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Kylie A. Peppler - 0 views


Open edX - 1 views

    Welcome to edX's open source initiative - Open edX - where developers around the globe are working to create a next-generation online learning platform to bring quality education to students around the world.

Assajos sobre educació oberta I - P2P Foundation - 0 views

    1 Paul S. Adler and Charles Heckscher: Towards Collaborative Community 2 Ernesto Arias (et al.) on Transcending the Individual Human Mind through Collaborative Design 3 Adam Arvidsson on the Crisis of Value and the Ethical Economy 4 Yaneer Bar-Yam on Complexity, Hierarchy, and Networks 5 Richard Barbrook on the 'High-tech Gift Economy' 6 Yochai Benkler on Peer Production 7 James Boyle, on the Public Domain and the Second Enclosure movement 8 Vasilis Kostakis: At the Turning Point of the Current Techno-Economic Paradigm 9 George Caffentzis: On the Antagonistic Usage of the Commons Concept 10 Kevin Carson, on expanding peer production to the physical domain 11 Predrag Cicovacki, on the metaphysics of co-evolution and transdisciplinary methodology 12 Julia Cohen, on copyright law and sharing 13 Mark Cooper on a Policy for Collaborative Production 14 Mariarosa Dalla Costa on the Commons of Land and Food 15 Massimo De Angelis on The Production of the Commons and the Explosion of the Middle Class. 16 Massimo De Angelis on a political strategy to unite commons and political/social movements 17 Paul de Armond, on netwar in political protest 18 Erik Douglas, on peer governance and democracy 19 Stephen Downes on Free Learning and P2P epistemology 20 Nick Dyer-Witheford on the Circulation of the Common 21 Jo Freeman, on the dark side of Peer Governance 22 Brett Frischmann, an economic theory for the Commons 23 Richard Heinberg on The Decentralized Provisioning of the Basic Necessities as the Fight of the Century 24 John Heron on the relational ground of human consciousness: Notes on Spiritual Leadership and Relational Spirituality 25 Yasuhiko Genku Kimura: Creating a ommicentric Ideosphere 26 Vasilis_Kostakis et al. on Peer Production and Desktop Manufacturing 27 Magnus Marsdal on Socialist Individualism 28 Ugo Mattei: The State, the Market, an
    29 influential papers on Open Education collected by P2P Foundation

Assajos sobre educació oberta II - P2P Foundation - 0 views

    1 Cosma Orsi on The Political Economy of Solidarity 2 Bruno Perens on The Emerging Economic Paradigm of Open Source 3 James Quilligan on a framework for Global Commons-based Governance 4 Alan Rayner: Attuning to Natural Energy Flows vs. Abstract Economic Rationality 5 Dirk Riehle on the Economics of Open Source Software 6 David Ronfeldt on the Evolution of Governance 7 Marshall Sahlins on The Original Affluent Society 8 Graham Seaman: Can peer production make washing machines? 9 Clay Shirky on the web as evolvable system 10 David Skrbina, the participatory worldview 11 Bruno Theret, on the tradition of 'civil socialism' 12 Evan Thompson, on the enactive theory of consciousness 13 Jeff Vail, The Problem of Growth: Hierarchy vs. the Rhizome 14 Kazys Varnelis on how network culture differs from postmodernism 15 Roberto Verzola on Undermining vs. Developing Abundance 16 Raoul Victor, on Free Software, the sharing culture, and Marxism
    16 influential papers on Open Education collected by P2P Foundation

