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Hass & Associates Online Reviews: The Naked Truth About Internet Security - 3 views

At ProgrammableWeb's API conference next week in London (Sept 24-26), my keynote session will identify patterns in some of the recent cybersecurity transgressions, what could have been done to stop...

The Naked Truth About Internet Security Hass & Associates Online Reviews

started by muirennshevaun on 19 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Nicole Garcia

Hass and Associates Cyber Security: House passes cybersecurity bill as privacy concerns... - 1 views

    The House of Representatives go for the second round of Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act as it passed legislation on Thursday. The newly granted powers are intended to stop computer security threats against a company's rights and property. But the definitions are broad and vague. The terms allow purposes such as guarding against "improper" information modification and ensuring "timely" access to information, functions that are not necessarily tied to attacks. Once handed over, the government is able to use this information for investigating crimes that are unrelated to the underlying security threat and, more broadly, for "national security" purposes, which is a poorly defined term that includes "threats to the United States, its people, property, or interests" and "any other matter bearing on United States national or homeland security." The bill's vague definitions like "cybersecurity purpose" and "cybersecurity system" also raise the frightening possibility of a company using aggressive countermeasures. If a company wants to combat a threat, it is empowered to use "cybersecurity systems" to identify and obtain "cyber threat information." But the bill does not define exactly how far a company can go, leaving it open to the possibility of abuse. The bill drew support from House Democrats, passing on a bipartisan vote of 288-127, although the White House repeated its veto threat on Tuesday if further civil liberties protections are not added. Some lawmakers and privacy activists worry that the legislation would allow the government to monitor citizens' private information and companies to misuse it. U.S. authorities have recently elevated the exposure to Internet hacks and theft of digital data to the list of top threats to national security and the economy. Though thousands of companies have long been losing data to hackers in China and elsewhere, the number of parties publicly admitting such loss has been
  • The House of Representatives go for the second round of Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act as it passed legislation on Thursday. The newly granted powers are intended to stop computer security threats against a company's rights and property. But the definitions are broad and vague. The terms allow purposes such as guarding against "improper" information modification and ensuring "timely" access to information, functions that are not necessarily tied to attacks. Once handed over, the government is able to use this information for investigating crimes that are unrelated to the underlying security threat and, more broadly, for "national security" purposes, which is a poorly defined term that includes "threats to the United States, its people, property, or interests" and "any other matter bearing on United States national or homeland security." The bill's vague definitions like "cybersecurity purpose" and "cybersecurity system" also raise the frightening possibility of a company using aggressive countermeasures. If a company wants to combat a threat, it is empowered to use "cybersecurity systems" to identify and obtain "cyber threat information." But the bill does not define exactly how far a company can go, leaving it open to the possibility of abuse. The bill drew support from House Democrats, passing on a bipartisan vote of 288-127, although the White House repeated its veto threat on Tuesday if further civil liberties protections are not added. Some lawmakers and privacy activists worry that the legislation would allow the government to monitor citizens' private information and companies to misuse it. U.S. authorities have recently elevated the exposure to Internet hacks and theft of digital data to the list of top threats to national security and the economy. Though thousands of companies have
creselda cabal

Hewlett-Packard partners with cybersecurity firm FireEye - 1 views

The prominent cybersecurity firm FireEye, Inc. and tech giant Hewlett-Packard (HP) recently announced a partnership to develop advanced threat protection. Hass and Associates Cyber Security percei...

Hass and Associates Cyber Security Hewlett-Packard partners with cybersecurity firm FireEye

