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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Gary Patton

1More - 0 views

    "Joel Richardson", who's core "Theology" and "Eschatology" I respect, talks about the importance of bringing a measure of balance to the positives of "Premillennialism" and "Post-millennialism, plus to be aware of the biblical errors of the extremes of the former.

What is libertarian free will? - 1 views

  • The Bible emphatically affirms human responsibility for sin and God's justice, but it also clearly rejects libertarian free will. Scripture clearly affirms that 1) God is sovereign over all affairs, including the affairs of man; and 2) man is responsible for his rebellion against a holy God. The fact that we cannot completely harmonize these two biblical truths should not cause us to reject either one.
  • Prior to the fall, man could be said to have had a "free" will in that he was free to obey God or disobey God. After the fall, man's will was corrupted by sin to the point where he fully lost the ability to willingly obey God. This doesn't mean that man can't outwardly obey God. Rather, man cannot perform any spiritual good that is acceptable to God or has any salvific merit. The Bible describes man's will as "dead in transgressions and sins" (Ephesians 2:1) or as "slaves to sin" (Romans 6:17).
    • Gary Patton
      This is why without God, humankind is in big trouble!
  • When God ordains all things that come to pass (Psalm 33:11; Ephesians 1:11), He not only ordains the ends, but the means as well. God ordains that certain things will happen and He also ordains how they will happen. Human choices are one of the means by which God accomplishes His will. For proof of this point, look no further than the exodus. God tells Moses that He will harden Pharaoh's heart so that God's glory in the deliverance of Israel would be manifest through him (Exodus 4:21). However, as the narrative continues, we see that Pharaoh hardens his own heart (Exodus 8:15). God's will and man's will converge.
    • Gary Patton
      Because God is sovereign, He gets His way ...regardless of our so-called free will. 

Clipper Sync - 0 views

    An outstanding book that can set your heart free ...if you're willing! Be blessed all! gfp

An Atheist's History of Belief by Matthew Kneale - by Tom Holland, British Historian @H... - 1 views

    Comments on Scientology and it's beliefs

"Love God & Seek Justice For Others" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
  • ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
    In Matt 22:36-40 (NIV), Jesus clarifies his "Law of Love" that fulfils the entire Old Covenant Law.

Q: What does the Bible teach about the Trinity? - 0 views

shared by Gary Patton on 04 Nov 13 - No Cached
  • There is subordination within the Trinity.
    • Gary Patton
      An argument can be made that at least Jesus and The Father are co-equal, some Christians say. I also hold this belief because the references to Jesus' subservience to His Father are made by the God-man. Jesus is fully God but also fully man. Jesus makes clear that His miracles all were performed by His Father or Holy spirt. Therefore I believe that until Jesus returned to Heaven, He operated on earth without His Godly powers which He'd left behind. As a special human, Jesus therefore, was truly subservient to the other dimensions of God. The passages seemingly ascribing Holy Spirit's alleged subservience to The Fater and Jesus, I suggest could also be described as 'deference' rather than 'subservience'.
  • An infinite God cannot be fully described by a finite illustration.
    • Gary Patton
      While, I agree, of course, Michael does not mention what I feel is the best analogy, i.e., I am my Father's son, the husband of my wife, Karen, and the Father of my daughter, Shawna. These three dimensions are different aspects of the same, one being who is also a spirit in a temporary earth suit because I have the image of God Who is spirit. (Genesis 1:7)
  • The doctrine of the Trinity has been a divisive issue throughout the entire history of the Christian church.
    • Gary Patton
      Contrary to what some might feel that Michael is writing here, The Trinity is NOT a divisive doctrine among those who Follow Jesus only among non-Followers. It's a "rock" on which most non-Followers of Jesus stumble" (Luke 7:22-23 at The Trinity is a core belief of our faith in God, The Father (Genesis 1:1) and His salvation through God the Son's, Yeshuaoh's/Jesus', death and resurrection (Romans 10:8-12), plus our empowerment through God, The Holy Spirit, living in us (1 Corinthianss 6:19). As Followers of God, "The One & Only", Who is NOT Allah of the Muslims of Islam or the gods of the polytheistic religionists, we believe in the Trinity, as truth, "in faith" ..."being sure of what we hope for (Biblically: 'know') and certain of what we cannot see". (Hebrews 11:1 & 6) GaryFPatton (2013-11-04 gfp '42)

"You Don't Get Because You Don't Ask the Right Way" - Bible Gateway - 2 views

  • James 4:2-3
    • Gary Patton
      James 4:2-3 makes clear what the conditions are for Jesus Followers to get what they want beyond their needs which Jesus promises to provide automatically in Blessings all! GaryFPatton (2013-09-26)
  • When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.
    James 4:2-3 makes clear what the conditions are for Jesus Followers to get what they want beyond their needs which Jesus promises to provide automatically in Blessings all! GaryFPatton 2013-09-26)