Ownership and Agency Will Propel STEM Learning | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Learner agency is characterized by a pedagogy that builds on the passions of learners and also has real world relevance. We are seeing numerous examples of this in our schools, and the school structure is also beginning to change to accommodate this transition. Schools are adopting more flexible schedules, new and more personalized methods of reporting are being adopted, and examples of hands-on experiences from outdoor learning to community business partnerships are flourishing. Many do see learner agency as being key to the future of schooling.
  • Kids are learning many STEM skills, but it's not happening in schools.
  • Wozniak experienced inspiration from his high school electronics teacher, who provided foundational instruction that set him on a path of self-directed learning which would revolutionize personal computing.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • What the PISA found, according to its manager Andreas Schleicher and as reported by Thomas Friedman in The New York Times, is
  • The single entity and mode of delivery may need rethinking to account for the wealth of access to information now in place with the Internet and mobile technology.
  • Students can grow frustrated by not feeling ownership over their learning, and can get trapped in a power struggle with teachers over choice and direction with learning.
  • All the building blocks are in place for breakthroughs: the Internet goes everywhere. Everyone has a device connected to the network. And the cost of technology experimentation is so low.
  • that the most successful students are those who feel real "ownership" of their education. In all the best performing school systems, said Schleicher, "students feel they personally can make a difference in their own outcomes and that education will make a difference for their future.”
  • The single entity of the teacher needs to be reconsidered and recalibrated.
  • The learning paradigm is shifting toward student "agency."
  • Learner agency is characterized by a pedagogy that builds on the passions of learners and also has real world relevance. We are seeing numerous examples of this in our schools, and the school structure is also beginning to change to accommodate this transition. Schools are adopting more flexible schedules, new and more personalized methods of reporting are being adopted, and examples of hands-on experiences from outdoor learning to community business partnerships are flourishing. Many do see learner agency as being key to the future of schooling.
    Great article that advocated for "Learner Agency" - models of education that give learners more control.

CAEL - To "Direct Assessment" or Not to "Direct Assessment" - 0 views

  • "direct assessment" provision in the Higher Education Act
  • We encourage every college to consider developing competency-based degree programs. Don't wait. Now is the time.
  • will open the door for the low-income students who need it the most.

Udacity's Sebastian Thrun, Godfather Of Free Online Education, Changes Course | Fast Co... - 1 views

