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David Hilton

After the Day of Infamy: 'Man-on-the-Street' Interviews Following the Attack on Pearl H... - 0 views

    Might be interesting as a compare/contrast activity with interviews/media accounts from September 12, 2001?
    After the Day of Infamy: "Man-on-the-Street" Interviews Following the Attack on Pearl Harbor presents approximately twelve hours of opinions recorded in the days and months following the bombing of Pearl Harbor from more than two hundred individuals in cities and towns across the United States. On December 8, 1941 (the day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor)
Lisa Rosa

Geiss, Rüsenkritik, Narrativismuskritik - 0 views

    • Lisa Rosa
      Sinn-Verständnis: zu platt und Verwechslung von gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung und persönlichem Sinn; zugleich die Vorstellung, gesellschaftlicher Sinn sei allgemein und lebenspraktisch, (Rüsen spricht von lebensdienlich!)
    • Lisa Rosa
      Es sind genau genommen erkenntnistheoretische Fragen von Gesellschaftswissenschaften, ja Wissenschaft überhaupt. Nur als solche behandelt - nicht fachwissenschaftlich verengt - sind sie nützlich bearbeitbar. Es ist die Arbeit mit dem Paradigma, dass jede Erkenntnis/Wissenschaft perspektivisch ist. Das erkennende Subjekt kann sich noch nicht einmal aus den Natur-Gegenständen seines Erkennens "herausrechenen" - wie viel weniger aus den Kultur-Gegenständen. Die Frage ist nicht, ob, sondern WIE mit diesem als Tatsache aufzufassenden Umstand umgegangen werden kann/muss/sollte. Das ist keine in erster Linie fachspezifische Frage. Sie muss auf einer allgemeinen Ebene geklärt werden und in der Fachwissenschaft konkretisiert. D.h. meine apriori - und es gibt, wie wir wissen immer welche - liegen gar nicht in der fachwissenschaftlichen Problematik, sondern davor.
    • Lisa Rosa
      Die Aufteilung in einen "normativ kontaminierten" Bereich (Wahl des Forschungsgegenstands) und einen davon freien, "reinen" Forschungsbereich ist epistemologischer crap.
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • Sinnstiftung
    • Lisa Rosa
      Sinnstiftung? Auch Sinn im Rüsenschen Sinne ist nicht gestiftet, sondern vom psychischen System/gesellschaftlichen System gebildet (konstruiert), kann also nicht - wie Stiftung nahelegt - von außen in das System hineingelegt werden.
    • Lisa Rosa
      Nipperdeys Kritik war Kritik gesellschaftlich relevanten Fragen an die Geschichte. Eine Auswahl des Gegenstands, ausgehend von Fragen, ist immer. Auch Nipperdey wählt. Und er wählt andere - für ihn sinnmachende! - Gegenstände, mglw, um sich in die "objektive" Geschichte vor den politischen Konflikten der Gegenwart zu retten. (Das ist die Figur des "Archivbegeisterten", der womöglich sein ganzes Leben der Deutung einer einzigen lateinischen Quelle aus dem MA widmet. Das ist persönlicher Sinn! Und er schafft Orientierung, indem er von den für die Gegenwart belangvollen Gegenständen und Fragen wegführt.
    • Lisa Rosa
      Die Verkürzung der Apriori - die ja gar nichts mit Normativität zu tun haben müssen! - aufs Normative - und das platte "lebensweltliche" als Verständnis der Frage- und Orientierungsnotwendigkeit aus der Gegenwart - die ja auch nicht auf das sog. "Lebensweltliche", d.h. den Alltag reduziert werden dürfen" - zeigt die Züge einer Strohmann-Argumentation
  • Stiftung von Sinn
    • Lisa Rosa
    • Lisa Rosa
      Wenn Geschichtsschreibung keine gesellschaftliche Funktion hat - was ist sie dann? "Reine Erkenntnis"? Och nö, so ein Rückfall. Rüsen hat zuRecht den Nipperdey überdauert. Ausgraben von Mumien ist nicht Geschichtswissenschaft, eher Archäologie ...
  • So man denn unbedingt will, mag man auch hier von Erzählung sprechen,
    • Lisa Rosa
      und das tut man heute auch - "Erzählung" ist die Konkretisierung von Vorstellungen unter dem herrschenden (oder nicht herrschenden) Paradigma. Alle Wissenschaft, die Zeit, also historische Prozesse zum Gegenstand hat, muss Ereignisse entlang der Zeit anordnen (unter mindestens 1 Ordnungskriterium)
    • Lisa Rosa
      Theorien sind eben nicht die Erzählung selbst - sondern die dahinter liegende theoretische Vorstellung, die den "Inhalt" der Erzählung organisiert.
  • Wenn Marc Blochs These zutrifft, dass im Grunde alle empirischen Wis-senschaften historisch sind, weil sie immer nur Vergangenes analysieren können, dann mag es angehen, auch die Naturwissenschaften in ihren Erkenntnisweisen als ›narrativ‹ zu bezeichnen.45 Aber was leistet dies dann für die Beantwortung der Frage, was historische Erkenntnis in Wissenschaft und Schule genuin ausmacht oder ausmachen sollte?46
    • Lisa Rosa
      Soll etwa die "Leistungfähigkeit für die Schule" begründen, ob Bloch zuzustimmen ist?
    • Lisa Rosa
      Schade, zu schnell verworfen! Denn Dantos weiter Erzählbegriff könnte tatsächlich dazu führen, dass endlich verstanden wird, dass alle Wissenschaften eine historische Dimension enthalten/brauchen. Historisches Denken ist nicht bloß ein Denken in dem Fach Geschichte der Menschheit. Es ist die permanente historische Einbettung aller Gegenstände von Wissenschaft.
    • Lisa Rosa
      Hier wird offenbar dem Narrativismus-Prinzip Subjektivismus unterstellt. Strohmann
  • Vielmehr wird ein solcher Unterricht narrative Sinnentwürfe der Vergangenheit62 und Gegenwart konsequent zu seinem Objekt machen.
    • Lisa Rosa
      Das ist eine gute Idee!
  • kritische Analyse von in Gesellschaft und Öffentlichkeit vorliegenden »Sinnstiftungsofferten« im historischen Lernen eine ungleich größere Rolle spielen muss als die Generierung von Sinn auf direk-ter Quellenbasis.63
  • Dabei spielt der Gedanke eines »Konzept-wechsels« eine wesentliche Rolle:
    • Lisa Rosa
  • Der damit verbundene Erkenntnisfortschritt vollzieht sich recht analog zum naturwissen-schaftlichen Lernen, wo es auf das fachlich angemessenere Verständnis eines vor-wissenschaftlichen Konzepts ankommt.72
David Hilton

