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Hrobjartur Arnason

An Excerpt From Evaluating Training Programs - 0 views

    fyrstu kaflarnir í bók Kirkpatrick um mat á námskeiðum
Hrobjartur Arnason

Kirkpatrick's Four Levels of Training Evaluation - James D. Kirkpatrick, Wendy Kayser K... - 0 views

    Hér er nýleg bók um fjögur þrekp Kirkpatricks á mati fræðslustarfsemi. Hjá Google books er hægt að fletta í henni.
Hrobjartur Arnason

KirkpatrickTribute Live - YouTube - 0 views

    Stutt viðta.... síðasta viðtalið við Don Kirkpatrick
Hrobjartur Arnason

Jim Kirkpatrick's Interview on Emirates News - YouTube - 0 views

    Viðtal við Jim Kirkpatrick um módel föður hans og þróun þess
Hrobjartur Arnason

Donald Kirkpatrick - Wikipedia - 0 views

    Wikipedia grein um Kirkpatrick. stutt og hlutlaus. með tilvísanír í gagnlegt efni
Hrobjartur Arnason

ICEIDA Support to the Implementation of FALP in the Kalangala District 2002-2005 - 0 views

    An evaluation of an ICEIDA project in Uganda Þessi skýrsla er ágætis dæmi um matsskýrslu byggða á ytra mati.
Hrobjartur Arnason

Inherent contradictions in managing quality of adult education: A qualitative analysis ... - 1 views

shared by Hrobjartur Arnason on 29 Jun 16 - No Cached
  • These and many other policy documents indicate that the management ofquality in education is a commonly accepted principle in Europe but at thesame time a careful reading of these and particularly, of relevant nationalreports brings to light a lot of disparate arguments which are offered forsupporting the development of quality assurance standards, systems andagencies
  • many aspects of qualitymanagement in education are confusing and undermine relevant efforts andpolicies
  • his paper presents the main conclusions drawn froma qualitative analysis of documents reporting on policies and quality systemsdeveloped and applied in many European countries
    • Hrobjartur Arnason
      Markmið greinarinnar
  • ...69 more annotations...
  • The datasearch
  • The technique of “go backward” was consistently applied
  • second step
  • second step
  • nconsistency characterises the policies, which promote theestablishment of structures
  • deficiencies
  • 1
  • 2.
  • ontent analysi
  • themes
  • questions
  • The purpose of the analysis was to single out any similarities and especiallydifferences, characterising the concepts and approaches to quality of adulteducation in Europe and then to trace the emergence of common policyprinciples, if any, concerning the control and assurance of that quality
  • contextof welfare service
  • positivist
  • quantitative measures and performanceindicators
  • qualitatively predetermined specifications
  • variation ofobjectives and approache
  • multiple definitions
  • differentmethods, tools and instruments used for the evaluation and control ofquality in adult education and training
  • most current publications reporting in the most integrated way on the stateof the art in each country was selected.
  • impossibility of establishing universal quality standards and uniformlyapplicable quality assurance procedures, which are functional andeffective
  • Two prominent and internationally recognised standard
  • ISO
  • EFQM
  • SO defines quality explicitly, asthe “totality of characteristics of an entity that bears on its ability tosatisfy stated and implied needs”
  • EFQM employs a similar concep
  • implementation of these two qualitystandards is not easy
  • For thesereasons the adult education sector has started to develop their ownmodels which fulfil their needs in a better way
  • LQW
  • QES
  • KVIK
  • EduQua
  • negative impacts on the development of systems for management of aspects of quality in adult education
  • effort towards the harmonisatio
  • Managing quality of adult education in Europe
  • stakeholders’ models
  • “Europe has the most varied quality assurance practices by country, adultlearning sector and provider. However, diversity is not always anadvantage
  • elusive concep
  • wo perspective
  • ack of commonly accepted and applied concepts of quality
  • market context
  • Approaching educational offers aspublic service
  • excellence
  • quality is a rather absolute concept attributed to educational activities
  • r two issue
  • e first
  • priority is given to the students andto the results of their participation in educational activities
  • related either to content, methods, mediaand conditions of educational activities as well as to the efficiency ofteachers or to the effectiveness of educational provisions offered to particularadult populations or social groups.
  • gentsauthorized to define establish and control the quality
  • second
  • egional, or national, usually state controlledauthorities
  • On the other hand, in a market context
  • multiple stakeholders o
  • en priority in defining and ensuring quality of education.
  • Our analysis of documents reporting on quality of adult education revealedefforts, and therefore needs, to develop and apply quality managementsystems at three different levels, individually or jointly
  • organisational
  • First
  • earning individual
  • Secon
  • ssess anddocument learning outcomes
  • make themvisible
  • meeting student’s needs
  • third
  • national system
  • uch a system is eithergovernment-controlle
  • status of non-governmental organizatio
  • In conclusio
    Ágætis yfirlit yfir stefnur og strauma í umræðunni um gæðastjórnun í evrópskum stefnuplöggum
Elín Oddný Sigurðardóttir

