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Sanjay Jain

How to Take Vegan Omega 3? - 1 views

As essential fatty acids, Omega 3 cannot be produced automatically by our bodies, so you need to consume them from food sources or health supplements. While non-vegan sources provide EPA and DHA, v...

Health weight online omega3 veganomega3 omega3supplement omega369

started by Sanjay Jain on 13 Jun 21 no follow-up yet
AMVital Nutrition

Ginger Benefits Sexual Health in Males-Know the Science!| AMVital - 0 views

    When someone says erectile dysfunction, the first thing that you may think is of "Viagra" or similar drugs to revive your sex crusade. Even if established medics can assist, they induce side effects, which is why most men choose natural options. Besides, adverse effects of Viagra can result in back pain, memory issues, nausea, loss of hearing, and more. When shifting to natural remedies, you can improve your sexual version without giving the body a ridiculous amount of toxins and chemicals. Ginger, a root vegetable and one of the main ingredients in many traditional Asian dishes, has been used for centuries in conventional medications to treat various ailments. In recent years, ginger has received attention as an herbal remedy for sexual health problems such as erectile dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculation (PE), and infertility. It turns out that this ancient herb can be very effective at improving your sex life! How Does Ginger Benefits Male Sexually? Its potent medicinal combinations have made this natural treatment a focal point in investigations and comprehensive research over the years. Here is what makes ginger (zingiber officinale) a mighty sexual therapy. We've enclosed all the benefits it can suggest. But, nothing has gained more momentum than its impact on male sexual ability. 1. Ginger is an aphrodisiac and boosts sex drive. Ginger has been used as an aphrodisiac for centuries. An aphrodisiac is any food or medicine that stimulates sexual intuition, cajoles veneral craving, and boosts pleasure and performance. The spicy flavor of ginger can help increase your libido and has also been shown to improve erectile dysfunction and sexual performance in men. Aside from its role as an aphrodisiac, ginger is also a known sperm motility enhancer. In fact, according to clinical studies, just one gram of fresh ginger can improve sperm count by up to 35 percent! 2. It can improve sexual satisfaction. Ginger can also improve overall sexual satisfaction by
AMVital Nutrition

Does Ginger Help With Nausea? | AMVital - 0 views

    Ginger is an age-old herb that has had extensive usage in history for its numerous natural therapeutic effects, especially as an "anti-emetic." The best-known proof indicates that ginger is an effective and affordable remedy for nauseatic and vomiting ailments and is safe. The pleasing zesty "kick" from the root of Zingiber officinale, the ginger plant, is what produces ginger ale, ginger tea, sweets, loaves of bread, and many Asian dishes so delicious. Ginger adds an aromatic tang to both sweet and spicy foods. As ginger is frequently suggested for its stomach-settling impacts, you may wonder whether it's a proven way to treat nauseatic ailments naturally. This article reevaluates the efficacy and safety of ginger for nausea and the most promising practices for using it. How does Ginger Help with Nausea? According to PubMed Central, the highly appreciated database from the National Institutes of Health, it's believed that ginger fetches its therapeutic qualities from gingerol, the main bioactive ingredient in fresh ginger, and complementary blends called shogaols, which provide the root its savory flavor. Shogaols are more robust in dried ginger, with 6-shogaol as the primary source of antioxidants. At the same time, gingerols are more plentiful in raw ginger. Some examination has revealed that ginger and its compounds may improve digestive function and speed up stomach emptying feel, relieving nausea. Its anti-inflammatory traits may improve digestive activity and sustain the discharge of blood-pressure-regulating hormones to relax your body and ease nausea. Other Health Benefits of Ginger Being an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and digestive aid, it has been used as a natural treatment for helping to alleviate nausea and other symptoms. It can be used to treat: Heartburn Indigestion Motion sickness Reduce joint pain Soothe sore throats Minimize the duration of colds and flu viruses Ease menstrual cramps Prevent cancer cell growth Improve choleste
AMVital Nutrition

