, less complex systems seems like the way to go.
Donald Wojciechowski

Employee-Tracking Data Making Case for Working Face to Face - 0 views

  • In 2008, Bank of America became one of the first organizations to test electronic badges that tracked and analyzed employee behavior. The experiment, in which call-center workers agreed to be followed electronically for a month, found that groups of employees who spent time together were more productive.
  • The tracking-badge technology used in the Bank of America tests, developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab
  • “Human social interaction is rapidly becoming more measurable at a large scale, thanks to always-on sensors like cellphones. The next challenge is to use what we learn from this behavioral data to influence or enhance how people work with each other,”
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  • Based on Sociometric Solutions’ finding that people who ate in larger lunch groups were more productive,
  • Human resources consultant and writer Susan Heathfield of Williamston, Mich., agreed that creativity and productivity are better when employees work together on site.
  • “We have found that when we put together teams of seven to 12 people and give them an assignment,” they do phenomenally and socialize more than people sitting in cubicles,
  • Michael Arena, a former Bank of America executive, believes that more companies will adopt sensor technology to assess and improve performance.
    This article discusses the use of electronic badges to analyze employee behavior. Over all it found that employees that spent time together were more productive. Other options to track and analyze employee behavior are with cell phones. The use of technology in badges to track and analyze employees was developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab. The article discusses the next challenge is to learn from the data collected and then influence how people work together. The badges do not collect actual voice discussions of the employee. The data collected is limited to employee movement, the tone of their voice and with whom they are talking. Office design is one area that the data is being used. For example, a water cooler may be placed is a specific location to make sure certain employees come in contact with each other. Other studies have shown that employees, such as programmers, who work in groups, are 8% more efficient when collaboration on a project is needed then working remotely. Overall the general consensus of the article is that creativity and productivity are better when people work together on site.
Donald Wojciechowski

Health Care Law's Employer Mandate Delayed Until January 2015 - 0 views

  • The Obama administration caught the U.S. business community by surprise when it announced a one-year delay, until Jan. 1, 2015, in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA or ACA) mandate that employers with 50 or more full-time-equivalent employees provide health care coverage to their full-time employees (those working on average 30 or more hours per week) or pay steep penalties.
  • However, “Many ACA provisions are unaffected by the delay, and employers must continue to implement and comply with them
  • “New individual and group health plan requirements taking effect for 2014 plan years include a ban on annual dollar limits on essential health benefits, a 90-day limit on eligibility waiting periods, new out-of-pocket limit maximums, the elimination of preexisting conditions exclusions for adults, and coverage of clinical trial participant costs.”
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  • Also remaining in place, for instance, are the reform act's requirement that most employer-provided health care include coverage for recommended preventive care—including contraceptive services for women with no cost-sharing
  • A critical view of health care reform was reiterated by the National Federation of Independent Business, a small-business lobby long opposed to the reform act. “Temporary relief is small consolation; we need a permanent fix to this provision to provide long-term relief for small employers,”
    This article deals with the recent announcement (although in the view of many an illegal announcement) of the Obama administrations one year delay in the employer mandate until January 1, 2015. This announcement leaves still leaves in place the individual mandate. The reason for the delay was to provide time to adapt health coverage and reporting systems while employers are moving toward making health coverage affordable and accessible for their employees. However, there are many points in the ACA that will still go into effect as listed in the highlighted sections of this article. Several business groups are commenting on the delay and providing further direction such as the United Benefit Advisors. The UBA group has posted a listing on what actually has been delayed and what remains a requirement. All groups agree that the added time will give business some breathing room while companies continue to decipher the actual effects and requirements of the ACA. Either way now that the bill is passed and signed into law one thing is for certain, the smoke has cleared and none or the promises made by the administration of what the bill would do are true.
Donald Wojciechowski

Meeting Planners Use Hilton's e-Events to Create Custom Web Pages | News | Hospitality ... - 0 views

    • Donald Wojciechowski
      The Hilton Family of hotels has launched a new feature for event planners to create their own custom web pages for groups of 25 or more. The feature will be called e-Events and will be available at the following brands: Hilton, Conrad, Doubletree, Embassy suites, Hampton Hotels, Hilton Garden Inn, Hilton Grand Vacations, Homewood suites by Hilton, and the Waldorf Astoria Collection. The service is customizable for business groups, special events and sports trips at hotels in North America. Bob Brooks, vice president of eSales feels the service will give more choice and better control to a meeting planner because the service will be available 24/7. One of the features for planners is the Guest List Manager. This feature will give planners real time access to their group's reservation details.
  • Following the launch of its online group bookings for small functions of up to 25 guest rooms, called e-Events, the Hilton Family of Hotels has launched the next phase of its electronic event planning tool: complimentary Personalized Group Web Pages.
  • Features of the Personalized Group Web Pages include:
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  • ability for event planners to create their own Personalized Group Web Page
  • Complete control placed in the hands of the event planner without depending on hotel
  • A means for event planners to promote their events and display important event details for attendees/guests
  • A booking mechanism that directly links to the group block
    The Hilton Family of hotels has launched a new feature for event planners to create their own custom web pages for groups of 25 or more. The feature will be called e-Events and will be available at the following brands: Hilton, Conrad, Doubletree, Embassy suites, Hampton Hotels, Hilton Garden Inn, Hilton Grand Vacations, Homewood suites by Hilton, and the Waldorf Astoria Collection. The service is customizable for business groups, special events and sports trips at hotels in North America. Bob Brooks, vice president of eSales feels the service will give more choice and better control to a meeting planner because the service will be available 24/7. One of the features for planners is the Guest List Manager. This feature will give planners real time access to their group's reservation details.
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