10% of U.S. Electricity From Solar by 2025 : CleanTechnica - 0 views
Colin Bennett on 18 Jun 08The Utility Solar Assessment Study produced by Clean Edge and Co-op America finds that solar energy is already reaching cost parity with conventional sources in some areas of the U.S. where electric rates are highest. By 2015, this will be achieved in many more areas, including Boston, San Diego, and New York. By 2025, cost parity will be achieved throughout the U.S.
Hans De Keulenaer on 19 Jun 08A percentage of someting by sometime somewhere. With about 200 countries, 10 decades (20 if we include the mid decades) and at least 10 mainstream technologies, we can still produce 20,000 of these stories. At one per day, we'll be busy until 2070.