ULIB - 5 views

    "Digital technology can make the works of man permanently accessible to the billions of people all over the world. Andrew Carnegie and other great philanthropists in past centuries have recognized the great potential of public libraries to improve the quality of life and provide opportunity to the citizenry. A universal digital library, widely available through free access on the Internet, will improve the global society in ways beyond measurement. The Internet can house a Universal Library that is free to the people."
    Couldn't agree more. They reckon their collection will grow to over 10 million texts. An electronic Alexandria. It's the ability to sort the wheat from the chaff that makes Diigo such a powerful tool. Especially now it looks so sexy!
Aaron Shaw

Desiderius Erasmus, 1466-1536 - 3 views

    "The Dutch humanist, Desiderius Erasmus, was born at Rotterdam, apparently on October 28, 1466, the illegitimate son of a physician's daughter by a man who afterwards turned monk."
Kay Cunningham

Geology of National Parks - 2 views

    Browse both 3D and standard photographic images of the United States National Parks. Selected field guides available. Subjects include igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks; weathering; glacier, coastal, and stream valley landforms; features of deserts and caverns; forests and plants; animals; native and prehistoric cultures; and man-made features.
HistoryGrl14 .

Renaissance Humanism - 7 views

  • The return to favor of the pagan classics stimulated the philosophy of secularism, the appreciation of worldly pleasures, and above all intensified the assertion of personal independence and individual expression. Zeal for the classics was a result as well as a cause of the growing secular view of life. Expansion of trade, growth of prosperity and luxury, and widening social contacts generated interest in worldly pleasures, in spite of formal allegiance to ascetic Christian doctrine. Men thus affected -- the humanists -- welcomed classical writers who revealed similar social values and secular attitudes.
  • Renaissance man may indeed have found himself suspended between faith and reason.
  • Human experience, man himself, tended to become the practical measure of all things. The ideal life was no longer a monastic escape from society, but a full participation in rich and varied human relationships.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536), one of the greatest humanists, occupied a position midway between extreme piety and frank secularism. Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374) represented conservative Italian humanism
    could be a good site for starting a discussion on Humanism with students?...
Mark Moran

On This Day: Roald Amundsen Becomes First Man to Reach South Pole - 3 views

    On Dec. 14, 1911, Roald Amundsen and four fellow Norwegian explorers became the first men to reach the South Pole, beating the ill-fated team of British Capt. Robert F. Scott by just over a month.
Lance Mosier

Teacher Guide - George Washington: A National Treasure - 7 views

    This Teacher Resource Guide is designed for incorporation into history and social studies curricula. It will introduce your students to some of the events and issues that shaped George Washington's life. The activities should enhance your students' knowledge of Washington and expand their horizons about this complex and interesting man.
Aaron Shaw

