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chris deason

Archived -- Prisoners Of Time - 0 views

    "Learning in America is a prisoner of time. For the past 150 years, American public schools have held time constant and let learning vary. The rule, only rarely voiced, is simple: learn what you can in the time we make available. It should surprise no one that some bright, hard-working students do reasonably well. Everyone else-from the typical student to the dropout- runs into trouble. Time is learning's warden. Our time-bound mentality has fooled us all into believing that schools can educate all of the people all of the time in a school year of 180 six-hour days. The consequence of our self-deception has been to ask the impossible of our students. We expect them to learn as much as their counterparts abroad in only half the time. As Oliver Hazard Perry said in a famous dispatch from the War of 1812: "We have met the enemy and they are [h]ours." If experience, research, and common sense teach nothing else, they confirm the truism that people learn at different rates, and in different ways with different subjects. But we have put the cart before the horse: our schools and the people involved with them-students, parents, teachers, administrators, and staff-are captives of clock and calendar. The boundaries of student growth are defined by schedules for bells, buses, and vacations instead of standards for students and learning."
Andrew Barras

The Wild World of Massively Open Online Courses « Unlimited Magazine - 0 views

  • In a traditional university setting, a student pays to register for a course. The student shows up. A professor hands out an outline, assigns readings, stands at the front and lectures. Students take notes and ask questions. Then there is a test or an essay.
  • But with advancing online tools innovative educators are examining new ways to break out of this one-to-many model of education, through a concept called massively open online courses. The idea is to use open-source learning tools to make courses transparent and open to all, harnessing the knowledge of anyone who is interested in a topic.
  • George Siemens, along with colleague Stephen Downes, tried out the open course concept in fall 2008 through the University of Manitoba in a course called Connectivism and Connective Knowledge, or CCK08 for short. The course would allow 25 students to register, pay and receive credit for the course. All of the course content, including discussion boards, course readings, podcasts and any other teaching materials, was open to anyone who had an internet connection and created a user profile.
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  • Course facilitators, Siemens and Downes, gave learners control over how they learned.
  • The concept was enough to lure in D’Arcy Norman
  • He was one of the 2,300 students who signed up for a free account that would allow him to access class documents, receive emails from the facilitators and participate in online class discussions.
  • Norman was one of the more passive participants, while others participated fully, doing all the reading and the assignments, without receiving recognized credit for their work. The instructors only marked papers and the final project from for-credit students, but others were free to post papers on the course website for other students to view and comment on.
  • “At the beginning, we had quite a number of students feeling quite overwhelmed because you would get 200 or 300 posts going into a discussion forum per day and that’s just about impossible to follow,” Siemens says.
  • “You have people in there who were really interested, but they were afraid to explore the technologies that were being used and they got lost,” Lane says.
  • Even if students in massively open online courses master the technology and overcome their virtual stage fright, a third problem remains: how to recognize the value of a learning experience that isn’t for credit.
  • “If you’re in a business and you’re a young professional and you want to take an open class, how do you get your superiors to respect that, and say ‘Wow, that’s really good professional development. We should put that in your personnel file,’” Lane questions. “If it’s open and everyone can drop in and drop out, it’s just not seen in the same way.”
  • Wend Drexler, a professor and grant administrator at the University of Florida who also took Siemen’s class as a for-credit student, says that as more professors are posting their content online, figuring out how to recognize non-credit learning will continue to be an issue.
  • “You could really piece together a good undergraduate education based on what’s available out there, but how do you prove to an employer that you have done that?” Drexler questions. “I don’t know, but it’s something that everyone is trying to work through.”
    More details on MOOC
chris deason

Final Presentation Action Research Great Testament - 2 views

    Maintaining student engagement within large lecture environments has never been an easy proposition. This 6-month study analyzed student surveys and test scores taken before and after the implementation of a variety of digital technologies designed to increase engagement and retention in lecture settings. While student responses indicated an appreciation for the inclusion of multimedia within daily lessons, this study found no statistical evidence that such resources increase student achievement. A review of the literature suggests that the lack of observable gains in student grades after implementation could be related to an uncoordinated deployment of said technologies. The author intends to repeat this analysis in the coming school year with a more considered deployment of multimedia and Internet based resources.
chris deason

Ektron Web Content Management Solutions for Education - 0 views

    "Universities, colleges and K-12 schools want to effectively reinforce their brand and communicate their story to those that visit their website every day, from prospective students and their families, current students and athletes, faculty, staff and even alumni. Offer a website that will recruit more students, engage current students and alumni, increase donations and involvement, and uphold your school's identity to what it truly should be. "
chris deason

