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1More - 3 views

    Another resource for supporting student reflection.

The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings movies: New Zealand was the wrong filming location. - 0 views

    "And yet no one I'm aware of has pointed out one of the more glaring (literally) problems with Jackson's Tolkien films, a problem that has become more evident to me with each installment. It's the choice of his own native land, New Zealand, as the backdrop for these British stories. The island nation of swooping hills and glistening peaks isn't merely an unfortunate choice-it's one of the worst options I can imagine." You could do some really interesting textual analysis stuff like this with comparing book characters and settings with their on screen counterparts. What holds up to the original? What has changed? How does that affect the reader/viewer or change the message of the story? There's plenty of options that students would get into - The Hunger Game Series, The Hobbit, you could even do comic book characters and their on screen counterparts.

Sharing Success - 0 views

    "Does the fact that people have helped you, make you feel less accomplished? Does it mean you didn't work as hard on the project, didn't write the book, didn't start the business, or finish the marathon?" To me, this is a testament to the importance of collaboration (collaboration between students, yes…but also collaboration as a staff). The best way to achieve greatness is to share and build off of what others have done before us.

3 Questions To Guide Your Vision | The Principal of Change - 0 views

    ""What will be your fingerprint on this school after you leave?""

Rewordify levels text, demystifies primary docs, and makes your life easier | History Tech - 1 views

    "Basically Rewordify takes a block of text or website and replaces difficult words and phrases with text that is easier to understand. The site claims that this helps students read more, understand difficult English faster, and learn words in new ways. I'd throw in that the site can help you and your students break down difficult primary documents." Rewordify tool as primary document decoder

The Reasons for Secession - 0 views

    "The root cause of the American Civil War is perhaps the most controversial topic in American history. Even before the war was over, scholars in the North and South began to analyze and interpret the reasons behind the bloodshed." Another interesting problem that Voyant (and other data viz/textual analysis tools) could help us solve. Provide students with a little background and then give them the Articles of Secession for a variety of states. Have them analyze/interpret the overall reasons for Secession based on what they uncover.

Teaching in America's highest-need communities isn't rocket science. It's harder. - 2 views

    "To solve engineering problems, you use your brain. Solving classroom problems uses your whole being." Nice article to share with teachers when everyone needs a bit of a boost. May share once we return from break.

making predictions can make you learn better - 0 views

    "A study conducted by two Michigan psychologists, for example, reports that middle-school math students asked to anticipate how linear and exponential factors work-before this information was taught-became more curious about the content of the lessons they then proceeded to learn. Even more importantly, the act of venturing predictions prompted them to understand the material more deeply as they engaged in reasoning and sense-making about math instead of mere memorization."

Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States - 0 views

    "Here you will find one of the greatest historical atlases: Charles O. Paullin and John K. Wright's Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States, first published in 1932. This digital edition reproduces all of the atlas's nearly 700 maps. Many of these beautiful maps are enhanced here in ways impossible in print, animated to show change over time or made clickable to view the underlying data-remarkable maps produced eight decades ago with the functionality of the twenty-first century." Large Database of Interactive historical maps

Edward Quin: A GIF of his atlas displaying the boundaries of the known world - 0 views

    "The GIF below runs through the plates in sequence, from 2348 B.C., "The Deluge" (Quin, not unusually for his time period, was a Biblical literalist) through A.D. 1828, "End of the General Peace."" So my initial thought upon seeing this GIF was that it is eerily similar to the "fog of war" effect from Warcraft, Starcraft, and other similar games from my childhood. Based on this idea, you might be able to do something with these maps related to the essential question, "How has expansion changed our perception of the world?" (This is probably not phrased perfectly, but gets to the general idea...) Additionally, this could be an interesting item to analyze when discussing the essential question, "Have we made progress?" Students could make similar Gifs for shorter time periods to show their understanding of change over time.

The taxi-meter effect: Why do consumers hate paying by the mile or the minute so much? - 0 views

    "When I get a taxi for the 15-minute ride from my office to the airport, I have two choices. I can hail a cab on the street, and pay a metered fare for the 4.6-mile trip. Or I can walk to the local Marriott and pay a fixed fee of $31.50. Truthfully, I'm always a lot happier paying the fixed fee. I'm happier even though it probably costs more in the end. (A congestion-free trip on the meter comes out to about $26.) Sitting in a cab watching the meter tick up wrenches my gut: Every eighth of a mile, there goes another 45 cents-tick ... tick ... tick." ...this provides interesting context for a math problem using linear equations. When is it worth it to pay the fixed fare vs. paying the per 1/8th of a mile rate? You could "3-Act" this scenario pretty easily: -Take a short video of a taxi fare display clicking upwards. Ask students to give you the first questions that come to mind. When the students ask for it, provide them with a photo of the rate schedule on the side of the taxi and your destination address.

earth wind map - 0 views

    I'm sure this map holds a ton of possibilities that I know I'm not seeing immediately. Here are some things I am thinking: 1. Where is the windiest/least windiest location on earth? Why is that the case? 2. Where would be the ideal place to put a "wind farm?" 3. Let's check out that hurricane that's developing...

It's Okay To Be Smart * via m1ssred: chemical reaction Better GIF-ing... - 1 views

    Animated .gfis of chemical reactions. Could be fun to make your own :)

MTBoS apps - Google Drive - 2 views

    Crowd sourced (by math teachers) list of iPad Apps for math.

Rational Expressions: Improvement, Like So Many Things, Comes Down To What You Enjoy - 0 views

    "The best long-term strategy I can see for continuously getting better is for the process of improving to be fun. If I want to get better at teaching, it's got to be fun for me to do so, because that's the only way for me to stare down the abyss of my current craptitude and the probability of my own immediate failure. That's going to look different for different people, because we've all got different tastes. I enjoy planning lessons, so I spend a lot of time on that. You like giving feedback, so you spend your time on that and you get great at that. I hate it, so I suck at feedback and am decent at curriculum." Agree completely with this statement. I think this holds true for our students too. The best long term strategy for improvement in school is that kids needs to have fun in the process.

Yummy Math | We provide teachers and students with mathematics relevant to ou... - 0 views

    Real world math problems. You have to become a member to see solutions, but good problems and scenarios.

MassNewLitInstitute - Feb 16 Follow-up Session - 3 views

    TPACK Resources

If Instruction Matters So Much, Why Don't Teachers Get Time to Plan It? :: the Max Ray ... - 1 views

    "If teachers don't have enough time to ask, answer, reflect on, and revise their thoughts about the questions above, then we shouldn't be filling their time with things other people get paid to do, like writing curriculum, writing fancy-schmancy benchmark tests, looking at data that's not useful on the individual student level, or discussing which minutes of the day the bathrooms will be open to students." So many things going on in this article...Personally, I found this statement to be the main standout. I agree with this completely - instruction comes first and all the rest is secondary. If you do a great job with instruction, many of the other time eaters/wasters should fall into place and take care of themselves naturally.
1More - 0 views

    Guidelines for Groupwork. Provides an interesting list of group roles that could be adapted for classroom use.
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