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David Hilton

Old Bailey Online - The Proceedings of the Old Bailey, 1674-1913 - Central Criminal Court - 1 views

    This is a record of the proceedings of the Old Bailey in London from the 17th to the early 20th centuries. Very useful for a study of poverty and crime in Britain during the Empire or even the convicts that every single Australian believes they are descended from.
Chris Andrews

ABC online education - 7 views

    Educational games, Teaching resources, Schools, Mathematics, History, Science, English, Primary resources, Maths games, Education, Free, Videos
    This video was very interesting, enjoyable and truthful. I have added it to Slave trade has been around a long time. It replaced the practice of killing or eating those who lost in battle. Weren't most American slaves or their ancestors first enslaved by Africans who lost in battle to other Africans?
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