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Court finds Internet hate speech law Section 13 to be constitutionally valid, doesn't v... - 0 views

    The law on hate speech being used on the internet does not interfere with freedom of expression, according to the courts. The penalty you get for doing this action clearly is a violation, but courts have not taken that into account. This happens to be section 13, a currently defunct law. A penalty for hate speech on the internet can result in up to a $10000 fine! This penalty is what gives people the reason to argue. Wouldn't fining someone for stating an opinion on something (no matter how bad it is) still be a violation of someone's freedom of expression? Unless you were under employment and did something of that nature within your job, you should be fired. But, the internet seems to be much different than real life. When something is written it must have more power, because saying your opinion in real life out loud, will not result in any fines. The problem is that section 13 violating free speech is right politically, but wrong legally. Section 13 is being removed in June of 2104, and for good reason. No internet hate speeches are being made in which a victim should recieve $10000 in compensation. Personally, I would never say anything to offend a large group of people to such a degree, but I still think section 13 should be removed, if it goes against a constitutional right under reasonable grounds.

Computers and the environment | MNN - Mother Nature Network - 0 views

    Computers were first created in the 1940's and by the end of 2002, one billion computers have been sold worldwide. The increase of computers being sold each year has been creating large amounts of electronic waste and can be a source of toxins if not treated appropriately. The problem that we are facing is that an average 24-kilogram desktop computer requires at least 10 times its weight in fossil fuels and chemicals to be made. Compared to automobiles or refrigerators that only require 1-2 times their weight in fossil fuels, computers have become a serious problem for our environment. By throwing out your old computers, it adds to the mountain of electronic garbage that helps to increase environmental pollution and global climate change. Since this is a problem, most people today are encouraged to recycle computer components so they could be used again. The recycling not only helps the environment but it also eliminates the need to dig out the fossil fuels from nature. I personally believe that the act of recycling these old computers is great for the environment and will help us to save the natural fossil fuels that we so very often use up. The other good news is that companies are now creating their computers from recycled materials to help out on the recycling process.
    According to this article, when it comes to computers and the environment the main concern comes from the consequences created when disposing the machine. Overtime, the amount of computer sales have been skyrocketing. This increase, coupled with changing technology, led to large amounts of electronic waste. The metals commonly found in PC's are aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, gallium, gold, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, palladium, platinum, selenium, silver and zinc. Eight of the metals are listed as hazardous. I think that this article is true. Many people don't understand that computers need to recycled properly. If people were to start recycling their computers, i think our environment would look better.
    The main concern with computers is the process of creating and disposal. The number of computers being made increases as demand goes up, and this has lead to mass electronic waste. This waste tends to be toxic and damaging to the environment. An average computer will use up ten times its weight in fossil fuels to make. As this is a big issue, the UN decided to review the complications it may have in the future. Significant energy use, long term health affects on people, and long term impacts on the environment are all problems. Solutions to this are viable though. Recycling from people and corporations go a long way. Selling of unused parts is always an option, or even a charity donation. This is a problem now, but might not have to be. Computer recycling is a big motion being taken by businesses, because it happens to be cost-effective and good for the environment. Only good things I have to say about the progression of environmental impacts of tech. Let's hope for a continuing trend.

Is the Oculus Rift sexist? - Quartz - 0 views

    This is more of a story than an article (I chose to not include it), if anything. Probably just some cheap click bait. anyways, let's get reading... There seems to be a direct link to nausea, and gender differences. Females have different depth perception and react differently to visual images. There are also sex hormones in the eye, so while you age, your ability to grasp and complete simple depth based tasks diminishes a bit, because hormones are constantly being released which interferes. Getting back to VR, oculus rift's technology which try to create a 3D visual, calculate where your eyes are at in order to show you how the scene should look from that position. Thereofre, if your eyes are faulty, there could be complications. Women are more likely to have complications in their eyes, so the author of this article makes a loosely based assumption saying oculus rift is sexist. I'm not sure why oculus rift would want to eliminate having a wider target audience, and hurt any specific gender groups. But, the title of this article is a question, and the author did end up answering it. Yeah, the answer was obviously No. I could of figured that out in a few seconds. Instead, the author chose to elaborate on this in the most complicated way possible.