Engaging Students through Online Collaboration | Educator Resource Centers | eSchoolNew... - 0 views

    With the help of technology, students in a growing number of classrooms are collaborating with their peers-both in their own schools and around the world-to solve problems and complete projects. This trend has important implications for schools, which are under enormous pressure to engage students in academically challenging ways that are relevant to their lives.
Andrew Barras

News: Mixing Work and Play on Facebook - Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

  • Mixable, is positioned as an e-learning environment that empowers students, and can be used as a little study room and course library inside Facebook.
  • Drawing on course registration data, Mixable invites students in virtual rooms with classmates in each of their courses. Once there, it lets them post and start comment threads about links, files, and other materials that might be relevant to the course — or not. The point is, there is no administrative authority determining what should (or must) be posted or discussed, and students are free to abstain from participating — just like on Facebook. Professors can join in, but they don’t run the show. And students can choose to make posts viewable by some classmates and not others. “In essence, the conversation is owned by the student,” says Kyle Bowen, the director of informatics at Purdue.
  • Purdue CIO Gerry McCartney says it made sense to position it as an application within Facebook. He cites the quote attributed to the bank robber Willie Sutton who, asked why he robbed banks, said "because that’s where the money is." Says McCartney: “So why go to Facebook? Because that’s where the students are.”
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  • In short, it is a learning-management system — though not the kind that is likely to supplant existing learning-management systems, its creators say. Mixable is a different breed: more an optional study group than a classroom.
    Mixing Facebook and the SIS
Andrew Barras

A 'Stealth Assessment' Turns to Video Games to Measure Thinking Skills - Technology - T... - 0 views

  • Colleges no longer simply want to know what their students know, but how they think.
  • Higher-order thinking skills are "something that schools are paying a little bit more attention to these days," says Jeffrey Steedle, a measurement scientist at the Council for Aid to Education, whose Collegiate Learning Assessment essays are used at several hundred colleges to test students' abilities to synthesize arguments and write persuasively. "It's largely in response to the recognition that these skills are needed to be competitive in the global marketplace."
  • But educators also say that paper-and-pencil examinations have limits—for one thing, knowing that you are being tested can drag down performance—and they are looking for new methods to measure skills like critical thinking, creativity, and persistence.
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  • Valerie J. Shute, an associate professor of educational psychology and learning systems at Florida State University, believes she has a solution in "stealth assessment"—the administering of tests without students' knowing.
  • To do that, Ms. Shute and other stealth-assessment researchers have turned to video games, which let educators watch students solve complex tasks while immersed in virtual worlds.
  • "Everybody likes to play," she says. "And so much could be done using games."
    Great article about using video games to assess students
Andrew Barras

Needed: A New Model of Pedagogy : : Don Tapscott - 0 views

  • The film Waiting for Superman
  • argues that teachers are at the center of the problem and that the solution is charter schools.
  • But it’s wrong to blame teachers, who are usually a) underpaid, and b) striving to do the best with the limited resources they are given. Nor does the research show that charter schools achieve better outcomes.  The root of the malaise in our schools is the outmoded model of pedagogy.  Teachers and text books are assumed to be the source of knowledge.  Teachers “teach” – they impart knowledge to their students, who through practice and assignments learn how to perform well on tests.
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  • This is the very best model of pedagogy that 18th century technology can provide.  It’s teacher-centered model that is one way, one-size-fits-all and the student is isolated in the learning process. It’s time for a rethinking of the entire model of learning.  We need to move to a customized and collaborative model that embraces 21st century learning technology and techniques.  This is not about technology per se – it’s about a change in the relationship between the student and teacher in the learning process.
  • Are we willing to accept that an Industrial Age form of education isn’t much good for children who have to work in a digital age?
  • Portugal launched the biggest program in the world to equip every child in the country with a laptop and access to the web and the world of collaborative learning. To pay for it, Portugal tapped into both government funds and money from mobile operators who were granted 3G licenses. That subsidized the sale of one million ultra-cheap laptops to teachers, school children, and adult learners.
  • The impact on the classroom is tremendous, as I saw this spring when I toured a classroom of seven-year-olds in a public school in Lisbon. It was the most exciting, noisy, collaborative classroom I have seen in the world.
  • too often, in the American and Canadian school system, teachers still rely on the traditional model of education. Teachers often feel that this is the only way to teach a large classroom of kids, and yet the classroom in Portugal shows that giving kids laptops can free the teacher to introduce a new way of learning that’s more natural for kids who have grown up digital at home.
  • First, it allows teachers to step off the stage and start listening and conversing instead of just lecturing. Second, the teacher can encourage students to discover for themselves, and learn a process of discovery and critical thinking instead of just memorizing the teacher’s information. Third, the teacher can encourage students to collaborate among themselves and with others outside the school. Finally, the teacher can tailor the style of education to their students’ individual learning styles.
  • simply providing computers in schools is not enough. Teachers facing a classroom of kids with laptops need to learn that they are no longer the expert in their domain; the Internet is.
    Fantastic article about 1:1 classrooms
chris deason

