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Full Practice Authority for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses is a Gender Issue - 0 views

    In this article, author Lugo discusses the findings of her study relating limits on full practice authority for APRNs to issues of gender equality. She investigated the link between state support of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and laws in these states allowing APRNs full scope of practice and prescribing rights. Her study showed that states that have historically and currently supported the ERA in fact allow greater APRN scope of practice, and thus she draws conclusions about attitudes towards women's equality and the regulation of advanced practice nursing, which remains to be a woman-dominated profession.
    In this May 2016 article published in the Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, Dr. Nancy Rudner Lugo argues that advanced practicing nursing viewed through a gendered perspective due to nursing's history as a predominantly female profession; because of this, APRNS in states that are less accepting of women's equality have a more narrow scope of practice. There is not currently a national-level evidence based method used to determine APRN scope, and is instead decided at the state level. The author seeks to explain the cause of the discrepancy between differing APRN scopes of practice in different states by comparing the APRN scope of practice between states that did and did not vote to pass the Equal Right Amendment, positing that states with cultural attitudes that are more equitable between genders reflect this at the legislative level, thus explaining the wider or full practice authority given to APRNs in these states. In conclusion, Lugo advocates for increasing the number of women in legislative positions, forming relationships between women's equality organizations and groups working towards expanded health care access, and emphasizing the skills and competency of APRNs in achieving positive patient health outcomes.

Barriers to NP Practice that Impact Healthcare Redesign - 8 views

    This article discusses the barriers to NP practice with the current healthcare reform by addressing the shortage of primary care providers and the limitations of APRN practice. Barriers that were emphasized include state practice and licensure, physician related issues, education, and role perception. This article stresses that an APRN should be able to practice to the fullest extent of their training.
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    This article speaks to the many barriers to NP practice such as state regulations, lack of physician knowledge of scope of practice, payer policies not allowing full scope of practice, prescriptive privilege, etc. With the ACA and expanded healthcare coverage, it is necessary to address the barriers to NP practice since NPs will be essential to meeting the healthcare needs in the US over the next few years.
    This is an excellent overview of common barriers to APRN practice that effect the Triple Aim for healthcare: better care (individuals), better health (populations), and lower cost.
    This article first provides a brief history on APRNs. It also discusses barriers to the APRN scope of practice.


    The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenology (van Manen, 1990) was to gain insight into the meaning and lived experience of nurse practitioners (NP) with at least one year of work experience regarding their initial transition from new graduate to hospital-based practitioner. This study provided information regarding NP hospital-based transition experience that had not been revealed in the nursing literature. The meaning of transitioning into hospital-based practice was discovered through analysis of nurse practitioner letters and interviews in this phenomenological study. Six themes emerged from this research including: Going from expert RN to novice NP; system integration; "Don't Give Up"; Learning "On the Fly"; They Don't Understand my NP Role; and Succeeding Through Collaboration.   Master's prepared, board-certified NPs in North Carolina (NC) with between one and three years of NP practice experience in a hospital setting comprised the population of interest for this study. Twelve participants were purposefully sampled from nine hospitals in NC. Individual, voice-recorded, in-depth, open-ended telephone interviews were conducted with each participant.   The majority of the participants indicated a timeframe that ranged from six to 18 months regarding how long it took them to feel more comfortable in their NP role, the lack of comfort was most intense during the first nine months of practice. Participants confronted multiple obstacles and challenges as new NPs. These challenges included navigating and negotiating a new health care provider role; becoming integrated into a hospital system in what was a new role for them and sometimes for the system; learning how to function effectively as a NP while simultaneously working to re-establish themselves as proficient clinicians with a newly expanded practice scope; building key relationships; and educating physicians, hospital leaders, clinical staff, patients, and families about the NP
erdixon - 7 views

    In 2006, APRNS gained legal authority to write prescriptions in Georgia. It has been shown that nearly 40% of APRNS are still not writing prescriptions. Georgia is one of the most restrictive states in terms of APRN scope of practice. Policy changes are recommended to enhance the practice environment of APRNs to support the delivery of quality care
    This article discusses APRN's in Georgia and their prescriptive authority. Georgia is one of the most restrictive states regarding APRN scope of practice. After a lengthy battle, APRN's were granted prescriptive rights in 2006; although, many are still not practicing to their full scope.
    This article discusses the evolution of APRN practice in the state of Georgia, the barriers to practice, and the implications. As many of us know, the south, and Georgia specifically, is one of the most restrictive states in regards to practice.

