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Is There Anything Awesome I Can Do with All These Unused Ports on My TV? - 0 views

    This article talks about different ports on T.V. There are various types of ports on T.v. such as cables, USB, composites, VGA and DVI and Optical Audio / Digital Audio / TOSLINK. However not many people knows the purpose for each of them and end up not using them. If you are part of those people, you should read this article because this describe the purposes of many kinds of ports and what you can do with them as well as what kind of uses there are. Almost everyone owns a T.V. at home but not many of them know how to use their ports so this article could be very helpful to them. This relates to our course because we just learned about various types of USB which is part of T.V. ports. We can use this article to know more about those kinds of USB and their uses and purposes. 

Going Google-Free: The Best Alternatives to Google Services on the Web - 0 views

    This article is really useful if you are tired of the usual sites such as google. It really opened my eyes to new sites. I always use google, but now I think I will try some new sites.  I still like using google but I found it interesting when looking up some of google's alternatives. I think that many people will find these alternatives useful. As well as always having plan B when you are having trouble finding something or are tired of using the same resources. 

Privacy alert - The CIA wants to spy on you through your TV - 1 views

    This article notifies the world that the CIA wants to spy on you through your TV and has the means just to do so. Anytime you download a movie from Netflix to your television or turn on a Internet-based radio, you could be alerting people who you don't want or need watching you. The CIA organization will not need to plant bugs in homes or other places to spy on individuals because of coming advances in computer and Internet technology. Just by people purchasing and using new apps and various "connected" devices, people will essentially be bugging their own homes. The CIA agency and others will be able to "read" these and other gadgets from outside places to monitor via the Internet and perhaps even with radio waves outside your home. This is astonishing information and what makes it even more surprising is it can get worse, it the sense that everything, not just electronics, will be controlled by an app or chip, and will ultimately be viewed and seen by outside sources. This is a scary idea that can be put to action and that fact that we won't even be secure and safe in our homes because there may always be someone watching us and viewing what we are doing. I understand technology is helping us in our everyday lives, but I feel this is too far and the government is now using there means of advancing technology against society. They have the power and resources to possibly monitor and maybe to control what we go on the Internet or what we watch on TV and this will alter our once safe and comfortable environment to have the freedom to use technology how we like in our home.

Google Reader (1000+) - 0 views

    This article briefly discusses the upgraded Twitter App for IPhone's and Android Apps. This will be at great use for those who constantly use this App to tweet for the following reasons. To commence, one is now allowed to copy the tweet while holding over the text which will be useful because when wanting to remember a tweet and save it in your notes per se, you don't have to constantly memorize the tweet and go back to read what it is if you forget. You can simply copy and paste the tweet. Also, it will be fast and easy to use without having to leave your timeline when viewing a profile. This will also be at use because you don't have to re-scroll through your timeline after viewing a profile and going back to see the timeline. 

How Facebook Plans To Take Over The Internet - ReadWrite - 0 views

    "Mobile World Congress on Monday, Zuckerberg delineated some of his plans for moving forward with, the initiative led by Facebook to bring Internet connectivity to poor countries around the world.  While Zuckerberg touted the altruistic vision of his company's goal to connect the next one billion people, it's important to note that the project isn't just for the sake of bringing basic services to those that don't have it, but rather bringing millions of additional eyeballs to Facebook and its advertisers.  See Also: Hey Facebook! Connecting The World To The Web Isn't Enough "[We are] making it so that we can increase the amount of up-sells to subscriptions when they're using these basic services," Zuckerberg said in his keynote. "They will come to a link that isn't included in the basic services package; a popup that says, ok if you want to consume this, you have to buy this data plan." Facebook is making a long-term promise to both data carriers and advertisers-Zuckerberg said the next one billion people to attain Internet access will not be as affluent as those already on Facebook, thus making it harder to monetize the company's services. Zuckerberg said the social network will subsidize Facebook, Messenger, and other services like weather or basic news and information, and then provide up-sells in applications to deliver the whole package-like a gateway drug. Those up-sells are where carriers and Facebook make money. "The reason why they're not on [the Internet] is they don't know why they would want to get access to it," Zuckerberg said. "[We will show] people why it's rational and good for them to spend the limited money that they have on the Internet." How WhatsApp Fits Into Facebook recently spent $19 billion to acquire the mobile messaging application WhatsApp, an application Zuckerberg claims will be one of the few services to amass a billion users in the future. He claimed that, by it

