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Niko Cunningham

Arithmetic Underachievers Overcome Frustration to Succeed | Edutopia - 0 views

    Struggle is good. A caterpillar story..
Tomoko Matsukawa

Education to Employment Report McKinsey on Society - 0 views

    Thanks for sharing this interesting report Junjie. I like that part which encourages more dialogue between employers and education providers. However, I don't think they addressed the possible problem that could arise from that dialogue which is, employers are asking for solutions to their problems, and these problems may not be the main issues of the time when the students graduate.
    Matthew, I agree that the skill sets the job market asks from future employees are in constant change. So probably the education providers should try to equip those potential employees with the capacity to transfer old skills into new ones so as to meet the ever-changing demand, though it is indeed very difficult to train the transfer-skills.
    3 distinct groups of employers and  7 distinct youth segments (well positioned, driven, struggling, disheartened, disengaged, too cool, too poor) - they are "identified with different outcomes and motivations", requires "a different set of interventions". also concentration and mix of these segments also varies by country. executive summary is short and TIE relevant. 
Chris McEnroe

iLearn, we learn - Bremerton School District incorporates iPod and computer technology ... - 3 views

    Ipod over Ipad- for struggling readers. Kids use the recording feature.
Kinga Petrovai

Canada: Report card on schools reveals new struggles for boys - 0 views

    Canada's report card on schools will be handed out to the provinces Monday, revealing growing struggles in science and reading for boys across the country. Once every three years, the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program, or PCAP, measures the reading, math and science proficiency of Grade 8 students in every province and the Yukon.
Mirza Ramic

Analysis suggests MOOCs will be more disruptive than open access journals | Inside High... - 2 views

    More on MOOCs: "One one side, there are those who portray traditional higher education models as enjoying too much immunity from market forces and public demands for greater academic efficiency and productivity; on the other side are faculty groups and others who are struggling against a narrative of disruption that sees higher education as a business while discounting the issues of academic quality, freedom and governance."
Ashley Lee

Colleges Battle Gossip Websites like ACB, JuicyCampus - TIME - 1 views

  • What used to be whispered on campuses is now broadcast, in the most cowardly way, for anyone with an Internet connection to see. Beverly Low, dean of first-year students at Colgate University, describes the phenomenon as an "electronic bathroom wall." The posts — which are often suffused with racism, sexism and homophobia — can be so vicious and juvenile that Ben Lieber, dean of students at Amherst College, likens them to "the worst of junior high."
    on "electronic bathroom wall": elite universities are struggling with the problem of anonymous gossip sites
Drew Nelson

HS for the recording arts - 0 views

    I hesitated on this as it more specialized than general, but this is utilizing technology to engage a certain population of students, (many of whom were struggling) and producing a solid portfolio of "deliverables" . Talk about transfer!
Hessa Ahmad

New Survey Highlights Best Practices For Online Learning Programs - 0 views

    Survey participants identified four key factors as "extremely important" in building a successful K-12 online education program: -Reporting and progress monitoring tools that enable teachers to assess student comprehension and identify those that need additional help; -Teacher who are readily available to assist struggling students; -Educators specially trained to teach in an online environment; -Rigorous curriculum, designed to accommodate different learning styles, that keeps students focused and engaged.
Chris Dede

iPads in classroom change education - Metro - The Boston Globe - 3 views

    This is a classic example of "gee whiz - it's magic" journalism about technology in education
    It's intersting to think about what sorts of journalists get handed these kinds of stories. Should this be the education beat? The technology beat? This particular journalist doesn't seem to bring expertise of either kind. (It seems like it's just a Metro desk story.) Mostly he comes across as a shill for Apple.
    The financial struggles of print media have led to the substitution of "piecework" journalists, often with no credentials for the story, for qualified professionals with strong backgrounds. Poor articles are the result...
Carine Abi Akar

On First Day of School, Mayor Announces New Text Message Service - 1 views

    Interesting article. I am still trying to figure out what Prof Dede said on the first day of class about top down vs bottom up and the characteristics of education in this country. (I am not from the states and I haven't worked at schools either so still struggling to understand the overall context of this article). From Japanese standard, this thing happening in NY (I am suspecting it is happening else where too like IL?) is pretty progressive. One thing I didn't really get here .... what kind of 'school information' will be texted going forward??
    Found Chart D6.1. Percentage of decisions taken at each level of government in public lower secondary education (2011) in P500 to be somewhat helpful to answer my own question. (the first one)
Chris Dede

How Computerized Tutors Are Learning to Teach Humans - - 0 views

    Actually, ASSISTments is not a tutor, but it draws on insights from artificial intelligence and tutoring. It's a good example of going to scale that we will reference later in the course.
    Hi Prof. Dede, it struck me at the end of the article that while the title said '...Computerized Tutors...', what the creator was really struggling with was 'Humanizing computers'. It might never be possible, but the value is really in the journey. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Tommie Anthony Henderson

Grading the Digital School - 3 views

    In recent years there has been a major push to equip classrooms with technology, including laptops, overhead projectors, interactive white boards and tablets. It has become big business. But there are questions about whether the investment is paying off. This series explores the push to digitize the American classroom and whether the promises are being fulfilled.
    This comment from a reader on one of the articles (Inflating the Software Report Card) sums it up rather nicely: "Data-driven, individualized instruction aimed at identifying a student's strengths and weaknesses, is not perfect, nor can it replace great teachers. But it can and does allow gifted students to zoom ahead, average students to keep up, and struggling students to catch up. If we really want math education to become part of the fabric of our kids' lives, not just raising their scores on a standardized test, but helping them become more competent and effective adults, we need to take advantage of all of the technology available".
Simon Rodberg

Why Schools Make Bad Buying Decisions - 2 views

    Schools and school districts struggle to buy the right technology at a decent price. Why? Here are ten answers.
Maria Bueno

Two Struggling Schools Got Two Different Results With Ed Tech - 2 views

    In the beginning, they had a great environment in the classroom using the online software. Later, as more classrooms/users began using online program simultaneously the network failed. Every school is different!
Simon Rodberg

Getting to Scale with Educational Practice - 1 views

    From 1996 (pre-technology?) - a famed HGSE professor, Richard Elmore, on why education struggles with scale, and what to do about it.
Maria Bueno

How to Use Technology in Education - 1 views

    ''The book didn't work miracles or hurt teachers. It did allow us to remain teaching and learning, even if we're still struggling to capitalize on that opportunity five centuries laters...''
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