The Gorgeously Green Workspace for Two - 0 views

    The typical computer workspace setting looks a little darker, and more secluded than these designers wanted. They chose an open concept workspace instead, which includes flowers, plants. etc. The two people credited for this idea are Julia and Yuriy. This is a design for a home office. They think, that if you are into spending time with your significant other, and are willing to share a desk this can be a fabulous idea, since you are connected and have to work together. This could be an interesting concept. This website actually takes other people's ideas and puts them up for display, so this does not happen to be proven or tested to work better, or something along those lines. Still, I think this could work for me. I like the atmosphere this gives off, and you could probably get a lot of things done quicker if you are comfortable.

Google Launches 'Android Wear' Project for Wearable Devices - Mac Rumors - 0 views

  • As promised, Google today announced its "Android Wear" project, which is designed to bring Android to wearable devices. To begin with, Android Wear will be focused on watches that will come in a range of styles from several different manufacturers.
    This article is about how Google is launching an Android Wear Project. Their goal is to bring Android to wearable devices. The world is staring to elaborate more with mobile technology and increasing the number of different uses for mobile tech. Right now, Android wear is focused on watches, which are designed to offer several functions. The app is planned to provide notifications, messages, and updates from social networking apps and it will include Google Now, which will allow the people to ask questions, send texts, set alarms and much more. Android Wear is also being designed to help with fitness and health by providing reminders. The company is partnering with chip makers Broadcom, Imagination, Intel, Mediatek, and Qualcomm, plus fashion brands to help introduce the new Android Wear powered watches in 2014.

Larger iPhone 6 May Cause Massive Spike in Upgrades, Lure Android Users - Mac Rumors - 0 views

  • Apple's upcoming iPhone 6 is widely rumored to include a larger display, which could encourage a significant number of users to upgrade in 2014, according to analyst Brian Marshall of ISI Group, who released a note to investors today.
    Apple's soon to come iPhone 6 is rumoured to have a larger display, which according to analyst Brian Marshall of ISI Group, could encourage many users to upgrade in 2014. Marshall suggests that Apple may release two versions of the phone, one with a 5.5 inch screen and one with a 4.7 inch screen. With a larger screen, the iPhone 6 may attract people who switched from iphone to android because of the larger screen, to come back to iPhones. A higher demand for an iPhone may happen because of this redesign plus the Touch ID fingerprint sensor on the iPhone 5s. I personally, would switch to iPhone if I was using a Samsung Galaxy, because the large screen would now be on the iPhone, but it would still also depend on the price of this new phone.

'Star Wars: Episode VII' will take place 30 years after 'Return of the Jedi' | The Verge - 0 views

  • A new Star Wars film is getting closer by the day, and Lucasfilm and Disney have just announced some new information on the status of the production. Episode VII — co-written and directed by J.J. Abrams — is set to begin shooting this May at Pinewood Studios in London. For the first time, however, the team is giving an indication of what fans can expect to see when the film hits theaters in 2015. According to today's release, it will take place 30 years after Return of the Jedi, which capped off the original Star Wars trilogy, and "will star a trio of new young leads along with some very familiar faces."
    Lucasfilm and Disney have announced more info on the production of the new Star Wars Episode VII film which is set to release in theatres in 2015. They are set to begin shooting this May at Pinewood Studios in London. This movie will take place 30 years after Return of the Jedi which was the end of the original Star Wars trilogy. The original actors Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill may return to play their roles as Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Luke Skywalker. The last star wars movie which included these characters came out around 30 years ago, in which the older actors' aged look would come right into alignment with the movie's storyline. More announcements are sure to be made on May the 4th (known as Star Wars day). I find this very exciting because I was a huge star wars fan when I was younger, and it will be great to watch another movie that is part of a series that I watched as a kid.

Beware of This Dangerously Convincing Google Docs Phishing Scam - 0 views

  • A very tricky phishing scam that takes advantage of Google Docs is making its way around the web. And since it uses a URL and even makes use of Google's SSL encryption, it's almost impossible to tell that it's a hack. Your best safeguard, as always, is a little bit of common sense.
    A scam that takes advantage of Google Docs is making is spreading throughout the web. It uses the same URL and even makes us of Google's SSL encryption. It is very difficult to tell that it is a hack. The scam starts with an email that leads to a GoogleDocs link. It then takes you to a fake login screen. Once you login, you'll be taken to an actual google doc but your credentials will be sent to a PHP script on a compromised server. To avoid this, you must be careful when clicking on links sent in emails, and if the login does not recognize you as a google user, the you should notice that it is the fake log in page. This is actually scary, and everyone should always be aware of their emails and scams.

