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British consumers confused by proposed new energy labels - 0 views

  • Which?’s survey of over 1000 consumers found that while 86% find the current label easy to use, 37% find the new system confusing.

eceee: Survey confirms preference for A-G energy label - 0 views

  • A new survey of consumers' views on Europe's energy label for domestic appliances has confirmed a clear preference for the existing A to G scheme. The findings were published by the UK government's market transformation programme last week.

Data Centers Can Now Earn the Energy Star Label - 0 views

  • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced on June 7 that stand-alone data centers and buildings that house large data centers can now earn the Energy Star label.

BilloTheWisp: A Strange Wind Turbine Morality - 1 views

  • As for being a NIMBY. If you like labels, then sure. Not In My Back Yard. Not In My Neighbours Back Yard and certainly Not In My Kids Back Yard.

A strip of paper that speaks | Tech news blog - CNET - 0 views

    Labels That Talk, from Kailua Hawaii, has come up with software that lets consumers print high-density bar codes on strips of paper that store recorded voice messages. Scan it with a handheld scanner and it plays back a message. The strip of paper you see in the picture can hold about eight kilobits, enough for a ten-second voice message, said Ken Berkun, president and founder.
1More | FT Energy Source | The sobering news about geoengineering - 0 views

  • The diagram below displays affordability and effectiveness (the top right-hand label should read ‘High effectiveness/high affordability’, not ‘low affordability’). And yes, on these measures alone, stratospheric aerosols - one of the more dramatic proposals - do pretty well:

Revealing Ratings to Validate Value of Energy Efficient Space - Building Priorities Bri... - 0 views

  • What do Seattle, Austin and New York have in common? They've all enacted regulations to expose energy-wasting buildings. Owners of large buildings will have to disclose their energy scores to prospective buyers, tenants and lenders.

Latin America News - 0 views

  • The Chilean Agency for Energy Efficiency is developing an energy efficiency labeling system for new vehicles due out in 2011 and will be mandatory starting in September.  (Diario Financiero, 12/16/10)
  • Scientists at the University of Costa Rica are developing solar cells sensitized with dyes from local plants.  Benefits of the cells include its cheaper production price, flexibility and thinness, and ability to produce power with very little light.  However they are not yet as efficient as the present day silicon solar cells. (El Financiero CR, 12/14/10) Mitsubishi Motors will release the first electric car in Costa Rica, called iMiEV.  The car is 100% electric, automatic, is powered by a lithium-ion battery, has room for five people and will cost $61,500.  According to the company, Costa Rica was chosen for car’s release in the Americas due to its environmental record and goal to become carbon neutral by 2021. (El Financiero CR, 12/14/10)

Household appliances not living up to efficiency standard, says research - 0 views

  • Household appliances like washer-driers, ovens and light bulbs are not all living up to their energy efficiency labels, according to tests carried out by UK Government department Defra.

UL Environment To Test Consumer Tech Energy Efficiency Claims | EarthTechling - 1 views

  • This new certification program, according to UL Environment, will be called Energy Efficiency Certification (EEC). It will test consumer focused items, including appliances, heating, air conditioning and refrigeration systems, high tech equipment, and lighting products, against energy efficiency standards and regulations like Energy Star, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and California Energy Commission (CEC). Those products which are proven to meet these standards will get yet another shiny label to put on product packaging – UL Environment’s leaf encapsulating the familiar “UL” initials and including the words “Energy Verified” in black text.

Solar Planes, Trains and Automobiles | celsias° - 0 views

  • And that's not all. We reported recently on this site on the solar powered car making its way around the world. We also covered the concept of solar roads to capture usable energy. We even reported on a sail boat powered with a solar sail. Now the BBC reports   that the U.S. military has held a test run in Arizona of a UK-made solar plane, the Zephyr-6. The plane flew for more than three days, running at night on solar charged batteries. The more than 83 hour non-stop flight was the longest of any unmanned aircraft.
    Does it make sense to solar power everything? It leads to many small, and relatively expensive installations. Wouldn't it be more effective to go for a battery & plug-in concept where possible. One would loose the inflight recharging of the solar airplane, but for everything else, the plug-in concept probably provides benefits.
    In addition, the lifetime of cars, for example, is much lower than the one for solar panels. Why integrate both?
    Yes, I agree that there is too much emphasis on the novel in attempt to solve climate change. Creating technology for the designer label market to sell goods to the rich who want to tell their friends they are green. The same investment in a solid developed renewable method could yield a hundred times the reduction of carbon or more...
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