DMLcentral - 0 views

    "I'm not teaching a class this term. I'm doing something lots harder. I am making a collaborative, peer-led experience available to students. There are six of them: three graduate students, two undergraduate students, and one recent alum. There is no syllabus."
Kelly Purdy

Blog U.: Student Affairs and Technology - Inside Higher Ed - 1 views

  • Most of our students are not on Twitter. In fact, most people are not on Twitter. Do these statements dissuade me from promoting the use of Twitter when I speak at conferences? Not at all. Twitter is an amazing communication and engagement tool. I am frequently on Twitter asking questions, sharing information, and networking with other higher education professionals. Web-based microblogging is an exceptionally powerful medium.
  • ow many people are following your account. In fact, when it comes to prospective students, I would posit that followers, while an interesting metric, are not all that important. Twitter is like a tuning fork for student opinions, feedback, and observation. Using targeted Twitter search queries, an admissions officer can find out quite a bit of information.
Andrew Barras

Five Tips for Helping Students Become Better Bloggers | BlogWalker - 0 views

  • how do we transition new bloggers from the “That’s cool!” or “Me too!” kinds of fluff responses to meatier responses that are likely to foster extended conversations, invite dynamic classroom connections, and push literacy skills to the next level?
  • Provide students with examples.
  • Include reflection  and self-evaluation as part of the blogging process.
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  • Teach students how to hyperlink.
  • Invite students to share their strategies for bringing others into their conversations.
  • Begin an on-going conversation on digital citizenship.
    Good list
Andrew Barras

Derek's Blog » Creativity vs. stress - 0 views

  • an article from Newsweek titled “the Creativity Crisis“. It begins with the assertion that for the first time, research shows that American creativity is declining.
  • The Newsweek article cites a recent IBM poll of 1,500 CEOs identified creativity as the No. 1 “leadership competency” of the future. And yet it is declining (apparently), both in society as a whole, and in our schools in particular. The authors identify two of the possible reasons for the decline…
  • the impact of television and the number of hours kids now spend in front of the TV and playing videogames rather than engaging in creative activities
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  • the lack of creativity development in our schools, there’s no concerted effort to nurture the creativity of all children.
  • n her writing about The Neuroscience of Joyful Education, Judy Willis highlights the importance of novelty in our teaching, stress-free classrooms, and pleasurable associations linked with learning as essential pre-cursors to joyful learning and the development of creativity. She goes on to suggest that when planning for the ideal emotional atmosphere we should be mindful of the following;
  • Make it relevant – when stress in the classroom is getting high, it is often because a lesson is overly abstract or seems irrelevant to students.
  • Give them a break – students can reduce stress by enjoying hobbies, time with friends, exercise, or music.
  • Create positive associations – by avoiding stressful practices like calling on students who have not raised their hands, teachers can dampen the stress association.
  • Prioritize information – helping students learn how to prioritize and therefore reduce the amount of information they need to deal with is a valuable stress-buster.
  • Allow independent discovery learning – students are more likely to remember and understand what they learn if they find it compelling or have a part in figuring it out for themselves.
  • Others, including Richard Millwood who has written about ‘delight’ in learning, emphasise similar conditions for learning – minimising stress and allowing for more risk-taking, learning from mistakes, discovery and so forth.
    Nice article about classroom environments
chris deason

impossible2Possible » Home » What's Happening - 0 views

    Mark Dohn. He is an EMDT student currently in Month 5 and one of our ADEs. Mark is involved with an organization called impossible2Possible (i2P), which works to inspire today's youth in becoming leaders in both social and environmental action. On October 20th, he will be leaving for the Amazon jungle and will be returning on November 1st. During this time, Mark will have access to video, photos, authentic jungle sounds, and a satellite dish, which can record and transmit information directly to the Internet. Below is a brief description of the trip he will be going on and a link to the i2P site. In October 2010, four i2P Youth Ambassadors will join Ray Zahab, along with fellow i2P ambassadors and adventurers, in this incredible journey through the Tapajos National Forest. Youth ambassadors will trek for up to 8 days - and nearly 200kms - through incredibly dense jungle, swamps and oppressive humidity in a quest to study and learn about the culture and biodiversity of the region. For more information including a ten minute CNN interview with the founders of i2P, you can visit the site here: . This is an incredible opportunity for us to connect with i2P and experience how they are implementing technology, experiential learning and a global community to "educate, inspire, and empower" students. The question is, how can we leverage this trip to benefit both Mark and EMDT. Please bring your ideas to the brainstorming session on Thursday, September 22nd from 6:30-7:30 EST in the PD Wimba room. Hope to see everyone there! Thank you in advance, Rena
Andrew Barras