Just Tap Your Phone On Every Wall and This App Will Draw a Floorplan - 0 views

  • It's not a bad idea to measure a room before you go out and buy a bunch of new furniture. And if you've got an iPhone, that becomes less of an ordeal because you can trade your tape measure for this slick app called RoomScan. It automatically generates floorplans by simply tapping your phone on every wall.
    This article is about an app for the iPhone that is called RoomScan. It is a floor plan generator which helps you when you measure a room if you are buying new furniture. It simply works by tapping your phone on every wall! The app uses your phone's built in GPS and gyroscope. Sadly, this app is only for iPhone and not for Android. I think this is a great app, and it helps people who are moving around furniture in the house because it saves a lot of time. This new creation also shows that technology in our society is replacing a lot of our in-home tools.

MLB App Puts Baseball Players' Careers in Their Own Hands - 0 views

  • This season, Major League Baseball players will have a new tool at their disposal in the form of a mobile app. But it's for use off the field.
    This article talks about a mobile app that is available on iOS and Android for Major League Baseball Players to help arrange contracts, look into profits and deal with the business side of their careers while on the go. By giving players devices to arrange better contracts or research notoriety administration on online networking, the MLBPA is trusting the application will make the business side of players' professions more transparent. This is great for baseball players because they can control their careers on their phones, and don't have to worry much about scams in their contracts. This app also shows the new evolution of careers and jobs, and how everything is becoming technology based.

StoreDot's Bio-Organic Battery Tech Can Charge From Flat To Full In 30 Seconds | TechCr... - 0 views

  • StoreDot’s Bio-Organic Battery Tech Can Charge From Flat To Full In 30 Seconds
    This article is about a bio-organic battery by StoreDot, which uses quantum dot technology to charge a phone from flat to full in 30 seconds. There is currently only a prototype and the tech used has not yet been shrinked so that if is small enough to fit inside phones. The battery is famous for its amazing charging speed for a smartphone. The info of this technology is from research being done into Alzheimer's disease. The work is called peptides (amino acids), the company uses these molecules to create nano-crystals. The only disadvantage said by StoreDot is that the ecosystem is not ready because this is a brand new type of material. This creation is great but then it has some risks because of the new type of technology and it may affect the environment negatively.

White House miffed after Samsung uses an Obama selfie as an ad - 0 views

  • White House miffed after Samsung uses an Obama selfie as an ad
    This article talks about a "selfie" (self-taken photo) taken by MLB Red Sox' player David Ortiz with the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama. The picture was used by Samsung for an ad which raised many questions for the White House. Obama did not know that "Big Papi" (David Ortiz) had connections with Samsung and did not know about the financial benefits. David Ortiz is being payed by Samsung for this photo which he also posted on twitter. Officials are saying that they are not going to take any action to take down the photo but also say that they have not approved of this photo.

Apple Reportedly Targeting Q3 2014 Launch for iWatch - Mac Rumors - 0 views

  • An alleged bill of materials for Apple's upcoming iWatch has surfaced, with supply chain sources indicating that the product will launch in the third quarter of this year, reports Taiwan's Economic Daily News [Google Translation] (via Digitimes).
    This article talks about the upcoming iWatch by Apple. The concept is by Todd Hamilton and is based on the Nike FuelBand. The iWatch itself will be manufactured with Richtek Technology, TPK supplying chips and sapphire touch panels and the processor that the device is said to run in developed by Apple. The exact features of the iWatch are currently unknown but there are rumors that the device will include biometric sensors to check health-related statistics, sleep activity, UV light exposure, and heart rate. Reports say that the new iWatch will be released later in the year with the iPhone 6 and iOS 8. This article shows how Apple is moving forward to creating more products other than just phones and computers. Maybe soon they might start creating kitchen appliances *joke*

Twitter Rolls Out New Profiles, Taking Another Page From Facebook - ReadWrite - 0 views

    This article talks about the new twitter update which includes a new twitter profile page. But many people question this update because Twitter has made profile pages look much a like Facebook profile pages. The new larger profile picture, and the different header placement is very similar to the Facebook profile picture and timeline picture. Another change in Twitter is the variety of font sizes for tweets that have more importance than others on your profile. Also, when tweeting photos, it will no longer show a link but a small picture card in your feed. This is very similar to the Facebook style of posting photos on your Wall. Twitter is becoming a lot more like Facebook and this may cause the number of people that use Facebook to switch to the more popular Twitter since many of the features are now similar.