Albert Einstein « Art Canyon - 7 views

    "But Einstein kept God at the center of its research activities throughout his life. He shares this passion during one day with a young physics student, "I am not a family man. I want my peace. " I want to know how God created this world. I'm not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know his thoughts, the rest is detail. ""
venky0235 - 0 views

    Let's take a walk down the memory lane. Remember the first time you learned to ride a bicycle? Or the first time you cooked something by yourself? Well, it obviously wasn't easy, especially when there was nobody to guide you. Now, imagine if there was someone who had guided you or told you how do cook or ride a bicycle? It'd be much easier, right? Similarly, while growing up students go through so much confusion when it comes to which career path to choose. Not only do they have troubles with their careers and streams but also go through an emotional and physical rollercoaster ride. There are different opinions that every individual has, hence each person is unique with their own set of interests, capabilities, pros, and cons. Money is not what defines a successful man, it is also about one's skills and talent, ability and passion. This is where career counselling comes into the picture.
Aaron Shaw

Confucius (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) - 4 views

    "Confucius (551-479 BCE), according to Chinese tradition, was a thinker, political figure, educator, and founder of the Ru School of Chinese thought. His teachings, preserved in the Lunyu or Analects, form the foundation of much of subsequent Chinese speculation on the education and comportment of the ideal man, how such an individual should live his live and interact with others, and the forms of society and government in which he should participate. Fung Yu-lan, one of the great 20th century authorities on the history of Chinese thought, compares Confucius' influence in Chinese history with that of Socrates in the West."
Ed Webb

Timbuktu mayor: Mali rebels torched library of historic manuscripts | World news | guar... - 1 views

  • Islamist insurgents retreating from Timbuktu set fire to a library containing thousands of priceless historic manuscripts,
  • The manuscripts had survived for centuries in Timbuktu, on the remote south-west fringe of the Sahara desert. They were hidden in wooden trunks, buried in boxes under the sand and in caves. When French colonial rule ended in 1960, Timbuktu residents held preserved manuscripts in 60-80 private libraries.The vast majority of the texts were written in Arabic. A few were in African languages, such as Songhai, Tamashek and Bambara. There was even one in Hebrew. They covered a diverse range of topics including astronomy, poetry, music, medicine and women's rights. The oldest dated from 1204.
  • they exploded the myth that "black Africa" had only an oral history. "You just need to look at the manuscripts to realise how wrong this is."
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  • only a fraction of the manuscripts had been digitised. "They cover geography, history and religion. We had one in Turkish. We don't know what it said."
  • Mali government forces that had been guarding Timbuktu left the town in late March, as Islamist fighters advanced rapidly across the north. Fighters from al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) – the group responsible for the attack on the Algerian gas facility – then swept in and seized the town, pushing out rival militia groups including secular Tuareg nationalists.
  • As well as the manuscripts, the fighters destroyed almost all of the 333 Sufi shrines dotted around Timbuktu, believing them to be idolatrous. They smashed a civic statue of a man sitting on a winged horse.
  • The rebels enforced their own brutal and arbitrary version of Islam, residents said, with offenders flogged for talking to women and other supposed crimes. The floggings took place in the square outside the 15th-century Sankoré mosque, a Unesco world heritage site.
  • They weren't religious men. They were criminals
    Such a tragedy

The World of Seven Billion | National Geographic - 8 views

    Interactive website from National Geographic that illustrates "where and how we live" on planet earth.
Aaron Palm

Edited by Eric Foner and Manning Marable / Herbert Aptheker on Race and Democracy: A Re... - 0 views

  • This reader collects fourteen influential essays by Herbert Aptheker (1915–2003) on the African American experience. Written with passion and eloquence, they are full of ideas originally dismissed by a white, segregated academy that have now become part of the scholarly mainstream. Covering topics including slave resistance, black abolitionists, Reconstruction, and W. E. B. Du Bois, these essays demonstrate the critical connection between political commitment and the advancement of scholarship, while restoring Aptheker's central place as one of the founding scholars in the development of African American studies.
    • Aaron Palm
      Herbert Aptheker was a member of the American Communist Party and worked to write revisionist history that separated America from its founding
David Hilton

Fireside Chats of Franklin D. Roosevelt - 0 views

    Written transcripts of the 'fireside chats' of Roosevelt, beginning in 1933 and continuing through to 1944. I wonder if, in 60 years, some history teacher will bookmark a site with the Twitter messages that I receive from Obama? Or maybe this message itself? Trippy.
HistoryGrl14 .

GERMANY: Man of the Year, 1938 - TIME - 4 views

    Great to initiate discussion with students. I gave mine the "TIME" criteria for the award and we battled it out over if it was a deserved award or used after they have some info and background on Hitler.
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