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Mr. Bedingfield

Professional Development using Google Drive - 20 views

    How I used Google Drive for Flipped professional Development at My School District - over 60 screencast for teachers too
Kasey Bell

How to Design Google PD That Works! | Shake Up Learning - 17 views

    "I have delivered hundreds of hours of professional learning over the last ten years or so, and a vast portion of those sessions have focused on using Google tools in the classroom. I've learned a lot of lessons as a Google trainer, A LOT! So to help other trainers, I put together a framework for Google PD that I hope others will benefit from. I'm sharing the order that I teach G Suite apps as well as sharing free resources and tips along the way. Of course, every teacher/trainer is different, with a different personality and different strengths and weaknesses; and every group of participants varies as well."
Michelle Krill

Digication e-Portfolios: Home - 31 views

    "What is an e-Portfolio? e-Portfolios are platforms for students, teachers, alumni, and professionals to showcase their work and ideas. They are archives of learning, discovery, progress, achievement and reflection. A few uses of e-Portfolios include assessment, admissions, interactive resumes, student galleries, teacher resource sites, collaborative project portfolios, and research presentations. "
Chris Betcher

How To Migrate Your Entire Google Account To A New One | Lifehacker Australia - 22 views

    Whether you finally decided to shed for a more professional handle or you want to swap Google accounts for less embarrassing reasons, Google doesn't have a built-in system for migrating your data to a new account. So we figured it out.
Michelle Krill

Google Apps for Education Certified Partners and Trainers: Program Details - 26 views

    "This program is designed for companies and individuals who provide professional training and support to schools using Google Apps Education Edition. The Google Apps for Education Certification is an official "stamp of approval" from Google, and gives you access to additional marketing support, training opportunities, and business visibility in the Google Apps marketplace. Meanwhile, your customers can be assured that your expertise and learning materials meet high quality standards set by the Google Apps team."
David McGavock

Google Apps for Education Certification Program - 1 views

    "Become an Apps-Certified Trainer Demonstrate your expertise at helping schools make the most of Google Apps by joining the Google Apps for Education Certification program. Certified Trainers are recognized by Google as having proven expertise and experience in delivering high-quality teacher training and professional development course materials to schools of all sizes."
Lucy Gray

Google Teachers Academy: Chicago - 86 views

Please pass on the following information to friends and colleagues who might be interested in this free training opportunity from Google. Thanks, -- Lucy Gray Lead Technology Coach The Universit...

chicago education gct google gta k12 training

started by Lucy Gray on 09 Aug 08 no follow-up yet
Dr. Sorin Adam Matei


  •, is established as a collaborative organization to design, seek funding for, and direct a set of cyberinfrastructure initiatives for archaeology. seeks to coordinate with and, develop interoperability of its own projects with other relevant data-sharing initiatives. It offers to work with professional organizations and federal agencies to promote policies that will foster the development of cyberinfrastructure for archaeology.
Justin Medved

Looking For Learning In 21st Century Classrooms - A leadership guide to supporting and ... - 12 views

    Looking for Learning in 21st Century Classrooms A leadership guide to supporting and coaching best practice technology use across the curriculum. Administrators are given the charge to foster professional development of teachers through classroom observation, walk-throughs and overall supervision. In recent years, technology has changed significantly and the world has altered alongside that change. Education has begun the process of including technology, but finds variety in teacher expertise and practice. What questions can supervisors ask of their teachers to best promote technology-use to improve learning? Here are some helpful guiding questions.
Andrew Williamson

Why An Unconference? - Meeting Of The Minds Unconference Blog - 7 views

    Some ideas around why we created @motmedu Looking for a conference with a difference? What story do you have to tell? The #motm13 Unconference is built around stories for the purpose of making strong connections with other passionate educators who are integrating ICT with pedagogy.
Allison Campbell-Rogers

OTF/FEO - Professional Learning - Critical Thinking - 22 views

    Critical thinking tasks, resources, presentations by Garfield Gini-Newman
Susan Oxnevad

Google Docs for Learning - An Interactive Graphic Filled with Resources - 70 views

    Explore this interactive graphic used to successfully drive some recent professional development.
Maryann Angeroth

Past Recordings - EducationOnAir - 9 views

    Google Education on air; live and archived Google Hangouts. 
Maryann Angeroth

Learning Communities - Google Apps for Education: a digital learning ecosystem - 12 views

    Creating and online environment with Google Apps
Jackie Gerstein

Science-Based Google Maps | KQED QUEST - 23 views

    Science-Based Google Maps
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