Ginger for Weight loss: The Right Way to Consume it-AMVital - 0 views

    Ginger for Weight Loss Ginger is a flavorsome and natural food that may help you supervise weight. Eating ginger fosters a feeling of fullness, an effect scientists call "satiety." Researchers at Columbia University in New York found that when bulky men drank a hot ginger drink, they had lowered feelings of appetite. Hunger can push us toward the consumption of foodstuffs. In many cases, we let our feelings of hunger evolve firmly, causing us to eat high-calorie edibles rich in sugar and fat, such as processed foods, which are well-documented to boost obesity. According to Research, ginger: Stimulates feelings of fullness Improves blood sugar regulation Decreases the amount of fat the gut absorbs Reduces gut inflammation Boosts the process of thermogenesis Ease digestion by stimulating digestive enzymes Help to Reduce Gas, Bloating, and Nausea Improve the Health of Your Gut How Does it Work? Ginger is most well-known for its ability to ease your stomach, especially when floundering with nausea or bloating issues. In your belly, ginger is doing much better in facilitating weight management and improving your health. The gut microbiota is one of the most comprehensive research areas in obesity. Researchers know that tiny microbes in your gut greatly affect your body weight. Collectively, these little microbes are called gut microbiota. The types of foods consumed impact the gut microbiota. Ginger is one of the most widely used spices and has a healthy effect on gut microbes. Ginger emerges to lower gut inflammation and helps the body be better responsive to insulin, enabling improved blood sugar control and reduced weight gain. A 2020 research study published in the European Journal of Nutrition noted that ginger changed the gut microbiota in rats in a manner that helped reduce obesity. Stimulates Stomach Movement to Promote the Elimination of Waste Products Ginger root is a natural digestive aid that can help promote the elimination of waste products in your b
AMVital Nutrition

Is Ginger Good for Colds? Here's the Proof- AMVital - 0 views

    As the weather gets colder, we're all looking for ways to get through the winter months. One of the most popular natural remedies is ginger. It's been used for thousands of years and has been shown to relieve symptoms like sore throat and coughing as well as boost overall health. People often use ginger as a home remedy for treating colds and sore throats due to its antibacterial markers that can help handle pain and inflammation. The Ginger (Zingiber officinale) root is a perennial plant. Our forefathers have consumed ginger as a herbal therapy for decades after decades to cure many health conditions, from arthritis to abdominal pain. Today, we often use ginger when we have a cough or cold. The scientific database reveals that ginger has medicinal effects that could ease the symptoms of a cold or sore throat. This article will examine how ginger may help colds and how you can use it in teas, juices, and other home remedies. How is ginger good for treating Colds? There is no definitive proof that ginger can cure or eliminate colds from roots, but research indicates that it may help control them. Ginger can also aid in improving cold symptoms. One study review shows that there is evidence that ginger can help: prevent colds control or relieve a sore throat ease congestion decrease inflammation However, researchers need to examine ginger's additional benefits to support this evidence. Medicinal properties Ginger has blends called gingerols and shogaols. Experimenters consider that these compounds give ginger its therapeutic properties. It is a potent anti-inflammatory. It's also a natural expectorant and decongestant, which helps to clear up congestion. Ginger is high in vitamin C and manganese, both essential nutrients for boosting your immune system during the cold season. While ginger may not be a cure-all for the common cold or flu (it's always best to consult your doctor if you're sick), it can help keep you feeling better while you recover. Stu
pharmacybiz - 0 views

    Gut microbiome is the combined genetic material (genomes) of the microorganisms residing in the gut. The term microbiota is used to describe the community of microorganisms themselves. Lower microbiota diversity indicates a microbial imbalance within the gut, and is often found in people with autoimmune diseases, obesity and cardiometabolic conditions. Studies have found that while there is a heritable component to gut microbiota, the role of environmental factors such as diet, drugs and anthropometric measures play a key role in one's microbiota composition. Pharmacy teams are best placed to advise their patients on ways to improve their gut heath. Popular media suggests the key to solving all health problems is to nurture the gut through drinking kombucha and avoiding gluten. But how true is this really? Ask your patients to consider implementing the following five tips, informed by scientific literature, into their diet and lifestyle, to improve the microbiota diversity.