Scope of Practice Barriers for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses - 6 views

If the previous hyperlink does not show the full text, I have included an additional link below from the Emory Library.

APRN Practice Scope Policy


Addressing Issues Impacting Advanced Nursing Practice Worldwide - 1 views

    The APRN role is one that is continually evolving globally due to health care provider needs. This article looks specifically at barriers APRNs face that hinder them from practicing to the full extent of their scope and how to face these barriers to promote full scope of practice and address healthcare needs.

Advance Practice Registered Nursing: Licensure, Education, Scope of Practice and Iiabi... - 0 views

The articles defines the basic roles and educational qualification that must be met by advanced practiced nurses, and their certifying and accrediting bodies at the state and national levels. The ...


started by mimi2de on 30 Aug 16 no follow-up yet

Increasing Families' Health Care Access and Choice Through Full Practice Authority - 2 views

    This 2015 article, written in the Journal of Pediatric Health Care, discusses the critical importance of intervening and advocating for APRNs to have full practice authority as opposed to the current varying state-by-state practice laws. The author explains the primary reasons for states retaining restrictions on APRN practice are outdated and include lack of awareness of the current scope of practice of APRNs and organized medicine's persistent opposition to expanding the authority of other providers to practice and receive the full amount for their rendered services. The author supports her argument by including the IOM Committee's view; removing APRN practice restrictions would assist in addressing health care access, high-quality care, and an overall healthier population.

The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing ANA Home About OJIN FA... - 0 views

    The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing ANA Home About OJIN FAQs Author Guidelines Featured Authors Editorial Staff Board Contact Us Site Map What's New New Postings Journal Recognition OJIN News Journal Topics Care Coordination Cornerstone Documents in Healthcare Emotional Health: Strategies for Nurses Healthy Nurses: Perspectives on Caring for Ourselves APRN Roles Opportunities and Challenges Societal Violence: What is Our Response? Healthcare and Quality: Perspectives from Nursing Delivering Nursing Care: Current Factors to Consider Patient and Visitor Violence More... Columns Cochrane Review Briefs Informatics Legislative Ethics Information Resources Keynotes of Note Table of Contents Vol 21 2016 Vol 20 2015 Vol 19 2014 Vol 18 2013 Vol 17 2012 Vol 16 - 2011 Vol 15 - 2010 Vol 14 - 2009 Vol. 13 - 2008 More... Letters to the Editor Continuing Ed ANA Home Login » ANA OJIN About Logo OJIN is a peer-reviewed, online publication that addresses current topics affecting nursing practice, research, education, and the wider health care sector. Find Out More... Announcements Permission to Reprint OJIN Articles Planning a conference or class? Call for OJIN Manuscripts on a previous topics... Benefit for Members Members have access to current topic Send a Letter to the Editor on any OJIN column or article... More... Letter to the Editor Since the introduction of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in 1996, nurses have become the frontline

Role & Scope of Practice of a Family Nurse Practitioner - 3 views This is an excellent and informative article that discusses the role of the Family Nurse Practitione...

APRN Practice Scope

started by sbensim on 25 Aug 17 no follow-up yet

NAPNAP_statement on Scope of Practice.pdf - 4 views

shared by tvthompson on 26 Aug 16 - No Cached
    NAPNAP Position Statement on Age Parameters for Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Practice
    This article details the age and scope of practice for Pediatric Nurse Practioners based on NAPNAP guidelines. This helps to guide both institutions and practioners with an age related scope of practice.

