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Steven Isaacs

GameMaker 8.1: Working with Events and Actions - 0 views

    This tutorial will show you how to program events and actions for your objects. Events and Actions are what indicate what the objects can do in a game. (3:46)
Steven Isaacs

GameMaker 8.1: Introducing Events and Actions - 0 views

    This tutorial will show you how to create events and actions for objects. Events and actions are what tell the objects what to do in a game. (1:49)
Steven Isaacs

GameMaker 8.1: Creating Moving Objects - 0 views

    This tutorial will show you how to create events and actions for objects. Events and actions are what tell the objects what to do in a game. (1:49)
Steven Isaacs

GameMaker Studio: Introduction to Events and Actions - 1 views

    This tutorial will show you how to create events and actions for objects. Events and actions are what tell the objects what to do in a game. (6:51)
Steven Isaacs

GameMaker 8.1: Spawning Objects - 3 views

    This tutorial will show you how to have an enemy automatically shoot objects in a given direction. This tutorial utilizes a step event and the random action to randomize the occurrence of the enemy projectiles. (2:23)
Steven Isaacs

GameMaker 8.1: Mouse Events - 0 views

    In this tutorial, we will add obstacles to avoid in the game. We will set it up so that we can click on the obstacles with the mouse in order to get rid of them and save our main character. (4:06)
Steven Isaacs

GameMaker 8.1: Moving Toward an Object - 2 views

    This video will show you how to use a step event in GameMaker 8 to create a loop that continually checks the location of an object and has another object move toward it. (3:40)
Steven Isaacs

GameMaker 8.1: Creating Sprites, Objects, and Room - 1 views

    This tutorial will show you how to create sprites, objects and rooms. You will create and name your first resources using a proper naming convention. In the next lesson, we will program your objects with events and actions. (7:05)
Steven Isaacs

GameMaker Studio: Adding a Health Bar - 1 views

    This video will show you how to create and display a health bar above your character. This example uses the draw event and draw health actions. (7:48)
Steven Isaacs

GameMaker Studio: Display Health + Lives - 1 views

    This tutorial will show you how to use a controller object to display (draw) the health and lives in your game. (8:22)
Steven Isaacs

GameMaker Studio: Creating Sprites, Objects, and Rooms - 0 views

    This tutorial will show you how to create sprites, objects and rooms. You will create and name your first resources using a proper naming convention. In the next lesson, we will program your objects with events and actions. (7:27)
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