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Gabriela Sellart

Roles in CoP's : The Learning Circuits Blog - 0 views

    model around the roles and interactions members of a community have as participants in that community.
Violeta Cautin

CoP: Best Practices - 0 views

  • Etienne Wenger
    • Gabriela Sellart
  • communities of practice are fundamentally self-organizing systems.
  • shared practice
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • not a new kind of organizational unit; rather, they are a different cut on the organization's structure–one that emphasizes the learning that people have done together
  • outsiders and newcomers learn the practice in concrete terms, and core members gain new insights from contacts with less-engaged participants
  • defined by knowledge rather than by task
  • produces a shared practice as members engage in a collective process of learning
  • develop the knowledge that lets them do these other tasks
  • development ultimately depends on internal leadership.
  • have intrinsic legitimacy in the community
  • They are nodes for the exchange and interpretation of information.
  • They can retain knowledge in "living" ways
  • They can steward competencies to keep the organization at the cutting edge
  • They provide homes for identities.
  • Identity is important because, in a sea of information, it helps us sort out what we pay attention to, what we participate in, and what we stay away from.
  • recognizing the work of sustaining them
  • giving members the time to participate in activities
  • value communities bring is acknowledged
  • The art is to help such communities find resources and connections without overwhelming them with organizational meddling.
  • No community can fully design the learning of another; but conversely no community can fully design its own learning.
  • Communities of practice develop around things that matter to people. As a result, their practices reflect the members' own understanding of what is important. Obviously, outside constraints or directives can influence this understanding, but even then, members develop practices that are their own response to these external influences. Even when a community's actions conform to an external mandate, it is the community–not the mandate–that produces the practice.
    • Violeta Cautin
      Choice? Communities are created because their members choose to belong and participate to them. The can't be imposed.
  • Across business units: Important knowledge is often distributed in different business units.
  • Communities of practice arise as people address recurring sets of problems together
    Etienne Wenger
dolors reig

Threshold concept, insight y autoaprendizaje. | El caparazón - 0 views

    He estado leyendo, en el marco del curso de Comunidades (CoPs) últimamente algunos artículos de mis compañeros sobre algo que, si bien no me ...
dolors reig

FOC08 (1): Del grupo a la comunidad, principios básicos. | El caparazón - 0 views

    Os dejo hoy un resumen de la Primera Unidad del Curso de Facilitación de Comunidades Online en el que participo, considerando que puede ser de utilidad a diversas disciplinas, desde la educación al márketing social. El curso se desarrolla en inglés (paso a traducir este mismo artículo) pero he creído que a algunos lectores podrían seros de interés algunas de sus conclusiones. Lo iré haciendo al finalizar cada unidad. Se trata de un ejercicio de síntesis y aportación personal. Podéis ver las fuentes teóricas de las que parto, las que matizo según mi experiencia, al final del artículo
Maggie Verster

The Community Development Handbook - 10 views

    Community capacity is an important consideration in community development as the process of community development itself often results in increased capacity. Therefore, the two are interrelated but distinct. Combined or separate, they both have a great deal to do with developing potential and enhancing community living. This handbook was designed to look at community development, realizing that capacity building and other processes often get confused with it.
    Thank you for the info, Maggie.
    I will let you earn 100$ per Hour.
Maggie Verster

Community Toolbox - Bringing Solutions to Light - 5 views

    The Community Tool Box is the world's largest resource for free information on essential skills for building healthy communities. It offers more than 7,000 pages of practical guidance in creating change and improvement, and is growing as a global resource for this work.
dolors reig

Facilitación en Comunidades o Redes sociales online: Howard Rheingold | El caparazón - 4 views

    Por si alguien aún no ha oído hablar de él, Howard Rheingold es un importante escritor y crítico sobre los aspectos económicos y socioculturales de
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