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Ihering Alcoforado

50 Interesting Ways To Use Skype In Your Classroom | Edudemic - 19 views

    I'm a so-so fan of Skype. I've used it on an infrequent basis and have had more than a few dropped calls. Audio and video alike. However, it's a cheap way to make long distance calls and seems to work better over wi-fi and the video quality is improving on a regular basis. So therefore it's probably a great tool for the classroom. But how can you use Skype to do more than just make calls? Well, there's a pantload of interesting ways! Check out these fun ideas: Collaborate! Meet with other classrooms: One of the most common projects educators utilize Skype for is setting up exchanges with classrooms around the world, usually for cultural exchange purposes or working together on a common assignment. The program's official site provides some great opportunities to meet up with like-minded teachers and students sharing the same goals. Practice a foreign language: Connect with individual learners or classrooms hailing from a different native tongue can use a Skype collaboration to sharpen grammar and pronunciation skills through conversation. Peace One Day: Far beyond classroom collaborations, the Peace One Day initiative teamed up with Skype itself and educators across the globe to teach kids about the importance of ending violence, war, and other social ills. Around the World with 80 Schools: This challenge asks participating schools to hook up with 80 worldwide and report back what all they've learned about other cultures and languages. Talk about the weather: One popular Skype project sees participants from different regions make note of the weather patterns for a specified period of time, with students comparing and contrasting the results. Collaborative poetry: In this assignment, connected classrooms pen poetic pieces together and share them via video conferencing. Practice interviews: The education system frequently receives criticism for its failure to prepare students for the real world, but using Skype to help them run through mock-up
Antwak Short videos

"Campus to corporate transition for women professionals" by + professionals - 0 views

    Product Management could be your key to move out of a stagnating career. At times many of us may feel that we are stuck in a profession, in a job role, or in an organization that is not for us. It may feel like it is not our true calling. Well, then why waste time? Make a career switch into a career of your choice. Muster the courage and make the move. If Product Management is your likely choice, then this is the right blog for you. If not, then why not explore what is it like to be a PM! (Product Manager not Prime Minister) So, what would you be doing as a PM? Wearing multiple hats. As a Product Manager, you have to wear different hats at different times. Be a Psychologist - Embark upon a journey to empathize and understand consumer needs and challenges Be a Consumer Behaviour expert - Leave no stone unturned to mine latent consumer insights Be a Marketeer - Use frameworks to gauge the perfect product-market fit Be a Diplomat - Negotiate with and influence relevant stakeholders to obtain desired results Be an Architect and an Interior Designer - Build and design products that address consumer pain-points effectively and transpires into a practical and scalable solution Be a co-ordinator - Guide and Direct cross-functional teams to deliver timely results in sync with the overarching objective Be a crisis manager - Diagnose the situation, identify hurdles and be agile in resolving them while the product is being tested in the market Be a Relationship Manager - The duty of a PM does not end as soon as the product is launched. It extends further to keep creating and nurturing a delightful experience for the customer. Now, you're aware of the roles you are likely to perform. What about the skills required to fulfil them efficiently? Well, most experienced PMs emphasize on soft skills being the differentiator between a good and a great PM. Let's have a look at the most essential hard and soft skills required to be a product manager: Com
Leon Cych

