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tee jesud

jesus: Jesus made answer, I said things openly to the world at all times, and I have sa... - 0 views

    Jesus made answer, I said things openly to the world at all times; I have given my teaching in the Synagogues and in the Temple to which all the Jews come; and I have said nothing secretly. 21 Why are you questioning me? put questions to my hearers about what I have said to them: they have knowledge of what I said.
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus said, If a man keeps my word he will never see death. - 0 views

    Then they said to him, Who are you? Jesus said, What I said to you from the first. 26 I have much to say about you and against you: but he who sent me is true and what he has said to me I say to the world.
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus said, I go up to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God. - 0 views

    Jesus came among them and said to them, May peace be with you! 20 And when he had said this, he let them see his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. 21 And Jesus said to them again, May peace be with you! As the Father sent me, even so I now send you.
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus said to him, You will not have faith if you do not see signs and wonders. - 0 views

    You will not have faith if you do not see signs and wonders. 49 The man said, Sir, come down before my boy is dead. 50 And Jesus said, Go in peace; your son is living. The man had faith in the word which Jesus said to him and went away.
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus said, give my lambs, sheep food and take care of my sheep. - 0 views

    Again, a second time, he said to him, Simon, son of John, have you any love for me? Yes, Lord, he said, you are certain of my love for you. Then take care of my sheep, said Jesus.
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus said, - 0 views

    Jesus said to them, "I will ask you something: Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good, or to do harm? To save a life, or to kill?" 10 He looked around at them all, and said to the man, "Stretch out your hand.
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus had taken the wine he said, All is done. And with his head bent he gave up... - 0 views

    when Jesus saw his mother and the disciple who was dear to him, he said to his mother, Mother, there is your son! 27 Then he said to the disciple, There is your mother! And from that hour the disciple took her to his house.
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus said to her, Did I not say to you that if you had faith you would see the ... - 0 views

    Jesus, looking up to heaven, said, Father, I give praise to you for hearing me. 42 I was certain that your ears are at all times open to me, but I said it because of these who are here, so that they may see that you sent me.

Helping Faculty Members Use Technology Is Top Concern in Computing Survey - Technology ... - 0 views

  • the top concern for campus information-technology departments across the country is how they can help faculty members move smoothly into the digital age of learning.
  • The survey found that as technology continues to grow on campuses—through both online classes and the increasing ubiquity of mobile devices—the ability of faculty members to use and integrate technology is a big concern.
  • focused on services, like user support and mobile computing, rather than on technology evolutions like cloud networking or upgrades in existing networks.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • only 29 percent said they were a reliable way to gain new revenue.
  • and they were particularly wary of the idea that MOOCs would prove to be good sources of revenue for their colleges.
  • For nearly 80 percent of those who replied to the survey, helping faculty members acclimate to new classroom technologies was their biggest concern for the next two or three years.
  • At community colleges, about 11 percent outsourced online resources for students.
  • University of Missouri's Division of Information Technology, filled out the survey for his institution. Top priorities for Missouri, he said, include integrating classroom technology and accommodating mobile users.
  • classes move to online platforms, he said, students and faculty members must adjust not only to using learning-management systems like Blackboard, but also to doing things like capturing video for online courses
  • "We've moved from the 2,000-year-old paradigm of standing in front of a class."
  • 67 percent of those surveyed thought investments in library resources and services were "very effective," while only 42 percent thought spending on online courses and programs was effective.
  • About 86 percent of those surveyed said planning for tablets would be important for IT departments, and 82 percent said planning for smartphones would be essential as well
  • "Fifteen years ago we were concerned with Ethernet and getting everyone wired," he said. "And now the clamor from students is for wireless."
    Faculty remain suspicious of MOOCs and other online technologies but must recognize online education is a crucial component in any college setting. Students no longer have to be physically on campus they can learn anytime anywhere online learning is a work in progress.
    Faculty remain suspicious of MOOCs and other online technologies but must recognize online education is a crucial component in any college setting. Students no longer have to be physically on campus they can learn anytime anywhere online learning is a work in progress.
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus said to him, Because you have seen me you have belief: a blessing will be ... - 0 views

    Thomas said in answer, My Lord and my God! 29 Jesus said to him, Because you have seen me you have belief: a blessing will be on those who have belief though they have not seen me
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus said, - 0 views

    Jesus said to her, "Your sins are forgiven.
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus said, you will have power, when the Holy Spirit has come on you - 0 views

    And while they were looking up to heaven with great attention, two men came to them, in white clothing, 11 And said, O men of Galilee, why are you looking up into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken from you into heaven, will come again, in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.
Kathy Cannon

News: The Obama Plan - Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

  • Experts on distance education at community colleges said that the president's proposals on creating free online courses could be historic and transformative.
  • "And this will make it possible for a professor to complement his lecture with an online exercise, or for a student who can't be away from her family to still keep up with her coursework. We don't know where this kind of experiment will lead, but that's exactly why we ought to try it because I think there's a possibility that online education can provide especially for people who are already in the workforce and want to retrain the chance to upgrade their skills without having to quit their job."
  • He said that the college has expanded courses offered online, and in the early morning, or nights or weekends, but that "the bottom line is that we have to build capacity."
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Of late, educators and foundations have been focusing more on graduation rates, with the City University of New York starting programs and planning a new model of community college to focus on getting students degrees, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Lumina Foundation for Education spending big on efforts to improve remedial education and graduation rates.
  • Advocates for online learning also viewed Obama's plans as significant. Fred Lokken, associate dean of Truckee Meadows Community College for its WebCollege, said this was "the very first comprehensive effort by the federal government that recognizes the importance of online learning."
  • Catherine M. Casserly, who studies technology issues at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, said she saw the program leading to "a dual approach," in which students could view the new material or community colleges would get well-prepared material around which local instructors could plan instruction
  • "It's very hard to supplement something if the base is being undermined," he said. "We can't look at this as a panacea."
  • Indeed, late Tuesday, that's exactly what Democrats in the House proposed doing, when they announced plans to move ahead soon on Obama's student loan restructuring proposal, which paves the way for paying for the community college plan.
    $500 million would be awarded to create online instructional materials that would be available free to community colleges and their students. \n\n"And this will make it possible for a professor to complement his lecture with an online exercise, or for a student who can't be away from her family to still keep up with her coursework. We don't know where this kind of experiment will lead, but that's exactly why we ought to try it because I think there's a possibility that online education can provide especially for people who are already in the workforce and want to retrain the chance to upgrade their skills without having to quit their job."
    Obama's plan could be transformative according to distance education expert.
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus said, It is not proper to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs. - 0 views

    Then she said, "True, Lord, yet the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table.
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus said to him, - 0 views

    Jesus said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus said to them, for truly I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mu... - 0 views

    Then Jesus answered and said, "O faithless and perverse generation! How long will be I with you? How long will I bear with you? Bring him here to me."
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus said to his disciples, Truly I say to you that it will be hard for a rich ... - 0 views

    Jesus said to him, "If you will be perfect, go and sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come and follow me.
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cann... - 0 views

    Jesus answered and said to him, "Are you the teacher of Israel and do not understand these things? 11 "Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know and testify of what we have seen, and you do not accept our testimony. 12 "If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus said to him, - 0 views

    Jesus said to him, "Friend, why have you come?" Then they came and laid hands on Jesus and arrested him.
tee jesud

jesus: Jesus said, no one who is living and has faith in me will ever see death. - 0 views

    Jesus said to her, I am myself that day and that life; he who has faith in me will have life even if he is dead
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