started by creselda cabal on 04 May 15 no follow-up yet
Kevin Reed

Hass and Associates: Security on the Internet of Services - 1 views

    Book a flight online, perform an internet banking transaction or make an appointment with your doctor and, in the not-too-distant future, the 'Internet of Services' (IoS) will come into play. A paradigm shift in the way ICT systems and applications are designed, implemented, deployed and consumed, IoS promises many opportunities but also throws up big challenges - not least ensuring security and privacy, issues currently being tackled by EU-funded researchers. IoS is a vision of the future internet in which information, data and software applications - and the tools to develop them - are always accessible, whether locally stored on your own device, in the cloud, or arriving in real time from sensors. Whereas traditional software applications are designed largely to be used in isolation, IoS brings down the barriers, thereby lowering costs and stimulating innovation. Building on the success of cloud computing, IoS applications are built by composing services that are distributed over the network and aggregated and consumed at run-time in a demand-driven, flexible way. This new approach to software will make the development of applications and services easier - so that new and innovative services, not possible today, can be offered. It is likely to make a huge contribution to the EU's strategy to make Europe's software sector more competitive. You might want to read: IoS services can be designed and implemented by producers, deployed by providers, aggregated by intermediaries and used by consumers. Anybody who wants to develop applications can use the resources in the Internet of Services to develop them, with little upfront investment and the possibility to build upon other people's efforts. In many ways IoS solves the challenges of interoperability and inefficiency that can plague traditional software systems, but it can also create new vulnerabilities. Ho
creselda cabal

Hass and Associates Cyber Security: How to Avoid Phishing Scams - 1 views

Phishing scams have been around for quite some time now. But not many people are aware of what it is and what it can do to them. It is simply a ploy used by fraudsters to lead you to divulge person...

Hass and Associates Cyber Security How to Avoid Phishing Scams

started by creselda cabal on 03 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
Bruno Brown

Hass and Associates Cyber Security/ Security Holes - 0 views

  • Vulnerabilities The larger and more complex information systems are, the greater the possibility of error in logic and loopholes in algorithm. These are weak points that could enable hackers to breach a system and compromise the integrity of information stored. Programmers themselves who are not yet adept in writing software code can unknowingly misuse the code and lead to a vulnerability. A classic example of vulnerabilities that can be exploited is a weak password or its repeated use on various services or software. There are also websites containing malware that installs automatically once visited. Even legitimate software could be a venue for an exploit due to unknown errors (bugs) generated by the program. The end-user or the human element in information systems is arguably the weakest point that hackers easily utilize. 0-day exploits 0-hour or 0-day attack is the exploitation by outside parties of a security hole in a computer program which is unknown from its developers. The term comes from the premise that the attack unfolds on the "day 0, meaning no awareness as of yet from the developers so there is no opportunity and time to issue a fix for the threat. Zero-day exploits are usually shared among hackers even before the developer knew. Programmers could use the vulnerabilities via several avenues: on web browsers and email. Web browsers allow for a wider target. Meanwhile, using email, hackers can send a message that includes an executable file on the attachments, set to run once downloaded. Such 0-day threats are in the time frame where a security hole is exploited up to the time that the program developers issued a patch for it.
    Hass and Associates Cyber Security/ Security Holes
creselda cabal

NuData Security reveals improvements to online fraud detection engine - 1 views

Software development company NuData Security recently revealed its enhancements to its online fraud detection engine called NuDetect, according to Hass and Associates Cyber Security. They added ne...

Hass and Associates Cyber Security NuData reveals improvements to online fraud detection engine

started by creselda cabal on 18 May 15 no follow-up yet
Abigail Jones

Hass & Associates Online Reviews: 10 Cyber Security Tips for Small Businesses - 2 views

Broadband and information technology are powerful tools for small businesses to reach new markets and increase sales and productivity. However, cyber security threats are real and businesses should...

10 cyber security tips for small businesses Hass & Associates Online Reviews

started by Abigail Jones on 15 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
easton blier

