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Making Data Matter: Tools to Accelerate Achievement - 0 views

    This is an Education Week Leadership Forum taking place in Chicago on April 7, 2010. Brenda has noted the takeaways: Keys to building consistent data best practices at every school; New ways to leverage data you're already collecting; Techniques to keep district and school data users focused on achievement.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Data mining higher education records in search of improved outcomes - 0 views

    By Lloyd Armstrong on his blog Changing Higher Education, May 23 2011. Announcement of a new Gates Foundation grant to aggregate data from several large post-secondary systems that are members of WICHE (Western Interstate Commission for Higher Ed) in order to get a better picture of outcome data.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Obama Tries New Tack in Collecting Student Data - 0 views

    By Paul Basken, in the Government section, Chronicle of Higher Education, Feb 21, 2010. President Obama's education agenda "seeks to inject more accountability into higher education through smarter use of data." This article is available by subscription. To access full text, check with your local library.
    MZ has posted the full text (as PDF) in her Coffee Klatch post of Feb 22, 2010.
Lisa Levinson

Assessment Insights: November 2010 | Research Insights - 0 views

    Professional development that allows teachers to choose what they want to learn, is accessible through technology, and ties data to student success works.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

MathGrapher | The Mathematical Graphing Tool for Students, Scientists and Engineers - 0 views

    From the Introduction, "Mathgrapher is a mathematical graphing tool for 2D and 3D functions and data. It includes linear and nonlinear curve fitting, integration and analysis of coupled ordinary differential equations (ODE's) and multi-dimensional iterative maps, matrix operations, Lindenmayer systems and some cellular automata." Though the site indicates that the MathGrapher hasn't been updated since 2007, the site was recently given a positive review by University of Wisconsin's Internet Scout Report.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Statway (Statistics Pathway) - 1 views

    A program of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Statway focuses on helping community college students learn basic skills in statistics, data analysis, and quantitative reasoning as part of a one-year pathway. The ultimate goal of this pathway is preparation for college-level statistics. This home page to Statway also includes links to the project blog (called Pathways Connection) and to the project's mailing list. There are 19 community colleges affiliated with this project.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Benchmarking & Benchmarks: Effective Practice with Entering Students - 0 views

    Published by Center for Community College Student Engagement, 2010. This report looks at the Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE), launched fall 2006. From the report, "To date, more than 91,000 students from 197 colleges in 37 states have participated in SENSE, thereby helping to create a wealth of new and actionable data about the entering community college student experience."
KPI_Library Bookmarks

What Makes a Great Teacher? - 0 views

    By Amanda Ripley in The Atlantic, January/February 2010. This article looks at effective teaching in several ways: it profiles several highly effective teachers, and also discusses over ten years of data about effective teaching that the organization Teach for America is preparing to release.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

A Guide to Actionable Measurement - 1 views

    Presented by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, April 2010. This guide, "is the result of a year-long cross-foundation effort to develop common principles, approaches, and taxonomies to help staff decide how best to allocate time and resources for data collection and analysis." Link to the PDF of the full guide from this page.
Lisa Levinson

Assessment Insights: January 2011 | Research Insights - 0 views

    Automated essay scoring (AES) has many benefits such as immediate grading, reliable reporting, and diagnostic feedback. While automation poses certain operational and technical challenges, more states are adopting AES for both formative and summative assessments. This presentation presents empirical data from the state of West Virginia online writing assessments on the reliability and validity of machine scores.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

'Achieving the Dream' Produces Little Change at Community Colleges - 0 views

    By Jennifer Gonzalez in the Students section of the Chronicle of Higher Education, February 9 2011. Article announces the findings of a just-published early report, "Turning the Tide: Five Years of Achieving the Dream in Community Colleges," looking at five years of progress of the Achieving the Dream program in the 26 schools that joined in 2004. While the article cites that the changes are slow and small, there are bright spots, including the spread of a "culture of evidence" with more sophisticated data collection and analysis.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Outline for Redesign of Developmental Math (Cleveland State Community College) - 0 views

    Spearheaded by John Squires (who has since moved to Chattanooga State Community College), this page outlines the redesign, looking at impact on students, cost savings, lessons learned, and sustainability. All data as of June 2009.
susan restler

colleges-most-important-trend-is-the-rise-of-the-adult-student - 2 views

    Data on 2 year/4year/certificate attendees. Indictment of cc's for imitating 4 years and not emphasizing pedagogy/quality of sylibi
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Eight Important Questions for Eleven Community College Leaders - 0 views

    By the SOURCE on Community College Issues, Trends & Strategies, May 2011. For this report, the SOURCE's editor-in-chief interviewed eleven community college leaders from across the country. Questions relate to: college readiness, remedial education, workforce development, educational technologies, student services, data analysis, funding/grants
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Learning Design Support Environment - 0 views

    Videos of the Learning Design Support Environment and the Online Pedagogical Pattern Data Collector on Vimeo
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Multiyear Study of Community-College Practices Asks: What Helps Students Graduate? - 1 views

    By Jennifer Gonzalez, Students section, The Chronicle of Higher Education, February2 2012. The new project is being led by the Center for Community College Student Engagement and will analyze data from four different surveys: Community College Survey of Student Engagement, the Survey of Entering Student Engagement, the Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement, and the newly created Community College Institutional Survey. Reports will be produced annually for the next three years. See CCCSE tag for first year's report.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Education Data, Avocados, and Our New API Directory - 0 views

    Published by Noodle Education (July 2012), an excellent "lay-person" explanation of API, along with a list of the the 10 best education-related APIs (according to Noodle). This page also has a link to Noodle's full directory of education-related APIs.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

A Hanging - 0 views

    Essay by George Orwell on
    Used for CAT assignment in jam on Shreds of Data (MD).
Lisa Levinson

Best Practices in E-Assessment - Assessment - Program Management - Resource Collections... - 0 views

    Although this paper highlights Adult Basic Ed/ELL it has some interesting conclusions about eLearning and assessment.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

From service dog to SURFice dog - 2 views

    From YouTube, an inspiring story of a service dog and the owner/trainer who was able to play to the dog's strengths.
    Video used in a student exercise for a CAT in jam on Shreds of Data (R.O.).
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