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Maung Nyeu

McGraw-Hill Education: Technology Can Elevate Teaching and Learning to the Level Demand... - 1 views

    The speaker argues that technology in education will drive personalization and have a 1:1 teacher-to-student ratio (optimistic!). He states personalization drives achievement, citing psychologist Benjamin Bloom.
Rupangi Sharma

Driving Change to Transform Schools - 1 views

    Driving Change to Transform Schools (6 factors from a recognized school's Principal)
Jeffrey Siegel

How to drive technology innovation - 2 views

    1. Connectedness matters 2. Vision 3. Value 4. Support 5. Professional development 6. Embracement
Hannah Lesk

Union Square Ventures Publishes Its Internal Market Research on Ed Tech - 2 views

    I've always wondered what drives VC investments in ed tech firms. Today, Union Square Ventures, a New York-based VC firm, began sharing its internal market research. Scroll down and click on "online education" to see what's caught their attention in the sector. It's very interesting to consider what is included--and excluded!
Angela Nelson

Guess who's winning the brains race, with 100% of first graders learning to code? | Ven... - 1 views

    Program in Estonia designed to have all students age 7 to 16 learn to write code in a drive to turn children from consumers to developers of technology.
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    I just posted an article from Wired onto twitter about this! I wonder how deeply the program goes in coding or if it is more in line with applications like "Move the Turtle".
    I am very curious, as well, and trying to find more information. I think it would necessarily be a program that expands with their comprehension and maturity... starting with very basic "Move the Turtle" applications and then grown with the student, hopefully to real world application, as they go until age 16!
    Who initiated this ProgreTiiger program? The Estonian government? Local IT companies? Concerned parents who disparately wanted their children to learn to code? Estonia is very wired country and it's economy has found a niche in IT services, so much so that it's even been dubbed "eStonia" ( This program seems to be an example of market forces guiding educational policy since there are clear incentives for it's population to be technologically literate to ensure it's competitiveness and dominance in the tech sector (see: The Many Reasons Estonia Is a Tech Start-Up Nation ( A little blurb on how "plug-in" Estonia actually is: "The geeks have triumphed in this country of 1.3 million. Some 40 percent read a newspaper online daily, more than 90 percent of bank transactions are done over the Internet, and the government has embraced online voting. The country is saturated in free Wi-Fi, cell phones can be used to pay for parking or buy lunch, and Skype is taking over the international phone business from its headquarters on the outskirts of Tallinn. In other words, Estonia - or eStonia, as some citizens prefer - is like a window into the future. Someday, the rest of the world will be as wired as this tiny Baltic nation." ( p.s. I hate sensational titles like "Guess Who's Winning the Brain's Race" Learning coding doesn't automatically make your brain bigger or necessarily increase your intelligence. Sure, it's a very useful skill, but I wonder what classes will be cut out to make time in the school day for coding. Coding vs recess: Tough call.
    Hmmm.... I read about Estonia being very plugged in as well. I wonder if there is research on whether the kids are actually learning better as a result. I think that you have a point Jeffrey. It depends what the cost is. If kids are missing some critical lesson because they are coding at such a young age, there may be a trade-off. On the other hand, maybe the skills they are obtaining from coding are more critical. I wonder...
    Ideally, the tech skills would be used to enhance and deepen some of the other curriculum areas. But, yes, 7 years old may be young.
Amanda Bowen

BBC News - Driverless car: Google awarded US patent for technology - 1 views

    How far away are cars that take over routine driving in addition to self-parking and automatic breaking?
Laura Johnson

The Personal Drive for Personalization | EdSurge News - 1 views

    Last week, Colorado-teacher-turned entrepreneur Kelly Tenkely launched an IndieGoGo campaign to raise $85,000 for the Learning Genome Project, a proposed online platform where educators can share and tag learning resources and get recommendations on which ones best fit the needs of their students.
Molly Wasser

