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Hans De Keulenaer

IEEE Spectrum: Synthetic Fuel From a Solar Collector - 0 views

  • 7 January 2008—At first blush, you might lump claims about a machine that supposedly turns sunshine, air, and water into fuel in the same category as e-mails insisting that someone in Nigeria will pay you handsomely to help free up a large sum of money. But researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Sandia National Laboratories, in Albuquerque, say they have created a device that can break water into hydrogen and oxygen using sunlight, or in a another reaction convert carbon dioxide, to carbon monoxide that combines with hydrogen to make hydrocarbons such as methanol, ethanol, and even gasoline or diesel fuel. The technology holds the promise of using the same resources as biomass-to-fuel schemes but with potentially greater efficiency, according to the researchers.
Hans De Keulenaer

Energy Systems for Sustainable Prosperity | SpringerLink - 2 views

  • Ecologically sustainable energy technologies comprise renewable energy supply together with improved efficiency of energy conversion and use. Together they can mitigate the climate crisis, greatly reduce pollution of air, water and land, create more jobs than are lost in the fossil fuel industries they replace, and contribute to energy independence and social equity. The best technical energy supply strategy is transitioning fossil fuelled electricity to renewables, electrifying most heating and transportation, and producing fuels by using renewable electricity to make hydrogen and ammonia. This technological transition is necessary and urgent, but unlikely to be sufficiently rapid to avoid irreversible climate change. Substantial demand reductions are needed by rich countries, beyond the technological measures of energy efficiency. This would entail an end to growth in energy production, materials extraction, land clearing and population, that is, the creation of a steady-state economy within Earth’s biocapacity.
Hans De Keulenaer

The Oil Drum: Europe | A Little History of the Affordability of Domestic Energy in Grea... - 0 views

  • The chart above shows domestic fuel prices for Great Britain from 1914 to 2007. The data up to 1985 was compiled by Horace Herring and Rodney Evans using this source and been updated with more recent figures from UK government statistics. It is expressed in UK pounds for the year 2000, adjusted by the retail price index (i.e the price of energy related to other 'real' goods such as food).
    It was only a matter of time to get one of these, but why not. All we need now is somebody comparing the price of oil to Coca Cola or milk and it'll be a full circle.
Hans De Keulenaer

Sustainable energy blueprint | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist - 0 views

  • The three primary, longer-term objectives for the nation's energy policy should be: reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a level consistent with a world-wide goal of global climate stabilization (assumes curbing U.S. CO2 emissions by 60-80% from current levels by mid-century); eliminate U.S. energy imports (i.e., oil and natural gas - now 58% and 15% respectively), while reducing overall use of oil and natural gas; phase out the current generation of nuclear power while substantially curbing the production and consumption of fossil fuels, by increasing the use of energy efficiency and making a transition to sustainable, environmentally safer renewable energy sources.
Hans De Keulenaer

Energy Outlook - the cost of driving - 0 views

  • Consider the table below, comparing several different vehicle and fuel options. The prices shown are for the week of 7/23/07, to align with a comparable E-85 price. The electricity price is the most recent national average consumer price from the DOE's Electric Power Monthly.
Hans De Keulenaer

The Oil Drum | Renewable Fuel Pretenders - 0 views

  • One thing that probably goes without saying. Most pretenders don't believe they are pretenders. They are often completely sincere people who believe they have cracked the code, and thus they take exception to my characterization. The cellulosic guys, the algae guys, and even the hydrogen guys will insist that I have it all wrong. In fact, following the posting of this essay on my blog, I heard from all of them. I got numerous e-mails assuring me that they really had come up with the solution. What I have discovered in many of these cases is that people often believe this because they have no experience at scaling up technologies. They might have something that works in the lab, but this can instill a false sense of confidence in those who have never scaled a process up.

Solar filling station opened in Bozen - - Green - sustainable planning and co... - 0 views

    1.7 kWp, 2000kWh per year. How many cars per annum can you charge at, say, 5KWh each? Better stick to bicycles and phones!
    South Tyrol gets serious about solar mobility: The "E-Move Charging Station", a pilot project of the Bozen entrepreneur Valentin Runggaldier, is to supply electrically operated bicycles, scooters, cars and even mobile phones with the necessary "fuel" from the sun. The solar charging stations were designed by Michael Scherer from Brixen
Colin Bennett

Plant Controlled By Automation System With Integrated Telecoms - 0 views

  • The facility is being built in the UK for E.ON at Holford, Cheshire, UK, and will store gas in eight salt caverns deep underground. The processing plant consists of several gas compressors which optimise the pressure of gas stored and withdrawn from the caverns into the National Grid Transmission System. Designed to hold over 160 million cubic metres of gas, the plant will be controlled by ABB Extended Automation System 800xA and integrated with the telecoms systems providing a single point of access and control for operational personnel.
Hans De Keulenaer

Al Fin: Why Not Cellulosic Electricity? Bio-EtOH vs. EVs - 0 views

  • According to the NREL report referenced above, converting biomass into cellulosic ethanol can be done at about a 45% efficiency (i.e. 45% of the energy of the biomass makes it into the fuel.) In contrast, biomass can be converted at 33-37% efficiency [pdf] when cofired. Combining this with the 5x improvement of drivetrain efficiency that comes with electric propulsion, and the same amount of biomass converted to what I'll call "cellulosic electricity" will take a vehicle 3.8x as far as it would in the form of cellulosic ethanol.
    Makes one really wonder the agenda behind the EU's policy on biofuels.
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