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6 startups later - the trials and challenges I faced (and overcame) as a founder - 0 views woman bleeds twice:1. At the age of 142. When she starts her fi...

evc anjli anjlijain startup entrepreneur

started by evcventures on 19 Apr 16 no follow-up yet
Thieme Hennis

Collaborize - Online Collaboration, Real-Time Results. - 24 views

    Collaborize is an online decision-making platform that helps your group identify, refine and respond to important questions, topics and ideas by adding structure to your conversations that drive to results and outcomes.
Emily Johnson

Go Through The Important Details About Wedding Loans To Take The Right Lending Decision! - 0 views

    These loans are hassle free supporting for your wedding situation without any bother of loan application process!
Graham Atttwell

About us - Pupil Voice Wales - 0 views

    "The Pupil Participation Project in the Welsh Assembly Government is here to help YOU! We want you to have the support you need to make pupil participation really effective in your school. On this site you will find useful information, resources and training materials, contact details, and links to related sites. There are also fun things to do as well, because you've told us this is important to you. If you would like to let us know what your school is doing to make sure that all pupils can play an active role in decision-making, send your case study to: "
Allison Kipta

Cognitive, Instructional, and Social Presence as Factors in Learners' Negotiation of Pl... - 0 views

    Adult learners value the flexibility and convenience offered to them as online learners, and many learners are required to absent themselves from their online classes during courses in order to accommodate demanding schedules. What factors and tensions contribute to learners' decision-making at these times? This qualitative study considered the planned absences of learners engaged in an online graduate course at a large university. Working within the framework provided by cognitive, instructional, and social presences, findings showed the following: (1) learners understood and accommodated the relationship and importance of the affective domain to their cognitive successes in learning, (2) successful learners demonstrated insightful self-knowledge in using metacognitive strategies, and (3) learners' external support systems were fundamental to their ability to continue to learn when absences occurred. The study's findings corroborate other recent research that similarly stresses the complexity and interrelated nature of the adult learning process.
Dennis OConnor

ALA | Interview with Keith Curry Lance - 0 views

  • The basic question tackled in school library impact research to date have been if school libraries or librarians make a difference? And, if so, how much and how? At least in recent years, more attention has gone to measuring the impact of school libraries than to explaining how that impact is achieved; but, the focus is beginning to move from the former to the latter. Four studies, or sets of studies, illustrate the formative history of this line of research.
  • The findings documented, and elaborated upon, the SchoolMatch claim that [the level of] school library expenditures was a key predictor of academic achievement, as measured by standardized tests, specifically in Colorado, scores on the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS).
  • other key library predictors, including the amount and level of library staffing, collection size, and the amount of time the school librarian spends playing an instructional role.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • by 2005, the Colorado study model had been replicated and elaborated upon to a greater or lesser extent in Colorado and more than a dozen other states by five different researchers or research teams. Collectively, they have studied the impact of school libraries in approximately 8,700 schools with enrollments totaling more than 2.6 million students.
  • using this research to advocate for school library programs has affected the relationships of school librarians with both principals and teachers. Four out of five respondents (81 percent) reported that they shared the research with their principals. (Between one-third and half also reported sharing this research with their superintendents, other administrators, technology staff, and/or parents.) Almost two out of three respondents (66 percent) reported sharing the research with teachers. As a result, approximately two-thirds of respondents report that sharing the research improved their relationships with their principals (69 percent) or teachers (66 percent).
  • Krashen suggests quite the reverse. Reading and library use are not direct consequences of students being from more prosperous homes, but rather from the fact that more prosperous homes tend to offer more books and other reading materials, and, thereby, to encourage reading and library use. Thus, he hypothesizes, libraries—both public and school—have an important role to play in equalizing access to books and other reading materials for disadvantaged students.
  • Overall, students and teachers confirmed that the school libraries studied helped students by making them more information- and computer-literate generally, but especially in their school work, and by encouraging them to read for pleasure and information—and, in the latter case, to read critically—beyond what they are required to do for school.
  • their core results were remarkably consistent. Across states and grade levels, test scores correlated positively and statistically significantly with staff and collection size; library staff activities related to learning and teaching, information access and delivery, and program administration; and the availability of networked computers, both in the library and elsewhere in the school, that provide access to library catalogs, licensed databases, and the World Wide Web. The cause-and-effect claim associated with these correlations was strengthened by the reliability of the relationships between key library variables (i.e., staffing levels, collection size, spending) and test scores when other school and community conditions were taken into account.
  • A series of studies that have had a great deal of influence on the research and decision-making discussions concerning school library media programs have grown from the work of a team in Colorado—Keith Curry Lance, Marcia J. Rodney, and Christine Hamilton-Pennell (2000).
  • Recent school library impact studies have also identified, and generated some evidence about, potential "interventions" that could be studied. The questions might at first appear rather familiar: How much, and how, are achievement and learning improved when . . . librarians collaborate more fully with other educators? libraries are more flexibly scheduled? administrators choose to support stronger library programs (in a specific way)? library spending (for something specific) increases?
  • high priority should be given to reaching teachers, administrators, and public officials as well as school librarians and school library advocates.
  • Perhaps the most strategic option, albeit a long-term one, is to infiltrate schools and colleges of education. Most school administrators and teachers never had to take a course, or even part of a course, that introduced them to what constitutes a high-quality school library program.
  • Three factors are working against successful advocacy for school libraries: (1) the age demographic of librarians, (2) the lack of institutionalization of librarianship in K–12 schools, and (3) the lack of support from educators due to their lack of education or training about libraries and good experiences with libraries and librarians.
  • These vacant positions are highly vulnerable to being downgraded or eliminated in these times of tight budgets, not merely because there is less money to go around, but because superintendents, principals, teachers, and other education decision-makers do not understand the role a school librarian can and should play.
  • If we want the school library to be regarded as a central player in fostering academic success, we must do whatever we can to ensure that school library research is not marginalized by other interests.    
    A great overview of Lance's research into the effectiveness of libraries.  He answers the question: Do school libraries or librarians make a difference?  His answer (A HUGE YES!) is back by 14 years of remarkable research.  The point is proved.  But this information remains unknown to many principals and superintendents.  Anyone interested in 21st century teaching and learning will find this interview fascinating.
Nigel Robertson

