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Home/ Google in Education/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Andrew Williamson

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Andrew Williamson

Andrew Williamson

Why An Unconference? - Meeting Of The Minds Unconference Blog - 7 views

    Some ideas around why we created @motmedu Looking for a conference with a difference? What story do you have to tell? The #motm13 Unconference is built around stories for the purpose of making strong connections with other passionate educators who are integrating ICT with pedagogy.
Andrew Williamson

Better control in Google Sites with page-level permissions - Docs Blog - 34 views

    Woo Hoo! At last we can now control page level permissions in Google sites. This could be a game changer for schools who have been using Google Ed Apps. 
Andrew Williamson

YouTube - Google Lookup in Google Docs - 35 views

    Other demo on using google lookup. This could have many applications for the classroom. Students wanting a quick spread sheet on country, population and currency. National sport etc...
Andrew Williamson

YouTube - GoogleLookupIn60sec.mp4 - 15 views

    Extremely fast and furious look at Google lookup in spreadsheets. Will have to look at this again to take it all in. Thanks @johntomas 
Andrew Williamson

DEECD Teachers Who Use Twitter - 0 views

    Starting up a directory for Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) teachers who use twitter.
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