Pontydysgu - Bridge to Learning » Working and Learning - 0 views

  • At the same time,
    • Leon Cych
      Military - navy etc...pre Waterloo???
  • probably
  • seemingly re-found public appetite
    • Leon Cych
      depends on how people vote at tne next election I guess :)
  • ...36 more annotations...
  • intervene
    • Leon Cych
      What about intervention in education MIAPs Unigue Learning Number and Identity Cards
    • Leon Cych
      ULN introduced for 14 yr olds from this year
  • Globalisation
    • Leon Cych
      Perhaps could do with a bit more explanation. Is this a specifc term in this context. I'd see it as something else in learning...
  • In some organizations
    • Leon Cych
      What about more distributed less country centric models of employment and I don't mean call centres i.e. web 2.0 new startups that employ people globally? Like Seesmic , for instance - any figures/ evidence on those?
  • context aware
    • Leon Cych
      Are we talking about the Semantic web or Web 3.0 here? I'm not sure this is specific enough...
  • dispersed
    • Leon Cych
      Dospersed or distributed?
  • ICT was most frequently used for learning in those enterprises with flatter hierarchies and more devolved decision talking responsibilities and in which employees had greater autonomy in the organisation of their own work. Interestingly, these enterprises also tended to have a more experienced workforce and low turnover of employees
    • Leon Cych
      Now that is very interesting
  • either face to face in the workplace or on-line
    • Leon Cych
      But perhaps down the pub :)
  • he study showed learning was more likely to take place in organisations with less hierarchical structures and where workers had more responsibility for their own work.
    • Leon Cych
      Again really interesting
  • is becoming part of a formal employment requirement
    • Leon Cych
      But interestingly at a recent consultation I went to involving the TDA and the new Masters in Teaching and Learning there was no evidence of awareness of the role of use of technology to aid reflectivity...
  • his entails building organisations in which people have what can be termed ‘developmental work tasks’
    • Leon Cych
      Collaboration not really mentioned - does it play a part?
  • change is challenging for some trainers
    • Leon Cych
  • a single learning provider,
    • Leon Cych
      formal or informal?
  • critical role to play
    • Leon Cych
      What about scalability and scope?
  • other approaches already in place
    • Leon Cych
      unless it continues to be locked out in schools
  • accidental
    • Leon Cych
      serendipitous - accident sounds like they fell over it which they possibly did :)
  • video conferencing
    • Leon Cych
      Maybe this might be renamed after Google's introduction of video into email? More ubiquitous than ever before for those who sign up to a gmail account and have some form of webcam built in.
  • unproblematic
    • Leon Cych
      What about the phenomenon of teachers working together informally to use these devices whilst teaching amongst each other globally - any reserch been done on that?
  • stimulating and rewarding
    • Leon Cych
      Providing there is a flat enough environment for this to happen...perhaps
  • learning to the state
    • Leon Cych
      But what about the trend where there is a cultural conflict by distance - and workers have to be schooled in cultural norms of the country they are servicing to get it right otherwise consumers in host countries reject this.
  • by an
  • system,
  • ambiguous and often hostile
    • Leon Cych
      Might be worth exploring this more - why - what are the causes of the hostility or is it merely dependency on outmoded systems rather than hostility - a reluctance to engage with cultural change due to being institutionalised - dunno...
  • oung people
  • Facebook
  • the privatization of education has seemed possible
    • Leon Cych
  • The idea of integrating personal learning and working environments
    • Leon Cych
      What research, if any, has ben done into the way individuals organise themselves in a more distributed environment - the individual "nodes" and how some "nodes" are more active than others ...
  • nteract with peer groups and communities of practice through the internet
    • Leon Cych
      OK answers some of my last question
  • learning spaces
    • Leon Cych
      and learner groupings perhaps?
  • costumer
  • reality of experience.
    • Leon Cych
      What about global peer to peer aspect?
  • It also implies a new culture of active and autonomous collective learning to be encouraged, valued and recognized in and outside the workplace
    • Leon Cych
      So what defines and binds these new communities?
  • Possible Futures
    • Leon Cych
      Would love to see this represented as an interactive diagram or walkthrough.
  • continue this list almost endlessly
    • Leon Cych
      How about a possibilites perm fruit machine :)
  • employees
    • Leon Cych
      Were any of these workplaces academic?
  • annotae
  • Annotate this paper.
    • Leon Cych
      Graham no mention in this of APIs - mashups and ther reconfiguring of information for personalisation? Just a thought. Leon
    I have annotated this quite heavily as very interesting.
Shannon Panzo

Reading, Speed Reading, Dyslexia, and Photographic Memory - 3 views

Speed Reading vs. Reading: …a short synopsis of some basic differences and misconceptions: How to gain the most from the written page is not found in the technique you learned ...

