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Nikita Varabei

Cancer Cells Executed By Magnet - Science News - 0 views

    For many years scientists have been banging their heads on the wall that is Cancer. No cure seems to be found that is perfect, but they keep striving on. In this article Scientists are starting to develop a new approach. Scientists have developed a technology that allows them to manipulate nano-particles and are using them to fight cancer. These particles are ejected into the cells along with protein and then travel into their system. They then latch on to three separate "nodes" and attach them together. This in fact is the cells death switch causing it to self district Furthermore, this has proven successful in destroying many cells, but there are still problems. First of all, there is so far no way of controlling which cells are targeted, so this is not very safe for you, and some cancer cells are making attempts to resist this. To conclude, I believe that this is an ingenious piece of technology and with some further development we may see a cure for cancer.
Daniel Le

Self-Contained Robotic Farms Offer Glimpse of Lunar Food Factories | Raw File | - 0 views

    Scientists are researching new ways to grow food in space as farming on Earth becomes more advanced. Scientists have developed things like growing crops with LED light or heating greenhouses with waste nuclear power station heat. There are also farms that are automatic and self-sustaining. This gave scientists the idea of growing food in space since astronauts usually eat only pre-packaged food in space and a balanced diet is essential for extended trips. If all farms became fully automated, traditional farm technology companies will go out of business unless they could adapt because their products would no longer be needed. If companies started shutting down, it could cause some economic instability since many workers would be without work.Automated farming equipment will also raise questions if automated technology will spread to other industries. Since the Western world is a capitalist system, company owners really only care about their profit and will not mind investing in technology that can do what workers did for free as automated technology becomes more common. This advancement could also result in the collapse of the labour workforce since technology can take their place for less money. I hope that automated technology will not spread to other industries other than farming because the economy is already unstable as it is, deteriorating the labour workforce can put the world into economic turmoil. I can understand funding automated farming for sustaining long term space missions since astronauts could lack certain nutrients because of the absence of fresh food..
Javier Ayala

The Next World-Changing Supermaterial Is Grown, Not Made - 0 views

    This article is about a new super-material that is very strong, super light and eats greenhouse gases. The material is made just from algae. Many scientists are saying that this nanocellulose  is a "wonder material" and can possibly become the raw material for sustainable production of biofuels and many other products. While producing the nanocellulose  the algae will absorb carbon dioxide and also is an abundant and inexpensive resource. Some people believe that this material will one day be used for super-light body armor and for replacement organs for transplants. In the beginning of production nanocellulose involved huge breeding tanks of bacteria which required food but recent advancements have helped groom new blue-green algae, which unlike normal bacteria, can make its own food from the sun, and devour greenhouse gases in the process. Nanocellulose research has been decades in the making and well worth it for the new discoveries scientists have found. I think that this is a very interesting new type of material and will one day be used to help many people.
    This article is about a new substance called "Nanocellulose". This materiel is said to be as strong as Kevlar as well as light and can turn greenhouse gases into air, something scientist were trying to do with algae. There is so much possibility with this new material, at first it was very difficult to make it because you needed a certain type of bacteria and a lot of food, but now with advancements in technology it can use any bacteria and can get food from the sun. We can use this material for so much more right now we have only just discovered its potential. scientist say it may be able to be used as a bio fuel, super light body armor, thin displays, and even grow replacement organs later on.
Boris Smirnov

Tiny Injectable LEDs Manipulate the Brain With Light | Wired Science | - 0 views

    Tiny glowing probes packed with LEDs and sensors are scientists newest invention for measuring and manipulating the brain.
Jason Strassler

Scientists discover way to recharge laptops and cell phones with soda pop and vegetable... - 0 views