Google Admits Google+ Was Just A Ploy To Track Your Behavior Online - 0 views

    Google is a software giant that we all use, be it for email, Youtube, searching the web or for social networking with Google+. Honestly, that was kind of hard to say with a straight face, no one uses Google+, but apparently thats okay with Google. According to the NY Times, Google+ has been a ploy from the start, created to collect data from users and sell it to the highest bidder. This became evident when Google+ became the hub for all Google accounts, although it is neglected by users. By linking it to maps, gmail, youtube, Google now knows where you go, who you talk to, and what you find entertaining; valuable info for advertisers. This is especially useful, considering the fact that Google's main source of income, search advertising, is declining. This can be a huge concern for Google users who do not want to be tracked and monitored, I among them. While it was not this announcement specifically, similar news has persuaded me, and others undoubtedly, to abandon Google services. I have gone from using chrome, Google search, gmail and more to using free 3rd party software that is committed to maintaining user privacy. Realistically, however, I have not made a difference in Google's business plans, and they will continue along their path as long as it is profitable. Although many laughed at first at the Google+'s hefty price tag, Google is the only one laughing now.

Why Daylight Saving Time Is Pointless - 0 views

    Daylight saving time might say that it helps make our lives nicer and help us save energy, but in reality it is completely pointless. Daylight Saving Time was actually first suggested by Benjamin Franklin in 1784 but the idea was shot down by everyone stating that it was pointless. The Germans then used it the First World War to save coal during war time. After that everyone started using it and didn't think to change back. Today, people state that this change of time helps to save energy, promotes a healthy lifestyle, and reduces traffic accidents. First off, Daylight saving time does not in fact save energy. Recent studies show that it might reduce the US electricity usage during March and April, but only by 1%. Secondly, this does not help us to become any healthier. In fact, the clock shifts disrupt our circadian rhythms and actually spike the suicide rates and increases the number of recorded heart attacks. Daylight saving time also does not reduce traffic. Some studies show that the time change makes no difference at all while others suggest that traffic is reduced by 0.7 which is pathetic and makes no difference. I personally do not like Daylight saving time only because I loose an hour of sleep and it screws up my whole schedule because everything is off by one hour. I much prefer the clocks changing an hour behind so I get an extra hour of sleep.

Should Students Use Wikipedia? | Wired Science | - 0 views

    Many of our teachers tell us clearly when we have a project or an assignment that involves research, we should try to avoid Wikipedia as a source. I think it's because of the fact that Wikipedia makes it easy to find information and that most of the information is starting to be more accurate instead of being fake information. In my opinion, most information that's on Wikipedia is almost no difference from the information found in textbooks. This article explains that Wikipedia should be used if the assignment is to find information and summarize it to something simple because Wikipedia simply shows you a summary that can be referenced in classes. This is related to being legal because mainly, copying information from something site like Wikipedia would be plagiarism. Although in my opinion using Wikipedia as a way to gather any information and constrict it into a small summary of that information, then it should be used.

Is The Death Of JavaScript Upon Us, Or Is A Universal Language Transformation Underway?... - 0 views

    JavaScript is a well known programming tool that has been around for quite awhile. Many up and coming programmers start out with JavaScript based on it being flexible, maintainable, powerful, and very easy to use. However, once these startups start becoming larger and larger, many lines of coding are needed, and this is where the issue arrives. When being used on a larger scale, JavaScript is in no way the main performer as it is on the smaller scale. JavaScript's features previously stated are what attract programmers to using the engine. However, now that larger companies are using it, the limitations are becoming evident. Being described as an 'iron triangle', JavaScript's issues lie in the fact with an improvement in one area. another area suffers. If you want high flexibility and performance, it's going to be harder to maintain the code. If you want great performance and maintainability,  the flexibility and ability to adapt to change will be reduced. Big budget companies don't have time to be messing around with JavaScript's shortcomings, which is keeping them attracted to lesser engines, such as Flash. The article then continues to discuss whether or not JavaScript is on it's death bed. Some argue that a total revamp is required to keep JavaScript afloat, while others believe that the death of JavaScript will allow newer, more optimized engines to be developed and brought to the world's attention. I tagged this article as economics simply for that last point. Browser engines such as JavaScript and Flash have been around for quite awhile, with no threats to their status in sight. JavaScript is in no way broken, and it is still a very viable tool for web development. However, it may take the death of JavaScript and perhaps Flash for companies to be inspired to build from the ground up a new engine that will pick up all the short comings of the past years and completely rid of them. At the end of the article, JavaScript variants and languages are seen a

Beyond batteries: laptops to be powered by solar power, micro fuel cells - 2 views