Brain Management Digital Product father of mental photography

started by Shannon Panzo on 02 Jul 15 no follow-up yet

buy soundcloud followers - - 0 views

    buy soundcloud followers There are a many ways to go about this. You could search for someone who's offering a service to give you more Soundcloud followers, and there are plenitude of people out there who'll do this for a price. Or, you could go the organic route and try to get further followers yourself. There are a number of benefits to having further Soundcloud followers. For one, it'll make your profile look further popular and seductive to newlisteners. However, it shows that people are interested in what you have to say, and that can go a long way, If you have a lot of followers. It also gives you further social evidence, which can be helpful if you 're trying to get reserved for gigs or get your music heard by markers. Social evidence is principally what it sounds like - it's the idea that if other people are doing it, it must be good. So, if you have a lot of followers on Soundcloud, it's a good suggestion that you 're doing commodity right. Of course, there are also some downsides to buying followers. For one, it's fairly easy to spot fake accounts, so if you go this route, be prepared to get called out on it. It can also be precious, and it's not inescapably a guarantee that you 'll get real, active followers. There are a lot of people out there who are willing to vend you fake followers for a cheap price, so do your exploration and be sure you 're getting what you pay for. Overall, it's up to you whether or not you want to buy followers onSoundcloud.However, you can surely do it organically, If you 're serious about erecting a following and you 're willing to put in the work. still, if you 're short on time or you want a quick boost, buying followers can be a helpful result. Just be sure to do your exploration and know what you 're getting into before you make any opinions. still, there are a many effects you can do, If you are looking to get further SoundCloud followers. First, be active and engage with other d
Shannon Panzo

Self Motivation vs Positive Motivation - 3 views

ZOX Pro Training Brain Management There seems to be confusion over the difference between Positive Motivation and Self Motivation and just how they are both used in the seminar m...

Motivation anti-guruism Mind Strategy Mind Emotions

started by Shannon Panzo on 25 Jun 15 no follow-up yet
Vanessa Vaile

MOOC - The Resurgence of Community in Online Learning - 0 views

    • Vanessa Vaile
      or other social bookmarking, feed reader, aggregator. the main purpose is collect/collate, tag or label, annotate (time permitting) and curate
  • Feeding Forward - We want participants to share their work with other people in the course, and with the world at large
  • Sharing is and will always be their choice.
  • ...31 more annotations...
  • even more importantly, it helps others see the learning process, and not just the polished final result.
  • The Purpose of a MOOC
  • Coursera, for example, may want to support learning, but it is also a company that wants to make money at the same time
  • Organizations offer MOOCs in order to serve other objectives.
  • MOOCs serve numerous purposes, both to those who offer MOOCs, those who provide services, and those who register for or in some way ‘take’ a MOOC.
  • The original MOOC offered by George Siemens and myself had a very simple purpose at first: to explain ourselves.
  • there are different senses of learning
  • creating an open online course designed in such a way as to support a large (or even massive) learning community.
  • The MOOC as Community
  • Although we learn what we learn from personal experience, we usually learn what we learn from other people. Consequently, learning is a social activity, whether we immerse ourselves into what Etienne Wenger called a community of practice (Wenger, Communities of Practice: Learning, meaning and identity, 1999), learn what Michael Polanyi called tacit knowledge (Polanyi, 1962), and be able to complete, as Thomas Kuhn famously summarized, the problems at the end of the chapter. (Kuhn, 1962)
  • So online communities form around offline activities
  • With today’s focus on MOOCs and social networking sites (such as Facebook and Google+) the discussion of community per se has faded to the background.
  • Online educators will find themselves building interest based communities whether they intend to do this or not
  • Learning in the community of practice takes the form of what might be called ‘peer-to-peer professional development activities’
  • The MOOC is for us a device created in order to connect these distributed voices together, not to create community, not to create culture, but to create a place where community and culture can flourish,
  • The peer community by contrast almost by definition cannot be formed over the internet
  • created through proximity
  • online communities depend on a topic or area of interest
  • Community Access Points
  • This was a project that did more than merely provide internet access, it created a common location for people interesting in technology and computers (and blogs and Facebook)
  • The MOOCs George Siemens and I have designed and developed were explicitly designed to support participation from a mosaic of cultures.
  • It is worth noting that theorists of both professional and social networks speak of one’s interactions within the community as a process of building, or creating, one’s own identity.
  • danah boyd, studying the social community, writes, “The dynamics of identity production play out visibly on MySpace. Profiles are digital bodies, public displays of identity where people can explore impression management.
  • ecause imagery can be staged, it is often difficult to tell if photos are a representation of behaviors or a re-presentation of them
  • In both of these we are seeing aspects of the same phenomenon. To learn is not to acquire or to accumulate, but rather, to develop or to grow. The process of learning is a process of becoming, a process of developing one’s own self.
  • We have defined three domains of learning: the individual learner, the online community, and the peer community.
  • Recent discussions of MOOCs have focused almost exclusively on the online community, with almost no discussion of the individual learner, and no discussion peer community. But to my mind over time all three elements will be seen to be equally important.
  • three key roles in online learning: the student, the instructor, and the facilitator. The ‘instructor’ is the person responsible for the online community, while the ‘facilitator’ is the person responsible for the peer community.
  • recent MOOCs offered by companies like Coursera and Udacity have commercialized course brokering
  • a model that the K-12 community has employed for any number of years
  • where is the French-language community itself?
    post from Half an Hour: excellent explanation of how connectivist moocs work, what the difference is between them and x or wrapped moocs and what open is In this presentation Stephen Downes addresses the question of how massive open online courses (MOOCs) will impact the future of distance education. The presentation considers in some detail the nature and purpose of a MOOC in contrast with traditional distance education. He argues that MOOCs represent the resurgence of community-based learning and will describe how distance education institutions will share MOOCs with each other and will supplement online interaction with community-based resources and services. The phenomenon of 'wrapped MOOCs' will be described, and Downes will outline several examples of local support for global MOOCs. 
Shannon Panzo