Interdisciplinary Primary Care Approach to Behavioral Health - 1 views

    Article showing an application of teamwork in a primary care setting to develop a behavior health intervention. See the abstract below! J Am Board Fam Med. 2015 Sep-Oct;28 Suppl 1:S21-31. doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2015.S1.150042. Abstract PURPOSE: This paper sought to describe how clinicians from different backgrounds interact to deliver integrated behavioral and primary health care, and the contextual factors that shape such interactions. METHODS: This was a comparative case study in which a multidisciplinary team used an immersion-crystallization approach to analyze data from observations of practice operations, interviews with practice members, and implementation diaries. The observed practices were drawn from 2 studies: Advancing Care Together, a demonstration project of 11 practices located in Colorado; and the Integration Workforce Study, consisting of 8 practices located across the United States. RESULTS: Primary care and behavioral health clinicians used 3 interpersonal strategies to work together in integrated settings: consulting, coordinating, and collaborating (3Cs). Consulting occurred when clinicians sought advice, validated care plans, or corroborated perceptions of a patient's needs with another professional. Coordinating involved 2 professionals working in a parallel or in a back-and-forth fashion to achieve a common patient care goal, while delivering care separately. Collaborating involved 2 or more professionals interacting in real time to discuss a patient's presenting symptoms, describe their views on treatment, and jointly develop a care plan. Collaborative behavior emerged when a patient's care or situation was complex or novel. We identified contextual factors shaping use of the 3Cs, including: time to plan patient care, staffing, employing brief therapeutic approaches, proximity of clinical team members, and electronic health record documenting behavior. CONCLUSION: Primary care and behavioral health clinicians, through their interactions, c

Supporting primary health care nurse practitioners' transition to practice - 9 views

    Research article that discusses practice setting characteristics that were either helpful or stressful to new grad NPs during their first year of practice. Primary care settings in Canada were sites used in this study, but the results would likely apply to acute care settings as well.
    ↵Correspondence: Maureen Sullivan-Bentz, University of Ottawa, School of Nursing, Simulation Laboratories, 200 Lees Ave, Ottawa, ON K1S 5S9; telephone 613 298-3022; e-mail mbentz{at} OBJECTIVE To examine role transition and support requirements for nurse practitioner (NP) graduates in their first year of practice from the perspectives of the NPs and coparticipants familiar with the NPs' practices; and to make recommendations for practice, education, and policy.

Perspectives of Physicians and Nurse Practitioners on Primary Care Practice - 0 views

    I found this research article enlightening on Physician's views and APRN's views on the APRN's role and scope of practice in the primary care setting. In 2010, the Institute of Medicine published an article that stated "advanced practice registered nurses should be able to practice to the full extent of their education and training." The link I posted givens results to a survey given randomly to Physicians and APRNs working in direct patient care on how they view they scope of practice of APRNs.

Scope of Practice Barriers for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses: A State Task Force ... - 0 views

    This article addresses how Iowa APRNs in a state-sanctioned task force identified barriers for practicing at the top of their licensure in a full practice authority state including defending the right to control the scope of nursing practice in court.

Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice Law Guide - 8 views

    Interactive NP Scope of Practice guide that offers a snapshot of each state's scope of practice laws. Shows how nurse practitioner (NP) scope of practice laws vary from state-to-state.

Full Practice Authority for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses is a Gender Issue - 0 views

    Connects efforts for full practice authority for NPs to the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment by various states. States that ratified the ERA and therefore have a more egalitarian view of women are more likely to have full scope of practice laws for NPs, CNMs, and CRNAs

Perspectives on Advanced Practicing Registered Nursing in Georgia - 3 views

While the role of an APRN has continued to grow nationally, Georgia's laws for practicing APRNs remains one of the most restrictive in the US. Some feel as though Georgia's laws regarding APRN prac...

APRN practice Role Transition Policy Georgia

started by kbensim on 26 Aug 17 no follow-up yet

Scope of Practice Barriers for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses: A State Task Force ... - 0 views

    This article explores how APRNs in the state of Iowa, as part of a state-sanctioned task force, identified barriers to practicing at the top of their licensure. Four goals to remove barriers to APRN full-scope practice were identified: 1) Create documents describing APRN roles to educate stakeholders, 2) Initiate discussion and presentations regarding APRN practice with stakeholders, 3) Form guidelines to create change in the existing institutional bylaws, and 4) Disseminate information using common language to the public using social media.

Certification and education as determinants of nurse practitioner scope of practice: An... - 3 views

This article explains that we still have a long way to go to have a uniform SOP across the nation. Apparently 18 states and the DC had specific regulations of SOP and certification for NPs whereas ...

APRN practice scope Policy

started by ccundiff on 23 Oct 15 no follow-up yet
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