    This article describes a new innovation in laptop that will catch the attention of many. We are all becoming more conscious of the effect our actions have towards the environment and this advancement will help us be more environmentally friendly. The flexibility of this power source is also a bonus. The only down side to this technology is that it will cost a little more but in the end will we save much more than just a few dollars.
    This article is about how many batteries will soon be solar powered and use micro fuel cells. This is an environmentally friendly way to use technology since more and more people are aware of the ecological foot print they have made. Solar power seems to be the better choice because you could use it anywhere as long as there's the sun and it's free. Although there are cons to solar powered technology, you will not be able to use it indoor and/or evening hours. You can use micro fuel cells anytime but, are very pricey. I think this new way of using technology will have a long term effect but it will still benefit us in a positive way.

German Minister Wants Investigation of State Authorities' Use of Spyware | Threat Level... - 0 views

    Nowadays many of us go online believing that we are safe and that we have our own privacy in our own home while we chat with our friends or while we do research, but not in this instance. In some German states authorities admitted to using spyware in the form of a Trojan. These authorities are allowed to use spyware to keep track on criminals but are only allowed to use these to allow for a smooth capture not for pleasure as they were doing. This Trojan takes control over your computer this Trojan gives the creator access to your email, monitor your keystrokes, turn on the microphone, and the webcam. What would your reaction be if you found out that this was going on to you and our computer?

Instagram Use Is Exploding | Wired Business | - 0 views

    In the previous six months, Instagram use has septupled easily surpassing twitter.  The app use went from nine hundred thousand people per day to well over seven million.  Instagram is based around a mobile app and has no website.  Before the evidence of Instagram's epic 6 month growth, Silicon valley were obsessing over mobile-first development.  Twitter, who started mobile and then became a website is being shadowed by Instagram.  Many other mobile apps have expanded and surged like Instagram but they all died out.  Instagram has not died out yet however, because people seem to really enjoy looking at pictures and sending up their own.  Instagram users spend an average of four hours on it beating Twitter's average of three.  Many people think Instagram is a bad thing and is for "attention seekers" but I think it's a good thing.  People can express their emotions and feeling through pictures and it's not Facebook so that's a win-win situation.  However I don't use it.

Which smartphone system is right for you? - - 0 views

    All of us either own a phone or want one, but which one is the right pick for you? Well your in luck because this article talks just about that. It compares the three operating systems that are making it big right now: Android, IOS, and Windows. In this comparison There are many discussions but in the end it comes down to a few points. First off all, there is the android. This system is making a huge impression even though the others have been around for longer. Overall this seems to be a phone who know more about technology and are really into customizing, and controlling their phone. Then there's is the iphone. This phone is popular with a large quantity of people and is famous for its app store. This phone is for those that want a simple phone that is used often for entertainment. Last but not least there is the Windows phone. Windows has been a computing big-shot for a long time and is growing even bigger with its new Windows 8 platform. Whats neat is that both the PC and the smartphone from windows will be running the same OS, which will really make things easier for those interested in connecting the 2 and etc. This phone is for those who are using windows and want their systems to connect, and for those who want a simple interface or those who often use Microsoft Office. In the end, all these systems are amazing and it's really up to your personal needs and preferences.

Google to Shut Down iGoogle | Webmonkey | - 0 views

    Many with Google accounts have noticed that their homepage no longer has the nice background they picked, why? Once again, Google is eliminating another one of its least used service: iGoogle. At first iGoogle was a service with many features that are similar to those of other services, but Google also included additional gadgets to make it more Google-like. However, as time goes on, iGoogle's purpose became obsolete since many other apps, whether it is from Google or other services, of the same purpose became more popular. Less people used iGoogle and this forced the company to consider shutting down the service. Those who are upset about the company's decision still have a little less than a year to use the service since the company announced that they will completely shut down the service on November first in 2013. Although Google+, UStart, and ProtoPage, are services that can also serve as replacements, this is a disadvantage to those who prefer iGoogle. The company cannot make decisions that pleases everyone, so they make choices that appeal to the majority instead. For those who do not support the decision, will eventually have to adjust to using other services besides iGoogle.   

Patient has 75 per cent of his skull replaced by 3DD-printed implant | Information, Gad... - 0 views

    As if 3D printing wasn't impressive enough. A unnamed man in the US successfully had 75 percent of his skull replaced using just a 3D printer. The printer printed out an implant, which the company (Oxford Performance Materials) was granted permission to install within the patients skull. Also stated was that the implant has special indent and features that allows and promotes brain growth within the patient. The potential of 3D printing is extremely high. The company has said that they can now print out implants to fix any type of bone damage, whether it be from disease or trauma. The company also says that 500 people in the US a month could use this technology to fix any injuries. 3D printing is the future of the medical field, and I wouldn't be surprised if some day we could 3D print organs.  3D printing is talked about a lot in Mr. Fabroa's class, but I believe that it deserves all the coverage it gets. It truly is the future of the technological world.