What's Your Top 10? - Part 5 - 2 views

What's Your Top 10? A Business Marketing Exercise In Conclusion As I was building this list of attributes that distinguish from our competitors, even more great attributes cam...

Brain Management Mental Photography ZOX Pro Training Business Marketing

started by Shannon Panzo on 29 Oct 15 no follow-up yet
Antwak Short videos

"Know about Product Management Interviews" by + professionals - 0 views

    At Antwak, we interview Product Managers (PM) across the globe about their experiences and professional journey as Product Manager. How do they handle multiple tasks and responsibilities? What is a day in the life of a Product Manager like? Have you ever wondered what do Product Managers care about? And what Product managers need to know? Let's check out what these successful professionals say about their life as a Product Manager: Gretchen (Gretchen Rodriguez) - Sr Product Manager eBay: She shared the challenges she faced in this role while doing product management before moving to the US. During that period the job title Product Manager was not that popular and was wondering how to proceed and that's when she decided to wait for the opportunity to apply for this role to get this job title and role specifically to start officially. It was a challenge to wait to get this role after a long wait. But again it was worth waiting. Sr. Product Manager Abhishek (Abhishek Shukla) -Adobe, Ex- Flipkart shared the challenges he faced in setting up a new product in his first 30 days. He focused on learning about the product and market in the first 30 days to achieve success. Learning about the product is not simply knowing product details but the challenges and uncertainties attached to it. Knowing about your customers, vendors, marketers, competitors, stakeholders in the ecosystem as a whole. Strive to determine your place in the ecosystem and your competitor's strategies. Apart from these takeaways, one should also focus on the company's core competencies and product strategies. Product Manager-Preeti Sekar also speaks about the challenges an early professional might face in this role as a PM in the first 30 days. A person might be from a different domain, profile, and experience and new to this role facing all sorts of criticism and feedback from customers, stakeholders, etc, and eventually one can settle themselves with the roles and responsibilities of a Pr
Nigel Coutts

The Curse of False Expertise - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    what if our expertise is imagined or false. What if what we think is so, just ain't so. This might be more common than we care to admit, and it is worth considering the source of this difficulty and its implications. 
Nigel Coutts

What if questions are the way to the solution - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Adults love to ask "What if...?" questions too. It is a model that can be a catalyst for change when used in the right way and when combined with some other questions. 
Antwak Short videos

How to prevent Ransomware attacks in 2021? - 0 views

    Do your systems have protection against Ransomware attacks? Ransomware is a sort of malware that cybercriminals use to extort cash. It holds information to ransom with encryption or by keeping users out of their devices. Few tips to prevent Ransomware attacks: This section gives you tips on the best way to safeguard from ransomware attacks. Never click on unverified weblinks Try not to click spam emails or on unfamiliar sites. Downloads that start when you click on malicious links is one way that your system could get tainted When the ransomware is on your system, it will encrypt your information or lock your system. When the ransomware has something to hold as "hostage", it will request a payoff with the goal that you can recover your data. Paying these payoffs may seem like the easiest solution. But it is actually what the criminal needs you to do and paying these payments doesn't ensure they will give you access to your device or your data back. Never open untrusted email attachments Another way that ransomware could get onto your system is through an email attachment (Email breach) Try not to open email attachments from senders you don't trust Always download from a reliable source To decrease the risk of downloading ransomware, don't download software or media documents from unknown sites. Go to verified, trusted sites on the off chance that you need to download something. Most respectable sites will have markers of trust that you can perceive. Simply look in the hunt bar to check whether the site utilizes 'HTTPS' rather than 'HTTP.' In case you're downloading something on your mobile, ensure you download from trustworthy sources. For instance, Android telephones should use the Google Play Store to download applications and iPhone clients should use the App Store. Avoid sharing personal data If you get a call, text, or email from an untrusted source that requests personal data, don't give it out. Cybercriminals planning
Antwak Short videos

