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Your college experience : strategies for success - 0 views

    By John N. Gardner and Betsy O Barefoot; 10th edition published by Bedford/St. Martin's, 2012.
    ME asked about teaching the concept of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and BT recommended this book. She used Chapter 3, in particular.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Report Calls for Renewed Focus on Raising College-Completion Rates - 0 views

    In the Students section of The Chronicle of Higher Education by Katherine Mangan, Jan 23 2013. The article summarizes a report by the National Commission on Higher Education Attainment. The commission just completed a year-long review of completion issues.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

College Persistence and Completion: What impacts student success? - 0 views

    A collection of related studies looking at college completion and student success from the ECS Research Studies Database. Studies are from a variety of sources -- not the ECS (e.g. Journal of Higher Education, National Bureau of Economic Research, and American Educational Research Journal).
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) 2010 Annual Meeting Podcasts - 0 views

    This page links to the all podcast offerings from the 2010 annual meeting. The opening plenary (first podcast listed) was given by Martha J. Kanter, Under Secretary for the U.S. Department of Education, Jamie P. Merisotis of the Lumina Foundation, and Ronald Crutcher, president of Wheaton College.
    JEC attended this conference and recommended the talk by Kanter, et al.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

New Community College Standards Could Hike Graduation Rates - 1 views

    On PBS NewsHour, April 20, 2010. Jeffrey Brown interview with Mary Spilde and Hilary Pennington about the increased focus on boosting graduation rates in community colleges. Remedial education, innovative technology models and standards for accountabililty are topics covered.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

College Teaching Needs to Get Better Now, Educators Warn - 0 views

    by David Glenn in The Faculty Section, The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 5, 2010. See page 12. Jamie P. Merisotis, president of Lumina Foundation for Education gives the plenary at the annual conference of the Association of American Colleges and Universities in January 2010.
    From PA: "According to the Chronicle, he (Jamie Merisotis) addressed this very issue of 'quality'"
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Two-Year Colleges Seek More Graduates - 1 views

    By Stephanie Banchero, The Wall Street Journal, April, 21, 2010. At the annual meeting of the American Association of Community Colleges, officials pledge to boost student completion rates 50% over the next decade.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

That Old College Lie - 1 views

  • But the biggest problem with American higher education isn’t that too many students can’t afford to enroll. It’s that too many of the students who do enroll aren’t learning very much and aren’t earning degrees. For the average student, college isn’t nearly as good a deal as colleges would have us believe.
  • The average graduation rate at four-year colleges in the bottom half of the Barron’s taxonomy of admissions selectivity is only 45 percent. And that’s just the average–at scores of colleges, graduation rates are below 30 percent, and wide disparities persist for students of color. Along with community colleges, where only one in three students earns a degree,
  • Less than 40 percent of low-income students who start college get a degree of any kind within six years.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • A 2006 study from the American Institutes for Research found that only 31 percent of adults with bachelor’s degrees are proficient in "prose literacy"–being able to compare and contrast two newspaper editorials, for example. More than a quarter have math skills so feeble that they can’t calculate the cost of ordering supplies from a catalogue.
    By Kevin Carey in Democracy: A Journal of Ideas, Issue #15, Winter 2010. In this editorial, Carey (policy director of think tank Education Sector) argues that colleges are not fulfilling their mission to students: costs are rising and students are not learning (or even graduating). He argues for transparency and studies of the effectiveness of teaching and learning, and warns of the education-related lobbies that keep the rest of us in the dark about higher education.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Our head in the cloud: Transforming work on college completion - 1 views

    By Diana D. Woolis and Gail O. Mellow. This page is the abstract for the book chapter on the Emerald website.
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