Teacher Evaluation: A Critique of Currently Used Methods - 0 views

    Robert S. Soar, Donald M. Medley and Homer Coker Vol. 65, No. 4 (Dec., 1983), pp. 239-246 Stable URL: Cite this Item Description: Phi Delta Kappan, a professional magazine for educators, features articles on education practice, research, policy, issues, and trends.
Hrobjartur Arnason

State of the Art Review of Quality Issues Related to Open Educational Resources (OER) -... - 0 views

    Skýrsla um notkun opins menntaefnis í háskólakennslu
Hrobjartur Arnason

Ulf-Daniel Ehlers - 1 views

    Ulf Ehlers hefur skrifað mikið um gæðamál í fræðslu einkum fjarkennslu, opnu menntaefni og háskólakennslu. Hann hefur skifað á rýnandi hátt um LQW módelið sem er áberandi í Þýskalandi.
    Ulf Ehlers hefur skrifað mikið um gæðamál í fræðslu einkum fjarkennslu, opnu menntaefni og háskólakennslu. Hann hefur skifað á rýnandi hátt um LQW módelið sem er áberandi í Þýskalandi.
    Er þetta fræðimaðurinn sem þú nefndir við mig á síðasta Veffundi varðandi LQW?
Hrobjartur Arnason

EU policy in the field of adult learning - European Commission - 1 views

  • It is essential for employability and competitiveness, social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development. The challenge is to provide learning opportunities for all adults, throughout their whole life, especially disadvantaged groups who need them most.
    • Hrobjartur Arnason
    Mér finnst þetta s
Ingunn Helga Bjarnadóttir

Gæðanám - 2 views

Gæði í kennslu og námi - greininn í GÁTT


started by Ingunn Helga Bjarnadóttir on 16 Feb 16 no follow-up yet
Hrobjartur Arnason

Qualifications frameworks in Europe: forging the right links - 0 views

    grein frá CEDEFOP um gæðakerfi
Hrobjartur Arnason - 2 views

    Um gæðavottanir. útdráttur á grein frá CEDEFOP
Hrobjartur Arnason

Áhrif lýðræðislegs verklags á sjálfsmat í skólum - Sigurlína Davíðsdóttir, Pe... - 0 views

    Grein eftir Sigurlínu Davíðsdóttur og Penelope Lisi um sjálfsmat
Hrobjartur Arnason

„Það er þetta svolítið með að opna gluggana" - áhrif sjálfsmats í skólum á ke... - 0 views

    Grein um sjálfsmat í skólum eftir Sigurlínu Davíðsdóttur ofl. ATH áherslu á þátttöku allra
Hrobjartur Arnason

Hróbjartur Árnason og nemendur: Gæðanám. Gæði í kennslu og námi - 0 views

    Grein eftir nemendur og kennara á námskeiði um gæðastjórnun: Það getur verið erfitt að henda reiður á gæði í starfi skóla og annarra fræðslustofnana þar sem raunverulegur árangur af starfinu, lærdómurinn sjálfur, verður til í samvinnu við þá sem eiga að njóta gæðanna, þ.e. þátttakendurna. Starfsemi fræðslustofnunar gengur út á að þátttakendur læri. Hún snýst um að fólk, sem tekur þátt í atburðum sem eru skipulagðir af stofnuninni, viti, skilji og geti eitthvað eftir atburðina sem það vissi ekki og gat ekki áður, eða að það kunni og geti eitthvað betur en áður. Það liggur í augum uppi að lítill verður lærdómurinn án eigin vinnu þátttakenda. Þess vegna hlýtur samstarf starfsfólks fræðslustofnunar og þátttakenda að hafa úrslitaáhrif á árangurinn og þar með gæði námsins. Það er til lítils ef húsnæði uppfyllir alla gæðastaðla, öll ferli eru nákvæm, skráð og gagnsæ en þátttakendur læra ekki.
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