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Ihering Alcoforado

How to use a Concept Map to organize and comprehend information | - 19 views

    Introduction to Concept Mapping Used as a learning and teaching technique, concept mapping visually illustrates the relationships between concepts and ideas. Often represented in circles or boxes, concepts are linked by words and phrases that explain the connection between the ideas, helping students organize and structure their thoughts to further understand information and discover new relationships. Most concept maps represent a hierarchical structure, with the overall, broad concept first with connected sub-topics, more specific concepts, following. Concept Map Example Definition of a Concept Map A concept map is a type of graphic organizer used to help students organize and represent knowledge of a subject. Concept maps begin with a main idea (or concept) and then branch out to show how that main idea can be broken down into specific topics. Benefits of Concept Mapping Concept mapping serves several purposes for learners: Helping students brainstorm and generate new ideas Encouraging students to discover new concepts and the propositions that connect them Allowing students to more clearly communicate ideas, thoughts and information Helping students integrate new concepts with older concepts Enabling students to gain enhanced knowledge of any topic and evaluate the information How to Build a Concept Map Concept maps are typically hierarchical, with the subordinate concepts stemming from the main concept or idea. This type of graphic organizer however, always allows change and new concepts to be added. The Rubber Sheet Analogy states that concept positions on a map can continuously change, while always maintaining the same relationship with the other ideas on the map. Start with a main idea, topic, or issue to focus on. A helpful way to determine the context of your concept map is to choose a focus question-something that needs to be solved or a conclusion that needs to be reached. Once a topic or question is
Mary Beth  Messner

Lovely Charts | Screencast - 27 views

    Free tool to create flowcharts, sitemaps, graphics, etc. Easy to use and might be good for creating graphic syllabi.

Full version softwares Crack Patch Free Download Coreldraw Graphics Suite x4 Free downl... - 0 views

Paulo Izidoro

The life-long role of libraries - Stephen's Lighthouse - 14 views

    "This graphic, shows the journey of a student from pre-kindergarten through the K-12 educational system and either into the workforce or on to a higher education institution. Along the way, school, academic, and public libraries are all available to provide services to the student and parents in support of learning and information literacy. This graphic was developed after attendance at various P-20 meetings where it seemed important to show that libraries play an important role throughout the life of students and adults. Minnesota libraries collaborate in sharing services and resources. Once in the workforce, information continues to be available through the public library for lifelong learning and recreation activities. Role of Libraries Pre-K & Beyond: Lifelong Learning -
Andrea Grinton

QuickClass Film Software for Online Teaching - 0 views

    Whether you are an administrator, educator or learner, you will find Quickclass easy to use due to its graphical user interface which we are all familiar with.
    Whether you are an administrator, educator or learner, you will find Quickclass easy to use due to its graphical user interface which we are all familiar with.
Martin Burrett

Spongelab - 0 views

    An amazing science site with a large number of magnificent animations and graphics to help you explain science principles. Content suitable for older students.
Martin Burrett

Web2.0 Calc - 0 views

    A useful web-based calculator with graphical functions and lots more. You can also embed it on your site.
Graham Atttwell

Aviary - Tools - 0 views

    Aviary is a suite of powerful creative applications that you can use right in your web browser. We're on a mission to make creation accessible to artists of all genres, from graphic design to audio editing. Sign up for an account today to start creating, sharing, and collaborating with our community of artists.
Graham Atttwell

Themes For A Good Infographic - 24 views

    "Information graphics give us new ways to understand and think about information. They include a huge category of visuals that are capable of communicating in diverse ways through charts, maps, diagrams, data visualizations and technical, instructional and scientific explanations. It seems that infographics become more valuable as our need to understand a complex world increases."
Maria Babae

Get Rid of Computer Freezing - 1 views

I badly need computer help.I am a graphic artist and I always use my PC for my graphic design layouts and other major graphic work. But, that is so obvious, is it not Anyway, my computer recently b...

online computer web tech support

started by Maria Babae on 10 Aug 11 no follow-up yet
Graham Atttwell

The Best Online Sources For Images | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 31 views

    Great list of sites for free graphics
Martin Burrett

Graphing Calculator - 0 views

    A well made, relatively easy to use flash graphic calculator tool.
Syed Amjad Ali

Ready to use templates for quality Elearning courses! - 0 views

New trends, new styles and unique graphics for Elearning templates available for rapid authoring tools; Articulate Storyline, Abode Captivate and Lectora: - Charts and Graphs - Engaging Slides - Gr...

Templates Elearning Articulate Storyline

started by Syed Amjad Ali on 10 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
Syed Amjad Ali

Ready to use templates for quality E-Learning courses! - 1 views

New trends, new styles and unique graphics for elearning templates available for rapid authoring tools; Articulate Storyline, Abode Captivate and Lectora: - Charts and Graphs - Engaging Slides - G...

Etemplates in india list of top elearning templates models e-templates for training courses

started by Syed Amjad Ali on 21 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Martin Burrett

Figma - 0 views

    "A useful collaborative graphic design platform which works across many devices through a web browser."
Martin Burrett

Code Warriors - 0 views

    A wonderful game for learning Java Script Coding. Battle with coding opponents, either against the computer or friends. The game contains some superb graphics and a manageable learning curve.
John Onwuegbu

Fusion Tables: Data Visualization - 18 views

    Data Visualization in concept, implies displaying important data in a graphical format for actionable group research purposes or individual usage.
Martin Burrett

MathMovesU - 0 views

    This is a superb maths games and activities site. Design an avatar and stroll around and choose what activities you would like to do in a range of maths topics. The games are great and the graphics are well designed and child-friendly.
Martin Burrett - 0 views

    This is a downloadable programme that teaches programming through a virtual robotic rover. Design games and challenges with your robot moving and finding objects. The commands are similar to MS Logo, but the interface and graphics are vastly more child-friendly. It is free for personal use. Found via
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