Hass Associates: Sind Ihre Passwörter und sichern PINs zu? - 1 views

    Sind Ihre Passwörter und sichern PINs zu? Es ist Cyber Security Awareness Month: Bank Safe und vereiteln die Betrüger Oktober ist Cyber Security Awareness Month, einer internationalen Bemühungen zur Aufklärung der Verbraucher über Computerkriminalität und der Canadian Bankers Association (CBA) ist Kanadier zu erinnern, was Banken tun, um Cyber-Sicherheit zu erhöhen und ermutigend Kanadier zu sichere bank und vereiteln die Betrüger. Banken haben umfangreiche Maßnahmen zum Schutz ihrer Kunden von betrügerischen Aktivitäten in ihrer Bank und Kreditkarten-Konten, einschließlich der Überwachung von Transaktionen, die auf der Suche nach ungewöhnlichen Aktivitäten, Überprüfungsfragen um sicherzustellen, dass es der Kunde mit online-banking und das Verschieben um mehr Chip und PIN (persönliche Identifikationsnummer) Debit- und Kreditkarten zu sichern. Diese Bemühungen wurden in der Lage, zu verhindern, dass kriminelle Aktivitäten und helfen Kanadier sicher ihre Bankgeschäfte und Einkäufe bezahlen. "Es gibt auch wichtige und einfache Schritte, die Kunden ergreifen müssen, um Betrug vorzubeugen, und eines der wichtigsten Dinge ist, sichere Passwörter und Geheimzahlen, wählen", sagte Maura Drew-Lytle, Director of Communications bei der Canadian Bankers Association. "Dies ist eine Anforderung, die in Ihrer Banking-Abkommen festgelegten und wenn Kunden die entsprechenden Schritte unternommen haben, dann sie von Verluste von der Banks geschützt werden werden keinerlei Haftung Politik." Tipps zur Auswahl der sichere online-Passwörter und PINs Jede Bank haben ihre eigenen Anforderungen zum Auswählen sicherer Kennwörter und PINs, so ist es am besten mit Ihrer Bank online-Zugang Vereinbarung, Bankkonto-Vereinbarung oder Karteninhaber Kreditverträge zu überprüfen, aber es einige allgemeinen Richtlinien g
Christine Smith

World first cyber security training centre opens in Bristol: Hass & Associates Online R... - 1 views

From left, Brian Lord OBE, managing director for cyber at PGI, Karen Bradley, Minister for Modern Slavery and Organised Crime, and Vice Admiral Sir Tim McClement, chairman of PGI, during the live h...

World first cyber security training centre opens in Bristol Hass & Associates Online Reviews

started by Christine Smith on 24 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
creselda cabal

Hass and Associates Cyber Security: Malware - 2 views

  • Malware is a malicious software made to collect sensitive data, access secured systems or disrupt operations. It is a collective term for spyware, adware, worms, virus, trojan horses and any intrusive, hostile or nuisance programs. This malicious program would normally be disguised as or comes along with legit software. It is not uncommon for safe programs to be bundled with malware so that a user will unknowingly install it into a system. The basic characteristics of a malware is that it must be hidden and run without being seen or deleted. Any program with malicious code that can trick users into installing and running it is considered a malware. Trojan horses are commonly known in their disguise as something beneficial or normal so users unwittingly install them. They are commonly bundled with legit software that can be downloaded online and users install them not knowing that a harmful program is being installed at the same time. Classified as a malware, virus is a software that will replicate and spread among all other executable files in a system. It should not be confused with the worm because the latter is capable of automatically transferring itself across the network in order to infect other systems. Rootkits usually act through altering the registry of the operating system itself in order to stay hidden and keep the other malware processes from being displayed in the process list. They also secure malware files by locking them (so it won't be deleted) or foiling attempts to kill the malicious processes by replicating them quickly. Backdoors work through bypassing the usual authentication system and gain remote access to it while keeping under the radar. And once a system is penetrated, other backdoors could be installed for easier access. More Info:
Lorenzo Blauch

hass associates article code 85258083266-HA: Hundreds of South African Facebook Profiles - 1 views

  • Computer forensics expert Bennie Labuschagne said scammers used programs designed to "deep mine" online accounts to bypass security features."Cloning is very common and it is now like the 419 scams, only on social networks," he said. One of the South African Facebook victims, Dinesh Ramrathan, said yesterday: "A Facebook friend called me to find out why I had sent her a message asking for money online. I then discovered that my page had been duplicated. "My friends were caught off guard and accepted friend requests from the hacker, who then started sending requests for money." The impostor claimed that Ramrathan was in trouble and needed money urgently."I am lucky because all my Facebook friends know me personally outside of the social network so they knew that I was not in trouble," he said. Debby Bonnin's husband received a friend request from her even though they were already Facebook friends. One of sixmillion local users of Facebook, Bonnin said: "My major concern is identity theft and all the possible ramifications of that. On Facebook the prime issue is reputation. But the person behind the false profile could use your identity to access confidential information from your friends and then there could be security or financial problems that arise." Another Facebook user, Josh Delport, said his stored scores and tokens on game applications on the site had disappeared. University of KwaZulu-Natal associate professor of information systems Manoj Maharaj said that, though Facebook could not be hacked because of its hi-tech security features, the affected users might have put themselves at risk by clicking on links to external games, applications and shopping sites. "Users are clicking on these links without realising that their information is being passed on. If one of those sites is hacked, their information, such as credit card details, is easily a
Devi Soria

