"The Industrial Revolution had a profound effect on all levels of society in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. How people lived and worked changed significantly during this time."
A fast, fun overview of world history content.
Comparable in some ways to The Millennium series by CNN.
Some think this would be good for "flipping" the classroom. I happen to disagree - since it is too fast. Better for review imo.
My students LOVE LOVE LOVE this series! I use them as unit openers in my honors world history class to previw the big ideas and hook them to that unit. I create higher order thinking type questions they answer after or questions where they predict things about the unit. But the videos are awesome!
Lowell National Park like the Mass Historical Society see "Coming of the American Revolution" below offers a NEH Landmarks Program. They do a nice job. http://www.uml.edu/tsongas/NEH/