Insightful videos on "Chatbots: The Future of Digital Marketing?" by + professionals - 0 views

    What is a Chatbot? Chatbots are computer programs or software through which a human can communicate with digital devices just like a real human. It helps in conversation as if a real human is doing, it's mainly through texts. It doesn't communicate like robots, the texting system works like a real person typing. This gives the end-user a feeling of talking to a real person and not computerized texting. It's also known as digital assistants. Why are Chatbots used? Quicker replies. Problems solving or solving complaints. To get descriptive explanations and answers. To connect to a human customer service agent. Book a reservation. Payments of bill. Buy things online. To get suggestions for buying. Over the last few years, chat systems have become more popular. Millennials prefer chatting over emails. Many people are not comfortable talking on phone calls with customer service care and prefer to chat in the chatbot of the applications or website. Chat applications like Whatsapp have become more popular nowadays. In business, chatbots make it easier for the user to communicate. Chatbots must be a part of your marketing strategy To keep up with the competitive era, automated digital systems are preferred more. The easier, the friendlier. In the digital era, Chatbots are the virtual agents who help the users using Natural Language Process (NLP) and always reply in a logical manner rather than the robotic types. Here are the few important points which state why you should include Chatbot in your marketing strategy: Saves Time & Money: Chatbots replace the labor work, which used a lot of money and time. When people reply it takes time because humans take much more time than an AI system to do the same work assigned. Helps understanding customers better: Every time a new customer enters the site or application, chatbots ask the customer a few questions which help in serving the customer better next time. In the case of old customers, the chatbots collect past
Mike Chelen

Open Source Edition Downloads: Enterprise Messaging and Collaboration Software by Zimbra - 0 views

    Thank you for your interest in the Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) Open Source Edition! ZCS Open Source Edition is available for you to test, evaluate, deploy, customize, and improve. In doing so we also hope you will participate in the Zimbra Community, so that we can work together to make ZCS a better product for everyone. It is free in perpetuity (providing you comply with the associated licensing terms). It does not, however, include Zimbra Support or software subscription. The ZCS Open Source Edition software is provided in source code and binary formats: * Use the ZCS software in source code format (under the terms of this Yahoo Public License (YPL) if you want to modify the software and create your own binaries (example: porting ZCS to a new platform) * If you do not want to change the code or build your own binaries, use the ZCS Open Source Edition binary distributions instead (licensed under the terms of Zimbra Public End-user License Agreement (EULA); these are simpler to get up and running, and you are still free to redistribute unmodified copies If you have questions about which ZCS product edition is best for you, or wish to purchase a subscription plus support to the ZCS Network Edition, please contact us. More Tips: * Can I revert the Network Edition Trial to the Open Source Edition? Absolutely, all your email data, etc. will be left intact if you choose not to purchase ZCS Network Edition * ZCS is a server download are intended for administrators and developers. (Confused? Please see What Version of Zimbra is Right for Me?)
Glenn Hoyle

Interaction Equivalency in Self-Paced Online Learning Environments: An Exploration of L... - 0 views

