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Glycon Garcia

Chile to Build Its First Large Solar Facility | Shannon Roxborough - 1 views

  • Chile to Build Its First Large Solar Facility
    "In Chile, solar energy project developer Solarpack Corporación Tecnológica and state-owned Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile (Codelco), the world's leading copper producer, say they will build the country's first utility-scale solar power plant in northern Chile, an area with high potential for solar energy generation."
Phil Slade

L'île d'El Hierro (11000 habitants) autonome en énergie grâce au couple hydro... - 0 views

    ""Wind and water: the perfect synergy" - With great ascents and high wind energy potential (Trade Winds), El Hierro proves to be a very suitable place for the implementation of a Wind-Hydro power station; it is also the first Wind-Hydro power station that will be providing close to 80% of the electricity demand of a totally isolated area. The major advantage of such a combination is that the system can overcome the usual problems of discontinuity and power fluctuation caused by the intermittent characteristic of the wind resource. When the energy produced by the wind farm exceeds the demand, the surplus is used to pump desalinated water in a reservoir situated 700 m above sea level."
Hans De Keulenaer

Scientists tapping Arctic Ocean methane as potential cleaner energy source - 0 views

  • The researchers, working under the banner of the Aurora Research Institute in Inuvik, N.W.T., plan to conduct 10 days of tests next month on Richards Island and the west side of Mallik Bay. The drill site itself, where a service rig is being set up, is about 65 kilometres west of Tuktoyaktuk and 130 kilometres north of Inuvik. About a kilometre underneath that rig is 113.3 billion cubic metres of methane, frozen in an ice-like state under about 600 metres of permafrost.
Colin Bennett

New Material Can Absorb Infrared, Increase Solar Efficiency | Green News | Eco News - 0 views

    Semiconductor solar cells absorb sunlight from the visible spectrum, ignoring ultraviolet and infrared rays, which limits how much energy a solar cell can create from sunlight. But a new material made by researchers in Spain throws titanium and vanadium into the mix so it can utilize infrared and potentially boost efficiency of solar cells.
Hans De Keulenaer

IEEE Spectrum: Breakthrough in Capturing Lost Energy in Solar Cells - 1 views

  • Material chemists at the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Minnesota say that according to their research, the efficiency of a solar cell may potentially be increased to more than 60 percent, up from what was thought to be a limit of about 30 percent. They report their findings in today’s edition of the journal Science.
Hans De Keulenaer

UBS-Article.pdf - 0 views

  • We found that the EV powertrain is $4.6k cheaper to produce than we thought and there is more cost reduction potential left. Consumer cost of ownership (TCO) parity vis-à-vis combustion engine (ICE) cars can be reached from 2018 (first in EU), creating an inflection point for demand.
  • Our detailed analysis of moving and wearing parts has shown that the highly lucrative spare parts business should shrink by ~60% in the end-game of a 100%-EV world, which is decades away.
  • EVs are an opportunity for tech companies because the electronics content in the Bolt is $4k higher than in an ICE car, excluding the battery.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Commodities-wise, we detected the highest deviation in weight shares between the Bolt and ICE car in copper, aluminium, battery active materials and rare earths.
  • Highest impact on markets for aluminium, copper, battery active materials, rare earths (all positive) and platinum group metals (negative).
  • Therefore, the cost difference (not the retail price difference) between the Bolt and the VW Golf, which we consider an equivalent ICE car, appears set to shrink to $2.3k.
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