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Ian Guest

What I Hope To Learn By Teaching a MOOC on "History and Future of Higher Ed - 6 views

    By Cathy Davidson in HASTAC
Jon Bunch

Creativity, Video Games, and MOOCs - 5 views

Here is my latest blog post for this week's topic:

mooc connectivism videogames cmc11 etmooc creativity

started by Jon Bunch on 21 Apr 13 no follow-up yet
Alec Couros

Managing Learning Technology: How To Build MOOC's that Fail - 4 views

    "Having started a half dozen MOOC's in the recent months, I have found most of them tend to share a common trait. Many MOOC's currently represent a sort of parody of higher education's worst practices, its most spectacular delusions about itself. "
Sheri Edwards

Learning through blogging as part of a connectivist MOOC | Sue Waters Blog - 3 views

    "how educators use blogs with students and the blog platforms they use (and why) here"

Designing MOOCs | Learning in the workplace - 6 views

    A blog post talking about a research study of self-regulated learning in the Change11 cMOOC, and linking to earlier post with initial findings from the study (no final results yet).

Seeing rhizomatic learning and MOOCs through the lens of the Cynefin framewor... - 1 views

    A blog post from Dave Cormier on rhizomatic learning and the Cynefin framework--shared during the #etmchat today.
Vukasin Vasic

Supporting Critical Thinking in eLearning by Bill Brandon : Learning Solutions Magazine - 2 views

    "Technology constantly brings new tools and channels for communication to a state in which designers can use them to support effective, engaging dialogue. Use an appropriate mix of these to clearly express the expectation of critical, creative thought and to provide opportunities for it.

COOL FISh… - 1 views

  • We are experimenting with an alternative learning design to engage learners who are perhaps not networked learners yet. We would like to utilise their curiosity to learn through creating opportunities for contextualised collaborative enquiries.
    So well said ! "We are experimenting with an alternative learning design to engage learners who are perhaps not networked learners yet. We would like to utilise their curiosity to learn through creating opportunities for contextualised collaborative enquiries. "
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