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Leo de Carvalho

Learning or Management Systems? « Connectivism - 1 views

  • The shortcomings of these approaches rest in their lack of integration and the control required by many universities. The experience of many educators parallels my own—learners are very active with technology, but once in an LMS space, they seldom do more than the minimum required (a particular concern in courses where dialogue and theory are important to explore). This may be a function of students taking on “the student role”—defaulting to passive behaviour—once in an academic environment. It may also be due to the change in behaviour expected by educators—where learners must leave their tools behind and adopt tools with limited functionality. For an individual used to Skyping, blogging, tagging, creating podcasts, or collaboratively writing an online document, the transition to a learning management system is a step back in time (by several years).
    Jon Mott recently published an article in EDUCAUSE Quarterly on Envisioning the Post-LMS Era. Jim Groom captures the reactions of individuals who have been exploring the link between learning management systems and personal learning environments. There is a sense - and I'll admit I felt it as well in reading the article - that many long-time contributors to the discussion were not referenced in the article. In theory, the review process should draw attention to important omissions of literature. However, most reviewers would likely not see the spaces (blogs) where much of the conversation happens before it jumps into mainstream as good sources. I've posted below that I wrote while at University of Manitoba addressing the LMS/PLE issue. I'm not sure how long an archive of their copy will exist, so posting it here might give it a bit more of an existence.
Antwak Short videos

Top 10 Podcasts for Cybersecurity in 2021 - 0 views

    Cybersecurity is an area that is new and exciting. People like to know how to be safe from cyber attacks to digital terrorism. It can at first seem daunting to dive into the field of cybersecurity because it is a complex topic. However, with technology being a greater part of everyday life, it is a must to know about cyber risks. Cybersecurity podcasts have been a useful tool for years to absorb security content, keep updated with the recent risks, hear about current events, and everything else you need to know in order to stay at the top of your game. If you work in technology or are only starting to learn about the field, these are the best podcasts on the topic of cybersecurity. There are several great podcasters lauding from the security field, delivering decades of experience, fresh experiences, and useful knowledge to listeners around the globe. We have discovered 10 podcasts full of engaging conversations, interviews, and resources on recent trends and events. These podcasts are great at keeping up on the news, gathering valuable advice, not to forget that they are fun to listen to, from the newest security technologies to the emergence of new malware. Here goes the list of top 10 podcasts in cybersecurity in 2021. 1. Darknet Diaries: Host: Jack Rhysider Date of podcast launch: September 2017 Three typical topics: ATM hacking, the history of carding, Stuxnet Available on: RSS, YouTube, Spotify, iTunes, Google, Overcast, Stitcher and others Average episode length: 60 minutes, bi-weekly Website: Darkest Diaries is undoubtedly amongst one of the most fascinating and interesting podcasts. Something that should be on the top of your watchlist. This investigatory podcast digs deeper into actual tales about cybercrime, malware, and everything else on the internet that is suspicious. Darknet Diaries provides extensive review for those who are pragmatic about the data breaches faced to today's people and corporations, featuring "true stories f
Jaxon Smith

Pathetic Fallacy: Historic Important And Significance As A Literary Device - 0 views

    This article on a pathetic fallacy is dedicated to our students and subscribers who have a very didactic approach in the discipline of arts and literature.
Martin Burrett

Animated Shakespeare - 0 views

    A superb site with animated videos of Shakespeare plays. Watch short explanations about some of the most famous plays and watch videos exploring the characters. The text that goes with the videos is useful and child-friendly.
Gianto Widianto

What to learn: 'core knowledge' or '21st-century skills'? - - 0 views

  • Partnership for 21st Century Skills, or P21
  • since the P21 push began seven years ago, they're pushing back.
  • "It's an ineffectual use of school time,"
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • He calls the P21 movement "a fragmented approach with uncertain cognitive goals"
  • Core Knowledge holds that an explicit, grade-by-grade "core of common learning" is necessary for a good education.
  • all of the industrialized countries the USA is competing with "are pursuing both content and skills."
  • Do kids learn to think by reading great literature, doing difficult math and learning history, philosophy and science? Or can they tackle those subjects on their own if schools simply teach them to problem-solve, communicate, use technology and think creatively?
  • While kids may enjoy working together on projects, for instance, the amount of knowledge they get often ends up being shallow.
Graham Atttwell

About | Living Literature Through Exploration - 0 views

    This blog is a collaborative exploration of a group of educators from all corners of the world. We are exploring ways to use free online social networking tools to bring books to life.
Graham Atttwell

LibriVox - 0 views

    LibriVox provides free audiobooks from the public domain. There are several options for listening. The first step is to get the mp3 or ogg files into your own computer:
Joao Alves

Main Page - Gutenberg - 0 views

    Gutenberg project has been around for a while now but now I see they also offer audio books for download.
Joshua Yeidel

What do you think the future holds for wikis in education? - 62 views

Wikis have been used in many different ways in education. For example, for a course home page, collaborative writing projects, and micro-encyclopedias. Wikis have also been used for a variety of su...

education future research trends wiki wikis

Glenn Hoyle

Interaction Equivalency in Self-Paced Online Learning Environments: An Exploration of L... - 0 views