Boy Genius of Ulan Bator - 1 views

    Here's an example of one person who excelled in a MOOC. While everyone may not have the drive of this student, this is a good example of how an online technology facilitated a social learning group. Also - yet another example of how online resources can benefit people across the country who do not otherwise have access.
    A friend just sent me this same article, Molly! However, my takeaway was much different. Whenever I read articles about young people doing extraordinary things with limited resources and technology, my first thought is always "how is this possible??" The article addresses my question directly: "The answer has to do with Battushig's extraordinary abilities, of course, but also with the ambitions of his high-school principal." The principal, also a graduate of MIT, was focused on developing more skilled engineers in Mongolia, and made it his mission to bring science and tech labs to his students; while MOOCs, the government's heavy investment in IT infrastructure, and the ubiquity of a 3G network made it possible to extend and enhance learning opportunities, the students may have never been exposed to engineering were it not for the encouragement of the principal. This human component, combined with technology, was what nurtured Battushig's drive and talent. This path will not work for just any student. If most homes in Mongolia have an Internet connection and even nomads cell phones, why have more people not found success with MOOCs? The author of the article summed it up best when she said, "Battushig's success also showed that schools could use MOOCs to find exceptional students all over the globe." Battushig is exceptional, just as elevated learning through MOOCs is still the "exception" and not the rule. MOOCs still lack a certain (perhaps human?) element that can move them from producing the anomaly of one "boy genius" to a more widespread level of learning.
    Hi Laura - That's a good point about the principal. The principal and the student were both exceptional. While I do not think that MOOCs, as they are right now, can work for everyone, I do think that this example of educating an exceptional student is heartening. Maybe this exceptional student can learn a lot and then in turn, help others in his community. As undemocratic as it is, many advances in society are made by individuals or small groups of people. Overall though, I agree that MOOCs lack, as you said maybe a human element, to promote widespread education.
Robert Schuman

Wikitude Drive Android App Does Turn-By-Turn, Augmented-Reality-Style - Wikitude - Gizmodo - 0 views

    An example of an AR application for Google Android phones that takes advantage of the phone's video camera and GPS capabilities.
Cameron Paterson

Games Based Learning - 2 views

    Karl Royle has produced the following research reports regarding games based learning. You can click the links to download. These reports have been commissioned by Becta, the government agency leading the national drive to ensure the effective and innovative use of technology throughout learning.
Garron Hillaire

HOW TO: Calculate the ROI of Your Social Media Campaign - 0 views

  • First the bad news: If you’re going to calculate the ROI of your social media campaign, you’re going to have to know math.
  • In fact, a recent survey by Econsultancy found that 47% of the companies it surveyed said they were “not able to measure” their campaigns and that “the jury is still out” on the value gained from their social media investment.
  • The most important formula in social media is your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
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  • Many people use 10% of their CLV as a starting point for their Allowable Cost Per Sale
    ROI on social media. I find it interesting that when measuring a social market there are no social indicators that are valued. Does it make sense to slice social media into dollars and sense? I understand why you would need to justify it, but I am not sure that the greatest value of social media is driving traffic.
Uly Lalunio

ResearchGATE and Its Savvy Use of the Web - BusinessWeek - 0 views

    "The site links medical researchers from around the world-and is driving homegrown, locally relevant innovation in developing nations."
Megan Johnston

Quest Atlantis - 1 views

    A 3D multi-user environment that immerses children in real-world, socially and academically meaningful activities. Ran across this doing some research for the VPA. It's the richest example on an online learning environment that I've seen, and similar to something I'd envisioned but dismissed as not currently realistic--apparently I was wrong! I would love to give this a test drive.
Angela Nelson

You won't need a driver's license by 2040 - - 1 views

    Ok... maybe the tie in to education is not immediately obvious. Mostly, I just think this is so cool that I had to post it. But think for a moment about carpool, soccer practice, and sports as a starter. No longer does a kid's participation in extracurricular activities require them to get a ride from mom. Go a little further... field trips, classes that are only offered at the charter school across town, on-site science explorations. How many more kids could venture out of their neighborhood for educational opportunities? There was a time 20 years ago I never would have believed that elementary school children would be carrying their own phone, but now will they all get their own car in 2nd grade??
Chip Linehan

Digital Learning - 0 views

    Report from Alliance for Excellent Education on linking Teaching, Technology and Time to drive "Digital Learning".
Jeffrey Siegel

LearnLaunch Formed to Drive Greater Boston Ed Tech Innovation - 0 views

    Conference at MIT "Across Boundaries: Innovation & The Future of Education." February 1-2, 2013, MIT Tang Center, Cambridge, MA (
Adrian Melia

Union Square Ventures -- online education materials - Google Drive - 1 views

    A potpourri of articles about online education compiled by Union Square Ventures as part of their analysis of the education market.
Jeffrey Siegel

eMee's social gamification for students, parents and teachers. - 1 views

    A company that uses game theories to drive desired behavior - e.g. points, levels and badges based are awarded on courses you take, comments, & contributions you make. See the Value Proposition PDF for details
Heather French

Digital Literacy and the Common Core Standards - 1 views

    The author points out some of the most important digital literacy standards from the common core, specifically discussing how to assess what digital mediums are appropriate and when. He finishes the article with a great example of the standards driving classroom instruction.
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