    As the title reads, this article announces scientists discovery to recharge laptops and cell phones with soda pop and vegetable oil. Scientists created the first fuel cell that produces electricity with technology borrowed from natural biological powerhouses. Researchers believe, these innovative biofuel cells can transform sugar and fats into energy for running a variety of machines and devices. When further developed, these devices have the potential for replacing disposable and rechargeable batteries in a wide variety of consumer electronics and other products.This can be a revolutionary discovery if we actually start to use soda pop and vegetable oil as our energy source to run our electronic devices rather than batteries. This has an impact on everybody's life and ultimately the entire world because with so much of our lives consisting of using and working with various technology based devices, it will be significant in the way we save money and resources in helping our environment and lives but also being just as efficient and successful with our products as before. 
Michael Cambare

U.S. Scientists to Test Findings that Neutrinos Defied Physics - 0 views

    European scientists of OPERA working out of the CERN large haydron collider at Geneva have reported this week that they have seen neutrinos going 60 (+/- 10 milliseconds) milliseconds faster than the speed of light. This contradicts Einsteins famous equation of e=mc2 which states that the fastest an object can go is the speed of light since all of the energy is put into light energy, and none into mass. American scientists at FERMILAB Chicago are testing this hypothesis this week. This is probably human error and I pray that when the computers take over, we wont have to deal with human error or emotion.
Daniel Carriere

Scottish Scientists Develop World's Smallest Antenna | TechWeekEurope UK - 0 views

    With each new generation of smartphones, dropped calls and battery life issues are still an issue, the reason is partly because antenna technology has not changed very much. Scottish scientists have changed this. They spent 7 years to create a cellphone antenna quite smaller than a coin. The Sofant Technologies team claims that this new antenna is more efficient, finding signals faster and using up less battery life. The smaller something is in technology the less it has to travel therefore speeding the device up. The antenna also takes advantage of the full potential of LTE and 4G connectivity. Sofant plans on licensing its designs to smartphone manufacturers all over the world.  I chose the tag of portable computing because this article is about antennas, a vital part of a cellphone. This new antenna will affect people who use cellphones, which is a large amount of people in North America. In my opinion I think this new antenna is long overdue. The fact that antenna technology hasn't changed much over the years is pretty surprising. This new antenna is a step in the right direction for smartphones. 
Daniel Carriere

Graphene Could Usher in Flexible, Ultra-Slim Gadgets - - 1 views

    This article is about how graphene, a material made up of only carbon, could revolutionize smartphones and other other portable devices. Graphene is 100 times stronger than steel and can be made so thin, an ounce of it could cover 28 football fields. Touch screens made with this material would be very strong, light, flexible ,and  and as thin as a piece of paper. A device could be able to fold and fit easily into a pocket. Other possible uses for graphene are thin solar panels, and bionic implants in humans. Once scientists are able to produce large amounts of graphene economically all these products could exist. I chose the tag "portable computing" because this article focuses mostly on the use of graphene for portable smartphones and devices. This material could completely change the portable computing industry.  In my opinion I think graphene has a large potential and scientists should work to make products made with this available as soon as possible. 
Daniel Carriere

New project aims to upload a honey bee's brain into a flying insectobot by 2015 - 0 views

    The "Green Brain Project" aims to create an insectobot (a robotic insect) with the brain of a honey bee. It's not as crazy or difficult as it sounds though, the researchers working on this project are not directly copying a bees brain but trying to recreate it. More specifically they are recreating bees two most important senses- sight and smell. They will then upload this fake brain into a small insect like robot so it can act somewhat like a real honey bee. This is important, as it would be a huge step forward in robotics and also because scientists say they could use robotic bees to artificially pollinate. This could help  with the reduced number of honeybees. Bees are very important to the whole environment so this project could possibly be revolutionary. I chose the tag "environment" because scientist are trying to recreate a natural animal that not only comes from Earth but greatly impacts it. Plants need bees pollination to grow, and animals need plants to eat so with a lack of bees, the whole food web would take a major hit. This project aims to try to fix this. To me, it seems like it would be extremely expensive and difficult to create as many bees as the earth would need. Maybe in the distant future though, this may be realized.
Jason Strassler