JISC Sustaining and Embedding Innovations / Welcome - 11 views

    This resource is intended to distil lessons learned from various JISC innovation programmes into a "Good Practice Guide for Sustaining and Embedding Innovations". It is intended to support project steering groups and management teams in further and higher education in decision-making in this area and focuses on: Changing people and culture.Working with existing institutional structures to influence organisational change.Embedding or aligning with strategies, processes, systems, initiatives and services.Creating usable tools and resources (as part of project outputs) to meet stakeholder needs.Developing commercial and open approaches to sustaining and embedding innovation.
Shannon Panzo

Mental Photography (ZOXing) Report - 3 views

Mental Photography Brain Management ZOXing ZOX Pro Training Knowledge is Power 1. Are you overworked and stressed out? 2...

father of mental photography Digital Product Brain Management

started by Shannon Panzo on 09 Jul 15 no follow-up yet
Shannon Panzo

What's Your Top 10? - Part 4 - 3 views

What's Your Top 10? A Business Marketing Exercise Refine Your List Now that I have my list of attributes that makes different from other brain management systems, I want t...

independent thinking natural abilities Lifetime Membership ZOX Pro system ZOX Pro Training

started by Shannon Panzo on 27 Oct 15 no follow-up yet
Shannon Panzo

Self Motivation vs Positive Motivation - 3 views

ZOX Pro Training Brain Management There seems to be confusion over the difference between Positive Motivation and Self Motivation and just how they are both used in the seminar m...

Motivation anti-guruism Mind Strategy Mind Emotions

started by Shannon Panzo on 25 Jun 15 no follow-up yet

Buy Google Business Reviews-100% trusted service - 0 views

    Buy Google Reviews Because 90% of customers check internet reviews before visiting a small business or organization, it can be a smart idea for you to buy google reviews. Truthfully, 67.7% of purchasing decisions are influenced by purchased Google reviews, which can have a significant impact. Showing actual customer reviews, according to the Buyglobalsmm team, should be a top focus for any serious company. Features of Our Services : ✅100% Permanent Reviews for Business Pages, Maps, and Places. ✅All Google Reviews are permanent (Guaranteed). ✅a hundred percent Satisfaction Guaranteed. ✅Manual and Non-Drop Reviews? 100% secure and stable accounts. ✅Express Delivery. ✅Instant Work Start. ✅Money-Back Guarantee. ✅24/7 Customer Support. ✅Real High-Quality Work. ✅Unlimited break up available. ✅Money-Back Guarantee. Our service is incredibly simple to purchase. Ordering on the website is, in our opinion, the finest way to acquire our services. You can always order from us over Skype or email if there are any issues with our cooperation. 24 Hours Reply/Contact Email : Skype : Buy Global SMM Telegram : @buyglobalsmm
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