7 Health Tips That Everyone Should Follow - 0 views

    Living in challenging times means that the world seems to be constantly changing, and it can be hard to keep up. Along with all the other challenges you face, it's more important than ever to stay healthy. But what does that mean for you? What are the health tips that everyone should follow? There's a lot of information out there about health and wellness, and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out what's best. That's why you should check this list of the top seven health tips that everyone should follow. GET REGULAR EXERCISE Everyone needs to make time for physical activity and aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. This can be anything from walking or swimming to dancing or aerobics classes. Exercise not only strengthens your body, but it can also help you manage stress and improve your mood, while also boosting your immune system. If, for any reason, you're not able to get the recommended amount of exercise, try breaking up activities into smaller chunks and incorporating them into your daily routine.

Immunity System : How To Boost Your Health - 0 views

    Are you worried about your immunity and want to strengthen your immune system? Taking care of your health and the health of your family, children, and parents is never exaggerated and unfounded. The organism must at all times have immunity that will allow it to cope with the greatest challenges. There are things you can't influence. However, those things that you can influence to fight the virus more effectively, such as strengthening immunity, you must take seriously and take full advantage of this opportunity. That is why we are here to give you some great tips on how to successfully strengthen your immunity and improve your health. HEALTHY DIET A healthy diet is very important for a healthy life. If you have used certain healthy habits in your life for the sake of feeling better in the body while not paying attention to what you eat, then you have probably seen that the lack of proper nutrition won't compensate for anything. A strong immunity can be achieved with a varied and balanced diet. Avoiding bad eating habits can be one of the key factors in boosting your immunity. If you want to boost your immunity, include garlic in your meals. Its antibacterial properties are well-known, and it can be included in natural antibiotics. Citrus fruits are also great for boosting immunity. Lemon, grapefruit, mandarin, and orange contain plenty of vitamin C and flavonoids, which are considered natural guardians of the immune system.
AMVital Nutrition

Ginseng Plant Benefits You Cannot Afford to Ignore-AMVital - 0 views

    Have you ever wondered about the health benefits of ginseng? It's been used for thousands of years by people in Asia and Eastern Europe, but did you know it's good for more than just boosting energy? The ginseng plant deals with 11 combinations of short, slowly growing plants with fleshy roots. It can revive and improve well-being. This article will explore how this herbal plant can benefit your body. 11 Health Benefits of the Ginseng Plant There are two types of ginseng plants mainly: Asian or Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng) American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius). Studies have discovered that the distinct types have various uses. American ginseng is believed to be less stimulating in traditional Chinese medicine than the Asian one. There are several other herbs known as ginseng, like eleuthero or Siberian ginseng, but they don't have the valuable content of ginsenosides. Ginseng has traditionally been used for several medical illnesses. However, its benefits for most of them have yet to be thoughtfully researched. These include: 1/11_It may help your lungs work better. ginseng plant lowers lungs infections.Ginseng may also help your lungs, according to a published study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Researchers found that one of the active ingredients in ginseng, ginsenoside Rg1 has an anti-inflammatory effect on the lungs and can even protect against asthma and bronchitis. They found that rats with asthma had less inflammation after being given doses of ginseng for two weeks compared to rats not given any. They also observed that rats with pneumonia had fewer symptoms when they were treated with inhaled doses of ginsenoside Rg1 or orally administered doses of Korean red ginseng extract (KRGE). 2/11_It may lower blood sugar levels. ginseng plant lower blood sugar levels. It's not just your imagination-ginseng can help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. It also has been proven to reduce the amount of cholesterol in your body. It

