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Steven Isaacs

GameMaker Studio: The GameMaker Interface - 2 views

    This short video will provide you with an understanding of the gamemaker environment. It will explain the different resources that are included in a game created with GameMaker. (5:48)
Steven Isaacs

Games and Learning: GameMaker 8.1 resources - 0 views

    Game Maker has been the cornerstone of my video game design and development instruction for some time now. In the past, I have used it to as a tool in summer computer camps, after school programs, and a unit in our school's gifted and talented program. This blog post provides links to a number of video tutorials and GameMaker 8.1 source files to demonstrate specific skills using GameMaker 8.1.
Steven Isaacs

GameMaker 8.1: Creating Sprites, Objects, and Room - 1 views

    This tutorial will show you how to create sprites, objects and rooms. You will create and name your first resources using a proper naming convention. In the next lesson, we will program your objects with events and actions. (7:05)
Steven Isaacs

GameMaker Studio - working with spritesheets - 1 views

    This tutorial will show you how to downloading spritesheets (from and extracting the animation from the sheet using GameMaker's Sprite Editor (7:17)
Steven Isaacs

GameMaker Studio: Creating Sprites, Objects, and Rooms - 0 views

    This tutorial will show you how to create sprites, objects and rooms. You will create and name your first resources using a proper naming convention. In the next lesson, we will program your objects with events and actions. (7:27)
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