What Is Bitcoin and What Can I Do With It? - 0 views

    Bitcoin is a digital currency that can be used to pay for a variety of goods and services online. It works like paper money, as in it can make purchases online, but it is primarily used in data form so you can trade it between peer and peer online. It is accessed by an online service that is gained through mining. The mining process includes running software performances and in return you are awarded a small portion of Bitcoin. You can also purchase Bitcoins using a wallet software. It requires a bit of disk space though. This new form of currency can be the change in the electronic economics. It is different from the other forms of online payment options that we are used to, like debit or credit cards. It is easier to obtain such currency, and it does not cost actual money. However, it is accepted only at limited service or goods websites. Also, a wallet software account is required in many cases. In addition, it may not be convenient or the best choice for all the consumers. This currency has a specific focus on who it is designed to target.

Social Media: Kicking It Old School [Cartoon] - ReadWrite - 0 views

       Today's society uses  technology to communicate by email, and social networking. But now that we think about it, we don't use the old-fashion way of doing things, and some people don't know how we ever did communicate back then. This cartoon shows us  the way we communicated way back. It shows us in a comedic way in a cartoon picture how we ever caught up with old friends, check our location, track professional contacts, publish our thoughts for others to read and look at cat pictures before the internet. 

The Next World-Changing Supermaterial Is Grown, Not Made - 0 views

    This article is about a new super-material that is very strong, super light and eats greenhouse gases. The material is made just from algae. Many scientists are saying that this nanocellulose  is a "wonder material" and can possibly become the raw material for sustainable production of biofuels and many other products. While producing the nanocellulose  the algae will absorb carbon dioxide and also is an abundant and inexpensive resource. Some people believe that this material will one day be used for super-light body armor and for replacement organs for transplants. In the beginning of production nanocellulose involved huge breeding tanks of bacteria which required food but recent advancements have helped groom new blue-green algae, which unlike normal bacteria, can make its own food from the sun, and devour greenhouse gases in the process. Nanocellulose research has been decades in the making and well worth it for the new discoveries scientists have found. I think that this is a very interesting new type of material and will one day be used to help many people.
    This article is about a new substance called "Nanocellulose". This materiel is said to be as strong as Kevlar as well as light and can turn greenhouse gases into air, something scientist were trying to do with algae. There is so much possibility with this new material, at first it was very difficult to make it because you needed a certain type of bacteria and a lot of food, but now with advancements in technology it can use any bacteria and can get food from the sun. We can use this material for so much more right now we have only just discovered its potential. scientist say it may be able to be used as a bio fuel, super light body armor, thin displays, and even grow replacement organs later on.

The Problem With A 100-Word Privacy Policy - ReadWrite - 0 views

    When signing up for a social networking website or any website that involves signing up for, you must accept the terms and policies of that website. Although most of us accept and go on with our social networking, others take the time to read and understand what the website can do with their information. Although this process is lengthy and is sometimes confusing with the language used in these documents, companies can sometimes abuse this power and sometimes add in capabilities to the website which allow them to sell and use your private information.  Along came the California Assembly and proposed Assembly Bill 242. Assembly member Ed Chau proposed that websites should limit the length of their  Privacy and Terms and Conditions to about 100 words. This shall save alot of people time and allow users to fully understand what the capabilities of the website are and how their information can be used. 

Some Guy Bought the Data of 1.1 Million Facebook Users for Just 5 Bucks - 0 views

    Bogomil Shopov, a Bulgarian blogger and digital rights activist, bought 1.1 million Facebook names, user IDs and e-mails for the ridiculously low price of 5 dollars. Luckly for us, he was not trying to spam people, or use this info in a negative way. Instead he wanted to see how bad the facebook security really is. And it turns out to be really bad. According to the seller of the information, a Gigbucks user with the handle "mertem," the data was collected from Facebook applications."The information in this list has been collected through our Facebook apps and consists only of active Facebook users, mostly from the US, Canada, UK and Europe," reads the Gigbucks post. This can affect us a lot because there are a lot of teenager (our age) facebook users. If instead of person who was trying to prove a point was a spammer, the information that we have on facebook can be in danger.  Facebook is currently looking into the breach of user data but they haven't yet come to a resolution.
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