An Insight To Different Aspects Of Manic Depressive Disorder - 2 views

Manic depression, also referred to as the bipolar disorder medically, is different from clinical depression. Mania is a distinct symptom of bipolar disorder and a person suffering from it experienc...

manic depressive disorder mental and emotional health how to overcome depression

started by anonymous on 17 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
AMVital Nutrition

Turmeric Soap Benefit: Unlock the Ultimate Beauty Secret! - 0 views

    You've heard the beauty benefits of turmeric from your grannies; you may know how turmeric soap benefits your skin. Many studies advocate curcumin's skin-lightening effects, a polyphenol emanating from turmeric. There's also evidence to back its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial features. Meanwhile, it's a rich source of antioxidants. The golden powder is not only for flavoring up curries; it is also a mainstay in Ayurvedic therapies, both as a tonic and as a beauty agent. The purported skin benefits of this natural turmeric soap include: Skin Whitening Benefits Skin Conditions Fades dark spots Treats acne Fight Aging Meeting any beauty assertions with a healthy dose of suspicion is wise. (After all, if you've ever undergone distressing skincare bents such as peel-off masks, you might think twice before going for other trends.) Fortunately, turmeric soap emerges to deliver benefits to the skin. Turmeric Soap Benefits Although not tangible, analyses indicate that turmeric will soon become a low-cost substitute for relieving skin diseases like eczema, alopecia, etc. Soaping with a turmeric soap bar can help you enhance your skin health in numerous ways. And what's more? Here are excellent turmeric soap benefits that will improve your overall skin health. Turmeric Soap Benefits Blood Circulation that results in Skin Whitening. If your major skin issue is dullness, try to check out turmeric since it's a natural exfoliator. Numerous animal and test-tube studies have shown that turmeric and curcumin extract can boost glutathione levels. Researchers conclude that the curcumin found in turmeric can assist in restoring adequate levels of glutathione and improve the activity of glutathione enzymes. It has the power to slough off your dead skin cells, remove pollutants, and clear oil or makeup build-up, leaving you with a smooth and healthy glow. Regular use of turmeric soap benefits your skin's glow and brightens it naturally. This is why turmeric is also

Silva Ultramind Home Seminar Jose Silva - 0 views

    Silva ultramind esp system complete home seminar is designed in such a way that you will be able to develop your intuition and make correct decisions, use your mind to detect information to improve any area of your life, feel better and guided. The program will relieve you of stress that can arm your health, ruin your relationships and impede your ability to achieve your mission in life. By learning to use the silva dynamic meditation system, you will be able to reduce stress automatically, feeling better guided and in union with everything. Silva ultramind esp system complete home seminar mp3 will help you train your mind so that you can gain more control over your life in every area. This will unify you with abundance and you will be able to attract abundance naturally. With silva ultramind esp system complete home seminar program, you will be able to use your senses to project solutions and improve conditions, learn how to communicate in an effective way to solve problems and improve conditions, using your subjected senses. You will also be able to use silva ultramind home seminar mp3 to help others physically or mentally with your subjected senses and so much more.

Pharmacy teams urged to sign up to 'bold action' on climate change - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) and Pharmacy Declares are inviting pharmacy teams from around the world to sign up and commit to taking "bold action" on climate change as mentioned in a climate change charter which was published on Monday (June 13). The charter asks pharmacy teams to commit to understanding how human health and the systems which underpin it are "reliant on the state of our natural environment" and actively explore ways to make pharmacy practice and medicine use more sustainable. It also asks to collaborate and share best practice to improve sustainability in pharmacy and healthcare; demonstrate leadership on sustainability or being a champion for sustainability at work; and assist patients to optimise their medicine use to increase both health outcomes and environmental sustainability. The individuals can also commit to a personal action on climate change of their own choosing. The Charter is being supported by a strong coalition of organisations from across pharmacy including the Centre for Postgraduate Pharmacy Education, the Clinical Pharmacy Association, College of Mental Health Pharmacy and Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists.
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Tulsa Chiropractor | Schluter Chiropractic Our Philosophy » Tulsa Chiropractor |... - 0 views