  • This exploratory study sought to examine the experiences and preferences of adult learners concerning the various interactions that they encounter in a self-paced online course. The following four primary research questions guided data collection and analysis efforts: 1. What forms of interaction do adult learners engage in most in self-paced online courses? 2. What forms of interaction do adult learners value most in self-paced online courses? 3. What forms of interaction do adult learners identify as equivalent in self-paced online courses? 4. What impact do adult learners perceive interaction to have on their self-paced online learning experience?
  • Deep and meaningful formal learning is supported as long as one of the three forms of interaction (student–teacher; student-student; student-content) is at a high level. The other two may be offered at minimal levels, or even eliminated, without degrading the educational experience. High levels of more than one of these three modes will likely provide a more satisfying educational experience, though these experiences may not be as cost or time effective as less interactive learning sequences. (Anderson, 2003)
    • Mike Fandey
      The perception of high level is key. If a single interaction approach is selected and the learner opts not to engage, then "high level interaction" is not achieved.
  • Participants further noted that they engaged most actively with the instructor and course content, commensurate with findings of previous research pointing to the necessity of such fundamental interactions (Gallien & Early, 2008; Heinemann, 2003; Pawan, Paulus, Yalcin, & Chang, 2003; Perry & Edwards, 2005; Stein, Wanstreet, Calvin, Overtoom, & Wheaton, 2005). The results of this study further strengthen the literature calling for the development of specific competencies not only for those designing online learning but also for those who facilitate online learning experiences of various formats (Klein, Spector, Grabowski, & Teja, 2004; Varvel, 2007).
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Research Question 2: What forms of interaction do adult learners value most in self-paced online courses?
  • Participants hailed the blogging and social bookmarking activities as integral to the quality of the overall learning experience, noting the synergy of formal and informal interactions that such activities fostered.
  • Participants noted that although they enjoyed the interactions with other learners and often wished for more, they conceded that in the self-paced, online learning environment such interactions are challenging.
  • informal learning environment that was crafted placed maximum control with the learners. Such informal learning environments provide an open venue for learners to connect with others interested in the same concepts either in a different course section or at a different stage of the course (Rhode, 2006).
  • Participants identified interaction with the instructor and content as very nearly equivalent in a self-paced online course. Participants pointed out that quality interaction with content is indispensable in the self-paced learning environment and can not in any way be replaced. They also indicated that interaction with the instructor could potentially be diminished and compensated for through increased quality interactions with content or learners. Participants further noted that while interaction with other learners is desirable within the self-paced learning environment, the self-paced nature of the course makes such interactions challenging. Therefore, learners were willing to forgo interpersonal interactions deemed by some as tangential in exchange for the flexibility afforded by the self-paced learning approach.
  • In a granular analysis of the various interaction activities, participants generally reported the activity of blogging as equivalent or superior to asynchronous discussion via the discussion board in Blackboard. Such findings add to the burgeoning body of research supporting the pedagogical possibilities of blogging as a flexible asynchronous communication alternative to threaded discussion via a restricted learning management system
  • This mixed methods study explored the dynamics of interaction within a self-paced online learning environment. It used rich media and a mix of traditional and emerging asynchronous computer-mediated communication tools to determine what forms of interaction learners in a self-paced online course value most and what impact they perceive interaction to have on their overall learning experience. This study demonstrated that depending on the specific circumstance, not all forms of interaction may be either equally valued by learners or effective. Participants differentiated among the various learning interactions available and indicated that informal interactions were as important as formal interactions in determining the quality of the online learning experience. Participants also reported the activity of blogging as being equally valued and in some ways superior to instructor-directed asynchronous discussion via the discussion board in a learning management system.
    Learning takes place through active engagement rather than passive transmission.
Antwak Short videos

"Design Thinking (IDEO - Framework) for better UX" by professionals - 0 views

    Design thinking is an act of creative problem-solving. Design thinking has a human-centred core. It uplift organizations to focus on the targeted audience, which conducts better products, services, and internal processes. While creating a solution for a business need the first question must be what's the human need behind that? The six phases of a design process: Six Steps of a design thinking process Six Steps of a design thinking process Observation: This phase is about noticing the end-user, learning, and being unlocked to creative possibilities. Here the goal is to understand the target audiences Ideation: In this phase, you start analyzing ideas with your team based on what you gathered from phase Rapid prototyping: Here you are going to rapidly put up a simple prototype of your plan. This builds it real and provides you with something to try out with the end-user. The aim of this phase is not to generate the perfect solution but to make sure the solution is on target User feedback: This is the censorious phase where without input from the end-user, you won't know if your solution is on target or not, and you won't know how to evolve your design Iteration: Once the feedback is received from the end-user, you can proceed with the changes of your design using that information. Keep repeating, testing, and combining user feedback until you've adjusted your solution Implementation: Here you have confirmed the functionality of your solution with the end-user and acquired your design just right, now it's time to get your ideas into functionality IDEO design thinking process: IDEO ( developed a unique process which came to be known as IDEO design-thinking frame-work. IDEO Design thinking process Design thinking process by IDEO By their own admission, IDEO did not invent design thinking, but they have become known for practicing it and applying it to solving problems small and large. It's f
Shannon Panzo

Discover Secrets to ZOX Pro Success, and more Great Things - 2 views

ZOX Pro Training Success Secrets ZOX Pro Does it All, again and again… After reviewing the list of things that ZOX Pro enables our clients to do, I have decided to revisit these points f...

Mind Think Tank Mental Photography for Brain & Mind Mind To Mind Tips ZOX Pro Training

started by Shannon Panzo on 10 Aug 15 no follow-up yet
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