An interesting site. Someone has scanned in Charles Booth's 1889 map showing London poverty. You can zoom in to street level and see which are vicious, poor areas and which are stable, middle-class ones. Fascinating.
"The Enlightenment was the period of time during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries marked by the increased use of reason to answer philosophical questions. It was characteristic of the people during this time to remain skeptical of the truths that previous generations had believed in. They believed that it was their job to "enlighten the masses" in order to improve society. As an enlightened society, it would be much easier to prevent poverty and oppression in society. Enlightenment philosophers also believed that once society was engaged in reason and knowledge it would only be a short time before humanity as a whole would make great progress."
Upton Sinclair, letter to Norman Thomas (25th September, 1951)
American People will take Socialis
m, but they won't take the label. I certainly proved it in the case of EPIC. Running on the Socialist ticket I got 60,000 votes, and running on the slogan to "End Poverty in California" I got 879,000. I think we simply have to recognize the fact that our enemies have succeeded in spreading the Big Lie. There is no use at
The Library's collection of more than 500 broadsides is one of the largest recorded and the first to be digitized in its entirety. The examples digitized here span the years 1707 to 1891 and include accounts of executions for such crimes as arson, assault, counterfeiting, horse stealing, murder, rape, robbery, and treason. Many of the broadsides vividly describe the results of sentences handed down at London's central criminal court, the Old Bailey, the proceedings of which are now available online at
"The Library's collection of more than 500 broadsides is one of the largest recorded and the first to be digitized in its entirety. The examples digitized here span the years 1707 to 1891 and include accounts of executions for such crimes as arson, assault, counterfeiting, horse stealing, murder, rape, robbery, and treason. Many of the broadsides vividly describe the results of sentences handed down at London's central criminal court, the Old Bailey, the proceedings of which are now available online at" Always good to find sources on one's ancestors...
This is a record of the proceedings of the Old Bailey in London from the 17th to the early 20th centuries. Very useful for a study of poverty and crime in Britain during the Empire or even the convicts that every single Australian believes they are descended from.
O fotógrafo carioca José Roberto Ripper tem como proposta colocar a fotografia a serviço dos Direitos Humanos. Sua especialidade é a fotografia social, documental e o fotojornalismo. Com militância trabalhista e sindical e longa experiência em jornais e revistas, Ripper criou e coordenou a Imagens da Terra, nos anos 1990, entidade sem fins lucrativos especializada na fotografia documental de denúncia social. Entre os temas que permeiam o trabalho do fotógrafo estão a vida do homem do campo, o habitat indígena, a seca do Nordeste, o trabalho de carvoeiros a crianças em Mato Grosso do Sul.
"London Lives focuses on the perspectives of common Londoners in the 18th-century...This project offers access to hundreds of thousands of primary sources pulled from eight London archives, publicly surfacing over three million names of 18th-century plebeian Londoners."