    Health Some define health at the absence of illness or injury (symptoms). We define health as the body’s ability to accurately assess and appropriately respond to the stresses it encounters. Just because you are not in pain or don’t feel sick does not mean you are necessarily healthy. Your body might just be working around problem areas until it eventually succumbs and begins showing symptoms. How you feel is not always the best way to assess your health. This is the reason why dentists look for cavities; why medical doctors test blood pressure and pulse; and why we as Chiropractors check for Vertebral Subluxations (mis- alignments or nerve interference). Subluxations can interfere with the brain’s communication, through the nervous system, to every organ, muscle, tissue, system, gland and cell in your body. Chiropractors use specific adjustments to restore normal joint function and reduce the detrimental effects of subluxations, thus removing nerve interference and enabling the body to approach its optimum health potential. Causes of Subluxations Subluxations can occur due to a combination of three stresses on the body. These are sometimes referred to as the three T’s of subluxation. Trauma (or physical); Toxins (or chemical); Thoughts (emotional). TRAUMA from repetitive stresses like poor posture, sports injuries or through injuries like car accidents, place biomechanical stress on the vertebral joints and supportive tissues of the vertebral motion segment, especially the disc. TOXINS from tobacco, alcohol, drugs, food preservatives, chemical pesticides and additives place considerable stress on the delicate chemical balance within the body. This contributes to the subluxation complex through a mechanism called the viscero-somatic reflex. THOUGHTS have the potential to be the most significant and detrimental stress with regard to contributing to the subluxation complex. Emotional stress leads to neurologica

Chair For Cerebral Palsy Child - 0 views

    Cerebral palsy-also known as CP-is a condition caused by injury to the parts of the brain that control our ability to use our muscles and bodies. Cerebral means having to do with the brain. Palsy means weakness or problems with using the muscles. Often the injury happens before birth, sometimes during delivery, or soon after being born. Physical symptoms typically appear in the first few years of life. Cerebral Palsy are frequently slow to reach developmental milestones such as learning to roll over, sit, crawl, smile, or walk. Cerebral Palsy occurs in 1 in every 300 children (Source: Center for Disease Control). CP can be mild, moderate, or severe. Mild CP may mean a child is clumsy. Moderate CP may mean the child walks with a limp. He or she may need a special leg brace or a cane. More severe CP can affect all parts of a child's physical abilities.Child with moderate or severe CP may have to use a wheelchair and other special equipment. Children with CP can also have learning problems, speech, problems with hearing or seeing (called sensory problems), intellectual differences, and behavioral or emotional challenges. Cerebral palsy does not always cause serious disabilities. Usually, the greater the injury to the brain, the more severe the CP. However, CP doesn't get worse over time, and most children with CP have a normal life span. Wheelchair Pediatric Pediatric Wheelchairs we offer are designed specifically for a wide range of children. All pediatric wheelchair can be configured with many accessories to meet your specific needs. Comfortable, sporty, and reliable.This is an ideal system for pediatric patients who require multiple tilt angles for pressure relief, digestion and fixed seat positions. Pediatric Chairs divided into three major categories.Pediatric Chairs isn't an official thing, but it helped me when I was comparing various models. The main categories are standard, tilt, and stroller-style. I suggest checking them all out to
    Reclining Wheelchairs are specially designed to allow a person to comfortably recline at incremental angles safely and comfortably. Typically used for accommodation of severe hip extension contractures, or thostatic hypotension, and pressure re-distribution for prevention of skin breakdown. Recliner Wheelchairs work better with Elevating Legrests (ELRs); the user's legs and feet can also be re-positioned for maximum comfort and health benefits. The "ELRs" are optional on some models and standard on others. Be sure to ask about which type of ELR is best suitable for seating and position needs. On some wheelchairs this is an option so be sure to check the options and accessories when purchasing. Reclining Back Wheelchair( bed cum wheelchair ) which are suitable for indoor as well as outdoor purposes. These wheel chairs are manufactured using high quality material to ensure high strength and durability. Wheelchairs are available in foldable frames and are capable for maximum weight. Reclining wheelchairs are available in standard folding frames with extended head supports and seat widths up to 24" wide. The recline mechanism is attendant operated with levers much like a bicycle brake lever. The levers operate hydraulic (pump) mechanisms for a smooth adjustment. Using this reclining mechanism, the chair back can easily and frequently be positioned to any angle. Flexible Back Positioning: Reclining chairs offer unlimited back re-positioning for more patient comfort, better blood circulation, and to aid in sleeping. Work best with ELRs: Recliner chairs need Elevating Legrest so the patients legs and feet can also be re-positioned for maximum comfort. On some chairs this is an option so be sure to check the options and accessories section of each product page. Only the Back moves: On recliner wheelchairs the back reclines but the seat bottom stays in-place. Karma Aurora 4 Reclining Wheelchair: Frame Style : Fordable Frame Material : Aluminium (