Computer outperforms humans at detecting lies, by watching the speaker's eyes - 0 views

    This article explains how a program created by scientists from the University at Buffalo, can allow a computer to determine whether or not a person is telling the truth in a conversation, strictly by accessing the speaker's eye movements. I found this invention extremely interesting and as I kept reading, it turns out a computer with this program was able to correctly spot various lies with 82.5% accuracy, but a trained human interrogator only manages a success rate of about 65%. Somebody who dedicated their entire life to studying human psychology and has done years of hard work and training in this subject was outsmarted by a computer who can do the same effort and work but in a better performance. These scientists really put the time and effort into creating this software to work as efficiently and be most successful as possible so just by the computer looking at your eyes, more specifically the movement pattern and the rate of your blinking, it can identify if you are telling the truth or not. This is a prime example of how technology is evolving all around us and how we are using our knowledge to further programs and devices to help and assist us perform tasks, be successful, and happy living our everyday lives. 
Alyssa Ayade

Biological computer can decode images stored in DNA chips, applications remain unclear ... - 0 views

    This article is interesting to me because it tells how scientists have discovered a way to decode DNA chips using biological computers. The DNA chips contain images/info that are "hidden" in the chips, so to say, and are not able to be seen unless they are decoded by these computers. I think that this would be helpful for many people (not only scientists) because it can be useful for keeping important information stored for personal use granted that they have the right equipment to decrypt the chips first.
Nicole Trezzi

Scientists get a shark's eye view using wearable computers - 0 views

    Researchers from University of Hawaii and University of Tokyo have teamed up to get a closer look on how sharks behave. The researchers strapped on a bunch of gadgets to a bunch of different sharks. The gadgets are a combination of a GoPro and a sportsband to monitor and video what sharks do in everyday life. The researchers were able to disprove misconceptions on how the animals move. Before, scientists thought that sharks glided effortlessly through the water, but in reality they actually power swim. The researchers also got some footage of the sharks underwater after jumping to catch a pray. The next step for these researchers is to create an ingestible device to get a better understanding of the sharks diet. They hope that this will help people to stop assuming that sharks only eat human limbs like they do in the movies. After watching the video attached to this article, I found it very interesting to see how the sharks moved around the water and to see what they saw when swimming.
Michael Cambare

Scientists Reconstruct Movies From Our Minds - 0 views

    Scientists have now further refined their ability to be able to read and render our memories. Test subjects were given a number of movies to watch (hopefully not rise of the planet of the apes, that was just a terrible movie, it has no respect to the first film in terms of story. In the first film it is said humanity wiped itself out in a nuclear war to destroy the monkeys but in this movie it was because of a disease, and they even put it after the credits so if you leave early which you will, you will not even finish the whole movie or grasp its crappy plot.)and were then placed in an MRI machine. The MRI machine read their brain activity for hours on end which was then compiled and rendered through super special 11 herbs and spices techniques to roughly display their thoughts visually. This technology needs to be further refined so that instead of hours of imaging, it can be seconds of imaging so that our governments may use it to find the terrorists, our enemies and decrease our liberties all at the same time.
Melvin Uniana

Will Gamers Discover the Cure for AIDS? - 1 views

    A game called Foldit created by a Polish scientist found the cure to aids? Scientist for the last decade have been using a program Rosetta to solve their everyday diseases. Though in ten days gamers are close to finding the cure for aids. This program allows people to create and tinker with the design by adding or removing alignment.
Nikita Varabei

