Grow--Implications for Teaching - 2 views
A different problem occurs when dependent learners are paired with a Stage 3 or Stage 4 teacher who delegates responsibility that the learner is not equipped to handle. (I developed the entire SSDL model just to gain the insight reported in the following paragraph.) With such students, humanistic methods may fail. Many will not be able to make use of the "freedom to learn," because they lack the skills such as goal-setting, self-evaluation, project management, critical thinking, group participation, learning strategies, information resources, and self-esteem, which make self-directed learning possible--skills such as those described by Guglielmino (1977), Oddi (1986), and Cafarella and O'Donnell (1987).
The teachers quoted in this book want students to be more self-directing, but they have no pedagogical method for helping students move from dependency to self-direction. That is what the Staged Self-Directed Learning Model proposes.
Unless self-direction is explicitly encouraged, "free" schools and "open" programs may work only for those whose family background has already prepared them for self-direction (Tuman, 1988).
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interesante y breve articulo sobre el modelo de grow y los conflictos por desfasaje entre estadios del alumno y el profesor. Luego presenta la dinamicidad y situacionalidad de la idea de buen profesor (relativo a las circunstancias y sus alumnos) y tb los riesgos en los que cada tipo de profesor puede caer.