Karma Km 2500 L Wheelchair - 0 views

    Travel wheelchair assists people to become more mobile and independent. There are many different types of wheelchairs that are used for various reasons. It is important to understand the limitations and safe operation of whatever wheelchair choose or need. The travel chair seat size (width and depth), seat-to-floor height, footrests/leg rests, front caster outriggers, adjustable backrests, controls, and many other features can be customized on, or added to, many basic models, while some users, often those with specialized needs, may have wheelchairs custom-built. A single-arm drive enables the user to turn either left or right while the two-armed drive enables user to move forward or backward on a straight line. Another type of wheelchair commonly used is a lever-drive wheelchair. This type of chair enables the user to move forward by pumping the lever back and forth. Karma Travel Wheelchair KM TV 20.2: Karma Travel Wheelchair KM TV 20.2 - 606 T-6 aircraft-grade aluminum-alloy frame provides incredible strength. Easy-to-fold in three seconds. Karma Travel Wheelchair KM TV 20.2 Features: Type: Travel Wheelchair: T-6 aircraft-grade aluminum Secure brake improve safety Padded flip back armrest PU front caster & rear wheel Karma Travel Wheelchair KM TV 20.2 Measurements: Weight: 8.9kg Seat width: 39.5cm Tyre: PU front casters and rear wheels Capacity: 100kg Folded size: (L/W/H): 610mm x 350mm x710mm. Travel Wheelchairs are usually designed for being as lightweight as is possible for the health of performance or maybe portability. People exactly who travel frequently because of their wheelchairs by means of car or maybe airplane roommates wish a wheelchair is not just lightweight but takes the least number of space doable. Travel information wheelchairs are classified as the most sleek and stylish, lightweight collapsible wheelchairs. The lightest Travel Wheelchair do not need some on the accessories a usual manual wheelchair often have, but a

How a Gut Health Nutritionist Can Improve Your Well-Being - 1 views

    Good gut health is important for overall wellness. A healthy digestive system helps in better digestion, stronger immunity, and improved energy levels. Many people suffer from gut-related issues like bloating, constipation, or poor metabolism, which can affect their daily life. This is where a gut health nutritionist can help. A professional can guide you with the right diet, lifestyle changes, and supplements to improve your gut health. They understand how different foods affect the gut and help create a personalized plan. If you have frequent digestive problems, seeking expert advice can bring a positive change. With the right guidance, you can heal your gut naturally and enjoy better health.