  • Higher education is an enormous business in the United States--we spend approximately $400 billion annually on universities, a figure greater than the revenues of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter combined
  • The man who started this revolution no longer believes the hype.
  • If this was an education revolution, it was a disturbingly uneven one.
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • "I'd aspired to give people a profound education--to teach them something substantial,"
  • It's hard to imagine a story that more thoroughly flatters the current sensibilities of Silicon Valley than the one into which Thrun stumbled. Not only is reinventing the university a worthy goal--tuition prices at both public and private colleges have soared in recent years, and the debt burden borne by American students is more than $1 trillion--but it's hard to imagine an industry more ripe for disruption than one in which the professionals literally still don medieval robes. "Education hasn't changed for 1,000 years," says Peter Levine, a partner with Andreessen Horowitz and a Udacity board member, summing up the Valley's conventional wisdom on the topic. "Udacity just seemed like a fundamentally new way to change how communities of people are educated."
  • "Sebastian is like the smartest guy you've ever met, but on speed,"
  • His trip in March of 2011 to the TED Conference in Long Beach, California, where he delivered a talk about his work, led to an unexpected change in his plans. Thrun movingly recounted how a high school friend had been killed in a car accident, the result of the kind of human error that self-driving cars would eliminate. Although he was well received, Thrun was upstaged by a young former hedge-fund analyst named Sal Khan, who spoke of using cheaply produced, wildly popular web videos to tutor millions of high school students on the Internet. Thrun's competitive streak kicked in. "I was a fully tenured Stanford professor . . . and here's this guy who teaches millions," he would later recount. "It was embarrassing." Though Thrun insists the timing was coincidental, just a few weeks later, he informed Stanford that he would be giving up tenure and joining Google full time as a VP. (He did continue teaching and is still a faculty member.)
  • "I can't teach at Stanford again," he said definitively. "I feel like there's a red pill and a blue pill. And you can take the blue pill and go back to your classroom and lecture your students. But I've taken the red pill. I've seen Wonderland."
  • And yet, all of these efforts have been hampered by the same basic problem: Very few people seem to finish courses when they're not sitting in a lecture hall.
  • Learning, after all, is about more than some concrete set of vocational skills. It is about thinking critically and asking questions, about finding ways to see the world from different points of view rather than one's own. These, I point out, are not skills easily acquired by YouTube video. Thrun seems to enjoy this objection. He tells me he wasn't arguing that Udacity's current courses would replace a traditional education--only that it would augment it. "We're not doing anything as rich and powerful as what a traditional liberal-arts education would offer you," he says. He adds that the university system will most likely evolve to shorter-form courses that focus more on professional development. "The medium will change," he says.
  • "The sort of simplistic suggestion that MOOCs are going to disrupt the entire education system is very premature," he says.
  • Thrun initially approached the problem of low completion rates as one that he could solve single-handedly. "I was looking at the data, and I decided I would make a really good class," he recalls.
  • "From a pedagogical perspective, it was the best I could have done," he says. "It was a good class." Only it wasn't: For all of his efforts, Statistics 101 students were not any more engaged than any of Udacity's other students. "Nothing we had done had changed the drop-off curve," Thrun acknowledges.
  • At a press conference the following January, Brown and Thrun announced that Udacity would open enrollment in three subjects--remedial math, college algebra, and elementary statistics--and they would count toward credit at San Jose State University, a 30,000-student public college. Courses were offered for just $150 each, and students were drawn from a lower-income high school and the underperforming ranks of SJSU's student body. "A lot of these failures are avoidable," Thrun said at the press conference. "I would love to set these students up for success, not for failure."
  • Viewed within this frame, the results were disastrous. Among those pupils who took remedial math during the pilot program, just 25% passed. And when the online class was compared with the in-person variety, the numbers were even more discouraging. A student taking college algebra in person was 52% more likely to pass than one taking a Udacity class, making the $150 price tag--roughly one-third the normal in-state tuition--seem like something less than a bargain. The one bright spot: Completion rates shot through the roof; 86% of students made it all the way through the classes, better than eight times Udacity's old rate.
  • "These were students from difficult neighborhoods, without good access to computers, and with all kinds of challenges in their lives," he says. "It's a group for which this medium is not a good fit."
  • Udacity won't disclose how much it is making, but Levine of Andreessen Horowitz says he's pleased. "The attitude from the beginning, about how we'd make money, was, 'We'll figure it out,'" he says. "Well, we figured it out." Thrun, ever a master of academic branding, terms this sponsored-course model the Open Education Alliance and says it is both the future of Udacity and, more generally, college education. "At the end of the day, the true value proposition of education is employment," Thrun says, sounding more CEO than professor. "If you focus on the single question of who knows best what students need in the workforce, it's the people already in the workforce. Why not give industry a voice?"
  • "We were on the front pages of newspapers and magazines, and at the same time, I was realizing, we don't educate people as others wished, or as I wished. We have a lousy product," Thrun tells me. "It was a painful moment." Turns out he doesn't even like the term MOOC.
  • This January, several hundred computer science students around the world will begin taking classes for an online master's degree program being jointly offered by Udacity and the Georgia Institute of Technology. Fees will be substantial--$6,600 for the equivalent of a three-semester course of study--but still less than one-third of what an in-state student would pay at Georgia Tech, and one-seventh of the tuition charged to an out-of-state one.
  • Georgia Tech professors will teach the courses and handle admissions and accreditation, and students will get a Georgia Tech diploma when they're done, but Udacity will host the course material. Thrun expects the partnership to generate $1.3 million by the end of its first year. The sum will be divided 60-40 between the university and Udacity, respectively, giving the startup its single largest revenue source to date.
  • Crucially, the program won't ultimately cost either Udacity or Georgia Tech anything. Expenses are being covered by AT&T, which put up $2 million in seed capital in the hope of getting access to a new pool of well-trained engineers.
  • "There's a recruiting angle for us, but there's also a training angle," says Scott Smith, an SVP of human resources at the telco. Though Smith says the grant to Georgia Tech came with no strings attached, AT&T plans to send a large group of its employees through the program and is in talks with Udacity to sponsor additional courses as well. "That's the great thing about this model," Smith says. "Sebastian is reaching out to us and saying, 'Help us build this--and, oh, by the way, the payoff is you get instruction for your employees.'" Says Zachary, "The Georgia Tech deal isn't really a Georgia Tech deal. It's an AT&T deal."
    Great insights into Sebastian Thrun, and MOOCs -- especially the "sponsored MOOC." 
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