Audacity® is free, open source, cross-platform software for recording and editing sounds. Audacity is available for Windows®, Mac®, GNU/Linux®, and other operating systems. Learn more about Audacity... Also check our Wiki and Forum for more information. The current release of Audacity is 2.0. It replaces all previous versions.
A recent study from CompTIA found that e-learning software, classroom management software, game-based learning and mobile apps are spreading throughout classrooms in the country.
In addition to providing professional development for hardware and software, this site also has numerous project based learning ideas using technology. I access it through my district's website so access may be limited without an account.
A fantastic resource for supporting the use of productivity software (mainly Microsoft tools) with step-by-step instructions customized for each operating system and in multiple languages. Great for helping students and parents, especially in ESL contexts.
Educational software and online games with these goals: 1) To add sound and visual effects to make learning fun and more memorable. 2) To design games with many difficulty levels so that players will continue to be challenged no matter how far they progress. 3) To provide games that will exercise players' brains.
It is exciting to be bringing you many fantastic guest bloggers for this series. Today's guest post is from Kelly Tenkely, the host of She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience. Here she will introduce 34 - yes, 34 - great tools that are available FREE on the internet.
eInstruction Workspace (comes with the Mobi, but I use it all the time instead of PowerPoint) Livescribe Desktop (free, but without the pen there isn't much you can do) Animationish (not free, but the most fun art animation program I have ever seen!) Hyperstudio5 (not free, but worth the minimum price - much more creative than PPT!)
Open Office is an open software suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more. It is available in many languages and works on all common computers. It stores all your data in an international open standard format and can also read and write files from other common office software packages. It can be downloaded and used completely free of charge for any purpose.
contains free (open source) software which may help educators to produce their own ICT based learning objects, learning materials and classroom resources.
List of Open Source Education & Science Software. helps recommend a open source software alternative or replacement for proprietary, closed source or commercial products and even shareware.
Adaptive learning is where software meets the student's learning needs and styles. Hopefully it will part of the curriculum and not relied on 100%. It take a "village" to raise a child.
A new educational software program being implemented this year in our schools' extended day program is Kids College. This program is through a company named Learning Through Sports.
LTD helps students with literacy, math and science. It is an adaptive program that works at each students level. Teachers do not always have the time to differentiate instruction. This program adapts to the students level and works on the gaps in their knowledge.
The way the program works is that it motivates the students using their competitive nature. Student chose a team and the sport they want to play. The level they are working on is independent of their contribution to the success of the team. The team succeeds as long as the student succeeds. After answering questions they move through the levels by participating in the sport of their choice. The sports they students can play are: basketball, snowboard, golf, foosball, hockey, rugby or baseball. The video games have wonderful graphics which are attractive to the players.
The program is aligned with the state standards and the common core standards. It provides reports of students success for teachers, students and parents.
Inspiration® encourages deeper, more critical thinking and improves students' creativity, comprehension and retention. The software helps students create webs, idea maps, mind maps, concept maps, graphic organizers, process flows, and other diagrams for thinking, organizing and writing.
"Inspiration Software® uses research-based principles and strategies to develop and support our visual thinking and learning software for students and educators."