Dietary supplements:Important Things To Know About Them - 0 views

    Millions of people take dietary supplements every day, hoping to improve their health in some way. But how much do you know about these supplements? Are they safe? Do they work? And are there any risks associated with taking them? Here are six important things to know about dietary supplements if you're one of the people who take them. NOT ALL SUPPLEMENTS ARE REGULATED Since dietary supplements are not drugs, they do not need to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before they can be sold. This means that some products may not contain what is stated on their labels or may even include ingredients that could be dangerous. Therefore, it's important to always read labels and do your research before committing to one. Furthermore, make sure you purchase your supplements from a reputable source. This means that you should look for companies that have been independently tested and certified to provide high-quality products. MAKE SURE THE SUPPLEMENT IS RIGHT FOR YOU Before taking any dietary supplement, check with your doctor or healthcare professional first. This is especially important if you have a medical condition or are on medication, as certain supplements may interact in unwanted ways. Just because something is labeled as "natural" doesn't necessarily mean it's good for you or that you even need to take it. Before taking any supplement, talk to your doctor about whether or not it could be beneficial for you and how much you should take.

Ultra Lightweight Wheelchairs - 0 views

    Selection of portable travel wheelchairs, utilizing small caster wheel and lightweight materials, can tip the scale at as little as 13 lbs! Like transport chairs, travel chairs are geared towards storability and portability, but they're even more convenient for those on-the-go. These chairs feature four smaller wheels, rather than the large rear-mounted wheels that characterize standard wheelchairs, and their design ensures that they're always foldable and convenient to carry. Whether it's a family vacation, or a good ol' fashioned road trip, these lightweight wheelchairs are best bet. Lightweight travel wheelchairs give the most independence of movement with the least amount of effort. This type of wheelchair is recommended for someone who cannot self-propel in a standard wheelchair. The weight of this type wheelchair ranges from 28-34 pounds. Lightweight wheelchair is for the highly active individual as they are more easily maneuverable and durable. This type wheelchair weighs in as low as 14 pounds. This helps with ease of use and transport. Travel wheelchair assists people to become more mobile and independent. There are many different types of wheelchairs that are used for various reasons. It is important to understand the limitations and safe operation of whatever wheelchair choose or need. The travel chair seat size (width and depth), seat-to-floor height, footrests/leg rests, front caster outriggers, adjustable backrests, controls, and many other features can be customized on, or added to, many basic models, while some users, often those with specialised needs, may have wheelchairs custom-built. A single-arm drive enables the user to turn either left or right while the two-armed drive enables user to move forward or backward on a straight line. Another type of wheelchair commonly used is a lever-drive wheelchair. This type of chair enables the user to move forward by pumping the lever back and forth. Travel Wheelchairs are usually designed fo

Transport Chair - 0 views

    Lightweight wheelchairs provide convenience and comfort to the user and caregiver alike and are often built using materials like aluminum and titanium alloy, while foldable wheelchairs allow for easy storage and transport. Merge the two styles, and got a great mobility aid that isn't a pain to lug around. Utilizing small wheels and lighter materials, transport wheelchairs can tip the scale at as little as 19 lbs, ideal for those looking for a highly portable option. Transport chairs also tend to be more affordable and offer the benefit of increased mobility without breaking the bank. Transport wheelchairs or companion chairs are companion wheelchairs where the purpose is for a companion to push the user. Most transporters have swing-away leg rests, fixed armrests, and side panels. Instead of the usual large back - small front wheels typical of most wheelchairs, light travel chairs have four small wheels providing much easier maneuverability of the chair. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair: Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Specifications: Width 18" Front/Rear Wheels 6" to 14" Seat Width 47cm Seat Depth 40cm Overall Width 66cm Overall Collapsed Width 36cm Armrest Height 21cm Overall Length 90cm Seat Height 47cm Backrest Height 38cm Overall Height 86cm Weight 9.2 k.g. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Seat and Back: AEGIS Microbe Shield Approved by the FDA, EPA, EU, etc., bonded anti-microbial barrier upholstery protects from odor, staining and deterioration from bacteria, fungus and other microorganisms. It is a shield for your health. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Extended Armrest: By simulating the natural position of arms, the extended armrest design is ergonomic and creates bigger seating space. An Ultra lightweight wheelchair (9.2 kg) with a compact design for either attendant assisted or self propelling users. The use of aircraft-grade aluminium alloy and double cross brace provide this model
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