  • This exploratory study sought to examine the experiences and preferences of adult learners concerning the various interactions that they encounter in a self-paced online course. The following four primary research questions guided data collection and analysis efforts: 1. What forms of interaction do adult learners engage in most in self-paced online courses? 2. What forms of interaction do adult learners value most in self-paced online courses? 3. What forms of interaction do adult learners identify as equivalent in self-paced online courses? 4. What impact do adult learners perceive interaction to have on their self-paced online learning experience?
  • Deep and meaningful formal learning is supported as long as one of the three forms of interaction (student–teacher; student-student; student-content) is at a high level. The other two may be offered at minimal levels, or even eliminated, without degrading the educational experience. High levels of more than one of these three modes will likely provide a more satisfying educational experience, though these experiences may not be as cost or time effective as less interactive learning sequences. (Anderson, 2003)
    • Mike Fandey
      The perception of high level is key. If a single interaction approach is selected and the learner opts not to engage, then "high level interaction" is not achieved.
  • Participants further noted that they engaged most actively with the instructor and course content, commensurate with findings of previous research pointing to the necessity of such fundamental interactions (Gallien & Early, 2008; Heinemann, 2003; Pawan, Paulus, Yalcin, & Chang, 2003; Perry & Edwards, 2005; Stein, Wanstreet, Calvin, Overtoom, & Wheaton, 2005). The results of this study further strengthen the literature calling for the development of specific competencies not only for those designing online learning but also for those who facilitate online learning experiences of various formats (Klein, Spector, Grabowski, & Teja, 2004; Varvel, 2007).
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Research Question 2: What forms of interaction do adult learners value most in self-paced online courses?
  • Participants hailed the blogging and social bookmarking activities as integral to the quality of the overall learning experience, noting the synergy of formal and informal interactions that such activities fostered.
  • Participants noted that although they enjoyed the interactions with other learners and often wished for more, they conceded that in the self-paced, online learning environment such interactions are challenging.
  • informal learning environment that was crafted placed maximum control with the learners. Such informal learning environments provide an open venue for learners to connect with others interested in the same concepts either in a different course section or at a different stage of the course (Rhode, 2006).
  • Participants identified interaction with the instructor and content as very nearly equivalent in a self-paced online course. Participants pointed out that quality interaction with content is indispensable in the self-paced learning environment and can not in any way be replaced. They also indicated that interaction with the instructor could potentially be diminished and compensated for through increased quality interactions with content or learners. Participants further noted that while interaction with other learners is desirable within the self-paced learning environment, the self-paced nature of the course makes such interactions challenging. Therefore, learners were willing to forgo interpersonal interactions deemed by some as tangential in exchange for the flexibility afforded by the self-paced learning approach.
  • In a granular analysis of the various interaction activities, participants generally reported the activity of blogging as equivalent or superior to asynchronous discussion via the discussion board in Blackboard. Such findings add to the burgeoning body of research supporting the pedagogical possibilities of blogging as a flexible asynchronous communication alternative to threaded discussion via a restricted learning management system
  • This mixed methods study explored the dynamics of interaction within a self-paced online learning environment. It used rich media and a mix of traditional and emerging asynchronous computer-mediated communication tools to determine what forms of interaction learners in a self-paced online course value most and what impact they perceive interaction to have on their overall learning experience. This study demonstrated that depending on the specific circumstance, not all forms of interaction may be either equally valued by learners or effective. Participants differentiated among the various learning interactions available and indicated that informal interactions were as important as formal interactions in determining the quality of the online learning experience. Participants also reported the activity of blogging as being equally valued and in some ways superior to instructor-directed asynchronous discussion via the discussion board in a learning management system.
    Learning takes place through active engagement rather than passive transmission.
Josh Hogan

Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet - 0 views

    An annotated guide to the scholarly resources available on the Internet.

Neu im Mobla Blog: Vergessen - 0 views

    Eine Ode für das Vergessen. Poesie gegen die Wunden der Vergangenheit. Ein Gedicht um endlich nach vorne zu schauen.

Neu im Mobla Blog: Unter Linden Update 2 - 0 views

    Eine schockierende Geschichte über die tiefe Spaltung in unserem Unterbewusstsein. Es geht um das Suchen und Finden des eigenen Ichs und um die Frage ob die Wunden der Vergangenheit wirklich verheilen… Hier ist der zweite Teil.

Neu im Mobla Blog: Betrachtungen in Hängematte - 0 views

    Dreifache Parallelbetrachtung der immer gleichen Situation mit Bildern. Es geht darum das ein Mensch nur die Welt verändern kann wenn er sich selbst verändert. Die neue kurze Geschichte im Mobla Blog.

Neu im Mobla Blog: Das Ding an sich - 0 views

    Eine Untersuchung über das Ding. Gedanken die um die Dinghaftigkeit kreisen und daher Elementares über unser Leben greifen. Das Ding an sich.

Neu im Mobla Blog: Im Wind - 0 views

    Ohne Kompass geht es hier genau in die richtige Richtung. Eine kleine Inspiration für dich von einem Schiff damit du durch den Horizont blicken kannst.

Neu im Mobla Blog: Moment Null - 0 views

    Der Punkt an dem alles endet und beginnt ist der Moment Null. Hier sterben alte Erlebnisse. Hier beginnt ein neues Leben. Auch für dich…

Neu im Mobla Blog: Auf der Haut - 0 views

    Auf der Haut saugen dich die Emotionen in das Innere. Es gibt wunderbare neue Wortspielereien im neuen Gedicht im Mobla Blog.
Jennifer Garcia

KeeBook Creator or KeeBoo Publishing Server : create e-books or e-catalogues multimedias - 0 views

    Free trial of multimedia flip book creator
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