Jesus Asserts His Deity & His Followers' Assurance of Eternal Relationship with God Thr... - 0 views
John 10:22-30
Gary Patton on 09 Jan 12In John 10:22-30, Jesus states clearly that He IS "God Incarnate" (the man-God in human skin & bones). This Scripture also makes clear that anyone who believe in the reality of Jesus' death on the cross for them gets an incredible Gift. That gift is eternal life in and with God from the moment they choose to follow Jesus. This is because God accepts Jesus' death on our behalf as full payment of the penalty we, not Jesus, deserve for everything we have done contrary to God's will. Through our faith in Jesus' death on our behalf God grants us, by grace, complete and eternal forgiveness for every sin we have committed in the past, commit today or will commit in the future. These verses confirm, finally, that Jesus' glorious payment, as a righteous person without sin and undeserving of death unlike us, guarantees that no one or nothing can take our eternal life from us ...including we ourselves through our own disobedience. You heavenly Father further promises you the same gift for your children and granchildren in Psalm 103:17 at So, trust him! Claim His promises! And relax while you continue to pray for your kids.
Jesus Asserts His Deity
In John 10:22-30 (New American Standard Bible), Jesus states clearly that He IS "God Incarnate" (the man-God in human skin & bones). This Scripture also makes clear that anyone who believe in the reality of Jesus' death on the cross for them gets an incredible Gift. That gift is eternal life in and with God from the moment they choose to follow Jesus. This is because God accepts Jesus' death on our behalf as full payment of the penalty we, not Jesus, deserve for everything we have done contrary to God's will. Through our faith in Jesus' death on our behalf God grants us, by grace, complete and eternal forgiveness for every sin we have committed in the past, commit today or will commit in the future. These verses confirm, finally, that Jesus' glorious payment, as a righteous person without sin and undeserving of death unlike us, guarantees that no one or nothing can take our eternal life from us ...including we ourselves through our own disobedience. gfp (2011-09-27)