As Facial Regulation Technology is Poised to Enter Everyday Life, Regulators Express Co... - 0 views

    Computers are starting to recognize our faces. what does this mean? Let's find out. New and upcoming facial recognition technology like google glass will heavily integrate the face. it will be able to link someone's face out in the public, to an image of them on the web. In the future we would need to reformat exisiting legislation on privacy. Right now, by law, this potential action is not prohibited. This topic is already being discussed by people in positions of power who see the negative consequences to come. While people focus on the negatives, the positives don't get any real limelight! most of these include much quicker operating procedures for business, who can recognize potential customers. Security also becomes more efficient, which is a good thing when talking about the protection of people and business. It also seriously inflicts on an individuals right to privacy, though... for security in protecting people I believe this should be a mandatory, though. This might be something people will have to endure, whether they like it or not. But, it is better to embrace the future rather than reject it, so here's to computer tracking devices! One thing to point out is the younger generation will not be influenced by this at all. If we don't start to connect with newer technologies early, we'll end up like our grandparents!

Discovery Communications Invests in 24/7 TV Channel for Dogs - 0 views

    The company behind Animal Planet has bought a two-year-old network called DogTV. The channel broadcasts 24/7 content for dogs with three categories: relaxation, stimulation, and exposure. The target market for this channel is for owners that feel guilty about leaving their pets home alone. The idea is not new either, a channel called Puppy Channel was launched in 1997 and still has a website today. In August, DogTV closed its distribution deal with DirecTV and DirecTV estimated that half of its 20 million customers are dog owners who would be interested in the channel. DogTV has gone with the HBO style charging their monthly subscription $5 on the channel and $10 for online streaming. If the owners of the dogs are interested in watching the channel as well, the channel may add advertising to it. Dan Fox, Discovery's senior vice president of corporate development, says that DogTV is a very natural fit and is lacking big-name stars. This is good because unlike other very popular shows, the channel will not have to pay a lot for salaries. I think this is a great ideas for dogs who have to stay home because their owners are not allowed to take them out. It will keep the dogs busy as well as keep them entertained and stimulated while the owner is out doing whatever they need to do without having to worry about if their dog is ok.

Heartbleed: Why the Internet's Gaping Security Hole Is So Scary - 0 views

    For the longest time we have all felt very safe while on the internet. Even with feeling this security, we should be more cautious with what we put out on the internet because there has been a bug lurking around in the most important security measures for years. Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) has been keeping your browing page secure and safe for numerous years and is a huge part of the internet and thankfully it is still working as it should. The problem that we have been experiencing is a software library called OpenSSL has a hole in it that has been there for years called "HeartBleed". OpenSSL allows people to get the protection from TLS/SSL easy and fast and has worked fine just like TLS/SSL but because there has been a minor coding error, malicious people can abuse different versions of OpenSSL and grab information that should originally be secured by TLS/SSL. The main problem that everyone can understand is that all of your personal information is being opened up and placed into the hands of someone who should not have the information. The other problem that this "HeartBleed" has is that the attackers will also get to see how the site that is taking your data indentifies. Not only can they see recent transactions but they can look back at old transactions that have already happened. The worst part about all of this is that none of the attackers leave a trace.Since they leave no trace, it is hard to tell how many websites and people have already been effected by the "HeartBleed". While sites try to fix up the problems it is recommended to change all of your passwords and to keep a close eye on your credit card statement. This bug is a huge problem for our society because absolutely no one is safe because there is no way to know if you've been attacked. The article says that Google, Amazon, and Microsoft hasn't been infected yet so that is at least good. I think that everyone should always be careful with their personal information

Green Computing - Environmental Issues - The Carnegie Cyber Academy - An Online Safety ... - 0 views

