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Nigel Coutts

Mathematical thinking presents teachers and students with new challenges - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    The shift away from teaching for the rote memorisation of prescribed methods requires teachers to rethink their approach to the discipline. With this new pedagogy comes a need to understand the processes of mathematical thinking in ways not previously required. When we require our students to be able to reason and problem-solve through unique challenges we also require our teachers to have an understanding of the mathematical moves that their learners are likely to call upon.
Nigel Coutts

Thinking and learning in the postnormal era - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    We live in a time of chaos, complexity and contradiction. (Sardar, 2010 [1]) Where rapid changes and transformations through technology, politics, globalisation and the climate, conspire against normality (Friedman, 2016 [2]) These times demand a fresh approach to education, one that provides learners with the thinking dispositions they need to turn challenges into opportunities, to connect their learning to their passions and emerge from their years of formal education as self-navigating life-long learners. 
Nigel Coutts

All learning is a consequence of thinking - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    All learning is a consequence of thinking. I have these words printed and posted on the wall above my desk. It is a reminder of what I believe is a vital understanding. The consequences of this one statement are quite profound. They fundamentally shape what I do as an educator and the experiences I hope to create for my learners.
Nigel Coutts

Project Zero Turns 50 - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    This year is the fiftieth birthday of Harvard's Project Zero, a research project designed to explore the nature of thinking and learning and from this suggest pedagogies which align with what we know about the mind. For its birthday celebration Project Zero shared insights from its five decades of research with presentations from Howard Gardner, David Perkins, Shari Tasman, Steve Seidel and Daniel Wilson. The presentations revealed the changing nature of the work of Project Zero from its early days and focus on arts education to its current position as a research organisation with broad interests across education but with a focus on thinking, understanding and the workings of the mind.
Nigel Coutts

The Power of Making Thinking Visible with Ron Ritchhart & Mark Church - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    On Saturday PZ Sydney Network hosted Ron Ritchhart and Mark Church for a conversation about their new book, "The Power of Making Thinking Visible". What follows is a summary of some of the key messages from this conversation. You can watch the whole conversation above. For more learning opportunities like this visit the PZ Sydney Network or follow @pzsydnetwork on Twitter.
Nigel Coutts

Pondering metaphors for the impact that we have as educators - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    often think in metaphors. They help me to clarify and communicate my thinking. A metaphor can make a complex idea accessible and comprehensible. They invite understanding and are a useful catalyst for conversation. A metaphor can be made even more powerful when it is combined with a practical demonstration. One metaphor I like to share with colleagues revolves around the impact that we might have as teachers. - A guest post by Stellina Sim
EdTechReview Community

5 Strategies to Kindle Independent thinking in Elementary Students - 0 views

    Being a teacher of elementary students, it is important that you hone their independent thinking skills and empower them to stand up to their decisions with confidence.
Nigel Coutts

Reflection from International Conference on Thinking ICOT - 0 views

    If we teach our children to think then they will do better on the test and they will do better in life. This was one of the clear messages delivered by the presenters at the International Conference on Thinking (ICOT) in Bilbao, Spain.
Shannon Panzo

Discover Secrets to ZOX Pro Success, and more Great Things - 2 views

ZOX Pro Training Success Secrets ZOX Pro Does it All, again and again… After reviewing the list of things that ZOX Pro enables our clients to do, I have decided to revisit these points f...

Mind Think Tank Mental Photography for Brain & Mind Mind To Mind Tips ZOX Pro Training

started by Shannon Panzo on 10 Aug 15 no follow-up yet
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus saw their faith, he said, Friend, your sins are forgiven. - 0 views

    Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, "Why are you thinking these things in your hearts? Which is easier: to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up and walk'?
Dennis OConnor