Why We Switched to Sakai -- Campus Technology - 0 views

  • Pepperdine University has made the decision to adopt Sakai as the single, university-wide learning management system (LMS), effective Jan. 1, 2011.
  • because of the significant cost savings that will accrue as a result of this adoption, our decision highlights an approach for proactively dealing with the economic uncertainty arising from the "new normal" that now affects all higher education institutions.
  • Although the LMS often comprises the "third rail" of our technology services, a very large majority of our faculty and students not only support this change, but are applauding it.
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  • Five findings led to our decision:
  • Our research suggests that the potential of the LMS to transform teaching and learning is diminishing quickly. While the LMS is vitally important, in the same sense that commodity services such as e-mail, bandwidth, and disk storage are, the LMS by itself can no longer be considered strategic. Rather, it is the mash-up of different types of collaborative technologies, such as blogs, tweets, wikis, social networking sites, online media, and document sharing systems, together with the LMS, that appears to have the greater potential to transform our technology and learning practices.
  • The LMS is important, but is no longer transformative
  • Students prefer Sakai
  • As a part of our planning process, beginning in the summer of 2009, Pepperdine began running Sakai in parallel with our existing LMS.
  • Greater numbers of student respondents preferred Sakai over our current LMS when comparing the following features: announcements, assignments, gradebooks, resources (course materials), forums, calendars, quizzes and tests, dropboxes, and blogs.
  • So do our faculty
  • Faculty respondents preferred Sakai to our current LMS when comparing the following features: assignments, gradebooks, resources (course materials), forums, calendars, and dropboxes.
  • Our IT staff members find Sakai much easier to support
  • Overall, our IT staff finds that supporting Sakai is a remarkable improvement over our current LMS.
  • The financial savings is equivalent to the salaries of two faculty members
  • Our planning process involved the participation of hundreds of faculty and students, required presentations at dozens of meetings, and necessitated buy-in from our faculty and approval by the provost and deans. Serving as a change advocate regarding the effective delivery and use of technology, particularly in the technology and learning space, is an increasingly important role for our IT organization.
  • My words of advice for other IT leaders contemplating similar initiatives include the following:
  • Don't shy away from this type of challenge: Lead
  • Let faculty be your advocates
  • Use data to break the ice with difficult change initiatives
  • resistance to LMS change efforts is often based on closely held myths that sometimes fall apart under scrutiny. Properly used benchmarks and other measures are effective tools in any change initiative.
    Good article about changing LMS technologies
chris deason

Project Tomorrow: About Us - 0 views

    "About Us Project Tomorrow is a national education nonprofit group based in Irvine, California. The vision of Project Tomorrow is ensure that today's students are well prepared to be tomorrow's innovators, leaders and engaged citizens of the world. We believe that by supporting the innovative uses of science, math and technology resources in our K-12 schools and communities, students will develop the critical thinking, problem solving and creativity skills needed to compete and thrive in the 21st century. "
chris deason

iRubric: Home of free rubric tools: - 1 views

    "Rubric is a comprehensive rubric development, assessment, and sharing tool. Designed from the ground up, iRubric supports a variety of applications in an easy-to-use package. Best of all, iRubric is free to individual faculty and students. iRubric School-Edition empowers schools with an easy-to-use system for monitoring student learning outcomes and aligning with standards. "
Reo McBride

Follow Great People With Great Ideas on Twitter - 0 views

  • I believe students should experience their success and failure not as reward and punishment but as information. Author of For the Love of Learning.
    • Reo McBride
      This is a sticky note for educators
    • Reo McBride
      Page for educators II
    A great thought on teaching students
chris deason

SmartMusic interactive music software transforms the way students practice - 0 views

    SmartMusic interactive music software transforms the way students practice
chris deason

School Town | Student-Centered eLearning and Collaboration Platform - 1 views

    School Town | Student-Centered eLearning and Collaboration Platform
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