  • Many of the technologies we use every day consume a lot more resources and power than they need to, and using and manufacturing them can create a mess. Here are a few of the ways that technology can harm the environment: Pollution - Air, water, heat and noise pollution can all be caused by producing and using technology Consuming resources - Non-renewable resources, including precious metals like gold, are used to make technology. Many others, such as coal, are consumed to generate the electricity to use technology. Even some renewable resources, like trees and water, are becoming contaminated or are used up faster than they can renew themselves because of technology. Waste - Manufacturing technology creates large amounts of waste, and used computers and electronics get thrown out when they break or become outdated. Called "technotrash," these electronics contain all sorts of hazardous materials that are very unsafe for the environment. They need to be disposed of using special methods. Disrupting ecology - Clearing land where animals used to live to build factories and allowing pollution to contaminate the food chain can greatly affect the environment's natural cycles. Health hazards - Using toxic materials that can harm our health can cause cancer, and technology addiction can lead to other health problems like obesity and carpal tunnel syndrome. You can encourage manufacturers by choosing to buy more energy-efficient and less hazardous electronics and by supporting companies that make protecting the environment a priority. You can also do your own part to reduce environmental impact by not being wasteful and disposing of your electronics safely and properly.
    this is a problem because people are demanding more computers and phones now because life without them is hard, now you can only apply for jobs on computers or do homework on computers now, so more people need them. This is affecting the environment because to make all these devices are harming the environment, for example the pollution from the factory making the products and the precious metals and supply's we are using to make the devices are non-renewable. So we should find a way to make computers and phones without effecting the environment as much as we are now. this is how computers and phones are affecting the environment, and the demand on computers are just gonna get higher and higher, so we should find a way to build the computer without effecting the environment as much fast.
    This is an article about how computers affect our environment, how we can help, and what computers can do to actually benefit us in the world. Some examples of computers ruining the environment could be usage of valuable resources and pollution due to computer waste. Some examples of how we can help would be sanitizing our hard drive, donating our mobile device, raising funds from techno trash, and re-using ink cartridges. Technology can help the environment by helping us develop and produce sustainable practices in the environment. It also allows for paperless communication which limits the taking down of trees. In my opinion I completely agree with what this article has to say. It expands on computers issues but also its strengths.
    Many people do not know that just throwing away your old electronics can build up and create a lot of air and water pollution, as well as heat and noise pollution. In our electronics there are many different types of non-renewable resources, also many precious metals are used such as gold, and silver. All electronics contain hazardous  materials that can have a negative impact on our environment, this materials have to be disposed using special methods. You can help the environment by buying more energy efficient products, as well and products that have less hazardous materials inside of them. Also you can dispose your electronics properly and safely. But on the other side using computers can help the environment, because less trees will be cut down for paper. When disposing of electronics improperly can increase the amount of carbon emissions that are the main cause to global warming, also known as greenhouse gases.    
2More - 0 views

  • Virus Shield, an app that was No.1 on Google Play's paid download charts, is a scam, according to Michael Crider at Android Police. Virus Shield was a $3.99 app that promised it could protect your phone from harmful spyware and malware invading your device. It also claimed it would have battery life improvements and "no pesky advertisements." Despite having over 10,000 downloads and multiple high ratings, the app didn't work, Crider says. Android Police writes that it was just a fake: All Virus Shield did was switch from a red "X" image to a "√" check image with a single tap.  Android Police points out that Deviant Solutions (the alleged developers behind the app) don't have an official website in the Play Store and people on Google+ have complained about Virus Shield as well. Google took down the app earlier this morning. Google Play has struggled with malicious apps lately. Last week, two Android apps were discovered to be abusing unwitting users' phones to mine dogecoin and Litecoin. Google doesn't police its app store but it does offer a way for customers to complain about inappropriate or sketchy programs.
    This article was about the leading android app on the Google store to be a scam. It was suppose to protect your phone from malware and spyware, it costed $3.99. Virus sheild just changed the logo from an "X" to a check mark with no effort needed. Many complaints have been sent it saying that this app did not work. Making the price high and having good image previews, and a good description will make people want to buy it because they trusted the rating's and reviews. The app ended up not working, and with other 10,000 downloads, the people that made this scam, made a large amount of money. Google took this app down, and has their eye closely on malicious apps, to prevent this type of scam from happening again.

eBay Now Allows Virtual Currency Sales | TechCrunch - 0 views

    Ebay, a service beloved by all, is an online market place for the buying and selling of goods. This week, Ebay has been at the forefront of innovation yet again. The tech giants are now allowing sales to be made in crypto-currency (aka virtual currency; think Bitcoin or Dogecoin). This is a very interesting move considering the companies usual apprehension over the digital world; having a long-standing policy against digitally downloaded items. Ebay is widely renowned and is used by people everywhere, and making virtual currency a payable option shows how far the idea has come. Bitcoin started out as a crypto-currency reserved exclusively for less than savoury characters on the dark web. However, the currency has been since thrust into the light and has become wildly popular; going for $600 a bitcoin. This is ultimately a win for Ebay and for us the consumers. Another way to pay can make new transactions much easier and efficient, no need to bring a third party in (PayPal). All in all, this new move by Ebay is another step in legitimizing online currency and making it available to the masses.
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