Amerikanska regeringen bästa IT-säkerhet genom Hass Associates - 1 views

    US regeringen använder sällan bästa cyber security steg: rådgivare Direkt lank: WASHINGTON: Den amerikanska regeringen själv sällan följer cyber security metodtips och måste släppa sin gamla operativsystem och osäkra webbläsare som den försöker driva den privata sektorn att skärpa sin praxis, teknik rådgivare till President Barack Obama. "Den federala regeringen följer sällan accepterade bästa praxis," sade presidentens rådet av rådgivare om vetenskap och teknik i en rapport som släpptes på fredagen. "Det måste föregå med gott exempel och påskynda ansträngningarna för att göra rutinmässiga cyberattacks svårare genom att implementera bästa praxis för sina egna system." PCAST är en grupp amerikanska forskare och ingenjörer som gör politiska rekommendationer till administrationen. William Press, professor i datavetenskap vid University of Texas i Austin, och Craig Mundie, senior rådgivare till VD på Microsoft Corp, bestod av en arbetsgrupp för cybersäkerhet. Obama-administrationen i år intensifierat sin push för kritiska till att stärka deras cyber försvar, och Obama i februari utfärdade en verkställande order för att motverka bristen på framsteg på cybersäkerhet lagstiftning i kongressen. Mer relaterade ämnen:
Imogen Miller

From the Cold War to the Code War: UK boosts spending on cyber warfare - 1 views

Hass & Associates Online Reviews - UK prime minister David Cameron said that £800m would be spent on intelligence and surveillance equipment. The UK is upping its spending on cyber defense as a re...

Hass & Associates Online Reviews

started by Imogen Miller on 28 Jul 14 no follow-up yet

Hass and Associates Cyber Security: Botnets inflate Twitch viewership - 1 views

With the boom in online streaming these days, it's only expected that people will get creative and game the system to earn more money. In the case of streaming site Twitch - known for its community...

Hass Associates Cyber Security

started by conroeleah on 31 Mar 15 no follow-up yet
creselda cabal

Hass Associates Internet Security Tips and Reviews - 1 views

  • Scarinci Hollenbeck lanserer cybersikkerhet & Data beskyttelse praksis Lyndhurst, NJ, 1 mai 2013 - Scarinci Hollenbeck er glade for å kunngjøre dannelsen av en ny gruppe for juridisk praksis som en del av sin pågående strategisk plan for å integrere nye juridiske spesialiteter som er rettet mot kundenes skiftende juridiske behov-Cyber sikkerhet & databeskyttelse. Cyber Security & databeskyttelse gruppen, ledet av Scarinci Hollenbeck-partner og bransjen pioner Fernando M. Pinguelo, utvider firmaets krisehåndtering tilbud for å effektivt håndtere klienten nødhjelp. "Erfaringen og profesjonalitet Fernando Pinguelo bringer til dette firmaet med denne nyopprettede gruppen fortsetter vår forpliktelse til å tilby tjenester som var tidligere bare tilgjengelig for klienter av boutique og større nasjonale advokatfirmaer," sa Donald Scarinci, Managing Partner i firmaet. Nettkriminalitet er en farlig aspekt av Internett alder, og en som enkeltpersoner, bedrifter og offentlige etater må effektivt motvirke. Bli offer for brudd på sikkerheten data kan la selskaper åpent for kostbare konsekvenser og omdømmerisiko skader. Som teknologiutviklingen, finne mennesker og kriminelle foretak innovative måter å ulovlig tilgang til og bruke privat og fortrolig informasjon. Kostnaden for disse angrepene til den globale økonomien er anslått for å overskride $1,5 trillioner. Scarinci Hollenbeck gjenkjenner den iboende risikoen som følger med teknologisk innovasjon og Internett alder som helhet. Pinguelo og hans tverrfaglig team av fagfolk som samlet i å skape Cyber sikkerhet & databeskyttelse gruppen vil representere enkeltpersoner, mellomstore bedrifter, store selskaper og offentlige organer i å utvikle krisehåndtering strategier ved å implementere data bryter svar programmer og bistår kunder i forståelse og overholde nettet av internasjonale, nasjonale, statlige og lokale lover og
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