"Jesus Predicts His Death & The Wisdom of His Followers Suicide Also" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 25 Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
    • Gary Patton
      In John 12:24, in context, Jesus again confirms that the ONLY we we committed can follow Him is as a " Walking Dead Wo(man)'" by committing suicide also through our own crucifixion with Him. He says the same thing in other ways in Matthew 16:20-25, at & John 15:5 at . Jesus' Apostle (sent out one), Paul, makes clear his permanent status as a Walking Dead Man in Galatians 2:20. GaryFPatton (2013-09-25 © gfp '42™)
  • Jesus Predicts His Death
    • Gary Patton
      In John 12:24, in context, Jesus again confirms that the ONLY we we committed can follow Him is as a " Walking Dead Wo(man)'" by committing suicide also through our own crucifixion with Him. He says the same thing in other ways in Matthew 16:20-25, at & John 15:5 at . Jesus' Apostle (sent out one), Paul, makes clear his permanent status as a Walking Dead Man in Galatians 2:20. GaryFPatton (2013-09-25 © gfp '42™)
    In John 12:24, in context, Jesus again confirms that the ONLY we we committed can follow Him is as a a " Walking Dead Wo(man)" through our own crucifixion with Him. He says the same thing in other ways in Matthew 16:20-25, at and John 15:5 at . Jesus' Apostle (sent out one), Paul, makes clear his permanent status as a Walking Dead Man in Galatians 2:20. GaryFPatton (2013-09-25 © gfp '42™)

True Jesus Followers Are ' Walking Dead Wo(men)'" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Matthew 16:20-25
  • Matthew 16:20-25
  • Matthew 16:20-25
    • Gary Patton
      In Matthew 16:20-25, Jesus again confirms that the ONLY we we committed can follow Him is as a a " Walking Dead Wo(man)" through our own crucifixion with Him. He says the same thing in other ways in John 12:24 at and John 15:5 at . Jesus' Apostle (sent out one), Paul, makes clear his permanent status as a Walking Dead Man in Galatians 2:20. GaryFPatton (2013-09-25 © gfp '42™)
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save their life[a] will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.
    • Gary Patton
      If this isn't a description by Jesus, "God, The One & Only" of an executed "Walking Deat Wo(man), I don't know what is!
    In Matthew 16:20-25, Jesus again confirms that the ONLY we we can follow Him is as a a " Walking Dead Wo(man)" through our own crucifixion with Him. He says the same thing in other ways in John 12:24 and 15:5. Jesus' Apostle (sent out one), Paul, makes clear his permanent status as a Walking Dead Man in Galatians 2:20. GaryFPatton (2013-09-25

John 12:20-25 NIV -"Jesus Predicts His Death & The Wisdom of a Jesus Follower's - Bible... - 0 views

    John 12:24 in context, like John 15:5 & Galatians 2:20 in context, make clear that a Jesus Follower can only be greatly used by Holy Spirit when the allow Jesus to live His life out through them as " Walking Dead Wo(men)!"

Why Was the Greek Word "Ekklesia" Translated 'Church' in English Bibles & its Ramificat... - 0 views

  • What is the Significance of the New Testament's use of the Word "Ekklesia?"
  • at the beginning of the Tribulation
    • Gary Patton
      It's a shame that many Christian authors cannot stick to one piece of theology at a time, and, by doing so avoid turning some people off, and protect their credibility. This bit of Pretrib Theology, with which all Jesus Followers do not agree and is an arguable interpretation, was a totally unnecessary addition to the key point the author was making. gfp
    The article documents how the use of the extra-Biblical word "church" instead of accurate translation "assembly" or "congregation" came from those who had a bias towards a hierarchical and unscriptural form of church government. To have translated the word "ekklesia" accurately into "assembly" or congregation" would have exposed their form of church government as being in error. GaryFPatton 2013-09-21 gfp '42

" Does Scripture Warn Against 'Replacement Theology'" - Bible Gateway - 1 views

  • Romans 11:17-21
    • Gary Patton
      Romans 11:17-21 seems to include a warning that some "Replacement Theology" adherents and, especially, its pulpit teachers would be wise to prayerfully take to heart. This is especially true regarding the antisemitic undertones that can slime this theological position in some Christians, even true Jesus Followers. GaryFPatton (2013-09-19 © gfp '42™)
  • do not consider yourself to be superior to those other branches
  • Do not be arrogant, but tremble. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either.
    Romans 11:17-21 seems to include a warning that some "Replacement Theology" adherents and, especially, its teachers would be wise to prayerfully take to heart. GaryFPatton (2013-09-19 This is especially true regarding the antisemitic undertones that can undertone it in some.

Islamic-JihadandOT-Wars.pdf - 0 views

    Downloaded from Francis Magazine, . GaryFPatton (2013-09-19)

Mark 10:17-18 "Jesus Is Sinless & God" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • “No one is good—except God alone.
    • Gary Patton
      Having had the man already call Him "good", Jesus is declaring here both His sinlessness, which He pointed out repeatedly, plus His membership in the Godhead. That truth most of His Jewish listeners at the time including the young man, plus most throughout the centuries, did not and could not understand or believe Jesus also pointed out repeatedly... because of the ongoing demonic influence in unBelievers lives as He says in John 8:43-44 at until God elects.
    When read in the context of the entire discourse, which is always wise, I'd suggest to you and others that Jesus' comment takes on a different perspective. I'd suggest that after having had the man already call Him "good", Jesus was declaring in verse 18 both His sinlessness, which He pointed out repeatedly, plus His membership in the Godhead. That fact most of His Jewish listeners at the time including the young man, plus most throughout the centuries, did not and could not understand Jesus also pointed out repeatedly. GaryFPatton 2013-09-17

Prayer for Jerusalem, Prayer Call Guide 2013.pdf - 0 views

    Jewish anti-Semitism is growing at an alarming rate. This is evident not only in Muslim countries, but in Europe, Canada, Hispanic countries and on college campuses both here and abroad. Most statistics point to a level of anti- Semitism that is at the level found in Europe right before World War II. GaryFPatton (2013-10-06) . "
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