Emerging Asynchronous Conversation Models : eLearning Technology - 0 views

  • The standard model for asynchronous conversations is discussion forum software like vBulletin.  I've talked before about the significant value that can be obtained as part of Discussion Forums for Knowledge Sharing at Capital City Bank and how that translates in a Success Formula for Discussion Forums in Financial Services.  I also looked at Making Intranet Discussion Groups Effective.
  • However, I've struggled with the problem of destinations vs. social networks and the spread of conversation (see Forums vs. Social Networks). 
  • Talkwheel  is made to handle real-time group conversations and asynchronous ones.  It can act as an instant messaging service a bit like Yammer, HipChat for companies and other groups, but the layout is designed to make these discussions easier to see, archive, and work asynchronously.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Talkwheel’s design makes class conversations easier to follow, more interactive, and more effectively organized. It eliminates the problem of navigating multithreaded conversations, enables real-time group conversation, and makes referencing asynchronous conversations much easier. Talkwheel’s dashboard organization allows teachers to organize all their classes and projects in one centralized location, while Talkwheel's analytics helps teachers and administrators quantitatively monitor their students’ progress throughout the year.
  • Quora is a Q&A site nicely integrated with Facebook that has done a good job providing a means to ask questions and get answers.
  • Quora has been able to form quite an elite network of VCs, entrepreneurs, and other experts to answer questions.  They've also created topic pages such as: Learning Management System. 
  • Finally, Namesake, is a tool for real-time and asynchronous conversations.  It's a bit like Quora but more focused on conversation as compared to Q&A and it allows real-time conversation a bit like twitter.  You can see an example of a conversation around phones below.
  • All of these point to new types of conversation models that are emerging in tools.
    Threaded discussion is an old technology. It's inspiring to think of new ways we can talk together at a distance that allow integration of both synchronous and asynchronous technology. I often thing we'll look back on the course management systems we use today and think of them as something like a 300 baud modem. Eyes Front! What's over the horizon line?
Glane Stiphen

1 Hour Payday Loans Is Perfect Choice Without Think About To Check Any Credit | - 0 views

    1 Hour Payday Loans are same day cash help provide to people in their unseen financial situations. Also forget to think about to check any credit, bec
Martin Burrett

Practical Problem-Solving - 0 views

    "Business and the media are constantly screaming that problem solving skills and creative thinking are the keys to innovation and success (and the beat the robots trying to take your job), yet many teachers feel that the skills and opportunities to develop them are often an add-on, an after thought, or taught in isolation during special activities, like a STEM week. Even these activities have a particular expected method which the pupils must 'discover', rather than completely new and unique solutions. How can we develop the skills to help our pupils think of the unexpected?"
Nigel Coutts

Contemplating questions of work life balance - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Oddly lately I have been pondering how schools responds to the question of a work life balance. Let me try to explain my thinking. I am still trying to clarify my thinking here, so please bear with me. What does it mean to achieve work life balance, and should we want to?
Nigel Coutts

From Good to Great: Writing well by Thinking like Authors - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    A common challenge for students and teachers is how to develop a great idea for a piece of writing. Too often students struggle with the process of finding inspiration for their writing. They have a vague idea for the story they hope to tell, but all too quickly it transforms into a list of events with little or no detail. The goal here is to provide our students with a process to use during the planning process. The hope is that by identifying the type of thinking required during the early phases of ideation and to focus their attention on details, that the stories our students subsequently compose will be more enjoyable to read. Hopefully, this process helps.
Nigel Coutts

Modern Spaces for Contemporary Learning - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Think back to how you felt after the last day you spent at a conference or course. If things went well you probably came out feeling enthused by new ideas but also exhausted and fatigued in ways that you don't after a regular day at work. If the presenters have done their job well and you choose your workshops wisely, the day should have been full of learning that resulted from you having to think. Days like this should work our brains hard and it should be no surprise when we are fatigued by such an experience. - So how might our students be coping?
Nigel Coutts

Four perspectives on truth, normality and education in times of rapid change - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    We are living in interesting, frightening and rapidly changing times. Where rapid changes and transformations through technology, politics, globalisation and the climate, conspire against normality. These times demand a fresh approach to education, one that provides learners with the thinking dispositions they need to turn challenges into opportunities.  "All that was 'normal' has now evaporated; we have entered postnormal times, the in-between period where old orthodoxies are dying, new ones have not yet emerged, and nothing really makes sense." But what thinking might guide us through this time of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity?
Shannon Panzo

What's Your Top 10? - Part 1 - 2 views

What's Your Top 10? A Business Marketing Exercise Recently, I was asked, "What makes your product - ZOX Pro Training - different from other brain management products in the market?" The q...

ZOX Pro Training seminar ZOX Pro system brain management programs

started by Shannon Panzo on 15 Oct 15 no follow-up yet
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