Are Your Future Passwords Hidden In the Jiggling of Your Eyeballs? - 0 views

    This article describes how scientists are working to create new top off the line security. As we've seen in many sci-fi movies ; there is such a thing as eye scanners. they have existed for sometime now, but they have been primitive and worked just by using the iris of your eye. This could be faked easily by someone just taking a picture of your eye and simply holding it to the screen. This new technology however is a lot more sophisticated. It uses your eyes "fixations" and "saccades" to determine if it is really you. Fixations is how your eye behaves when it is still and saccades is how your eye behaves when it is moving from point to point. This new technology is a breakthrough in security, as it is virtually impossible to fake. no more stolen passwords, or hacked systems. Now unless its really you, the system wont let the person in. THis is extremely important as it prevents theft, hacking, and many other problems. To conclude, this technology is extremely important to our security and will greatly contribute to our future
jose valenzuela

IBM's Big Data Challenge: A Telescope That Generates More Data Than the Whole Internet - 0 views

    This article is about the company IBM. There's a massive telescope on the drawing board that hasn't even started construction yet, but when it's finished in 2024, it'll generate more data in a single day than the entire Internet. For scientists to ensure they'll be able to handle all that raw information, they need to start working on new computing technologies now. the project is called DOME
Brian Agas

IBM's $43 Million Computer For the World's Largest Radio Telescope - 0 views

    When it's built, the Square Kilometer Array will be the world's largest radio telescope. Then, when it goes online, it will spit out 1,000,000 terabytes of data each day-and IBM is trying to make a computer which can handle it. The Squarer Kilometer Array-which will be made up of 15,000 small antennas and 77 larger stations-will collect a heap of data that scientists hope will shed light on the origins of the Big Bang. The sheer weight of numbers means it will generate a staggering amount of information. To give some context, it will generate 1,000,000 terabyte a day. That's twice as much information as there is traffic on the internet in the same period. It's an insane amount of data. This relates to the course because we learn about the amount of bytes computers use, and this satellites allows us to use 1,000,000 terrabytes a day.
Winnie Huang

Emoticons Are Reshaping Our Brains, We Now Process :-) As A Human Face - 0 views

    Because of social media and texting 24/7, our minds have become accustomed to emoticons and what they represent. For example, our brains now register the colon - dash - close - bracket as a real smiling face. This phenomenon has been studied by scientists and this break through is not only interesting but also dawns upon the fact of how people right now are beginning to be taken over by technology. If just seeing a few markings of type makes one remember a face, then what more weird things will we be able to connect with text to in the future? It's not just smiley faced emoticons people register as well - there are thousands of emoticons that people now understand are pictures that are smaller versions of a bigger idea such as, OTL representing a person kneeling in failure and even, (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻, to represent the action of flipping a table.
Nicole Trezzi

Your Nose Is a Super-Machine That Can Detect Over a Trillion Scents - 0 views

    For about a century, scientists thought that human noses were able to recognize 10,000 different odours. Although this has been true for a number of years, new research shows that we can actually detect over 1,000,000,000,000 distinct scents. That is over a trillion different smells. Leslie Vosshall and colleagues, who work at Howard Hughes Medical Institute, says that the 10,000 number had to be wrong. They considered that the human eye perceives 10 million different colours using only 3 types of light receptors, and the human nose has 400 different receptor types in comparison. Vosshall and her team created an experiment to prove this new theory, but because testing a trillion different scents would take eternity, the team crafted never-before-smelled scents composed of 10-30 odour ingredients. Each volunteer in the experiment smelled 264 different groupings of odours and then the team used that data to determine how many different scents the average human could identify. This is very cool new information that I have learned because it shows us that we are capable of so much more than we expect ourselves to be capable of. Considering that the whole existence of the human race could be wiped out by one single infection, this information reminds me that humans are too awesome to go into extinction.
Michael Cambare

Oh Yeah! Immortal Stem Cells Finally Created - 1 views

    Scientists working out of Georgia have claimed they have reversed the aging process in stem cells. Stem cells are essentially nature's duct tape because of their ability to replicate surrounding cells however they regenerate slowly which is one of the reasons why that have yet to be put into major medical use (that and our conservative government). This new discovery has made indestructible duct tape at a cellular level. This however does not fix stems cells' slow replication process, but this is one step forward.
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