February is Black History Month. Here's a word list to add to your lesson plans! This list can be used to play all of the games and activities on our site. http://www.spellingcity.com/view-spelling-list.html?listId=2851114
VocabularySpellingCity is a fun way to learn spelling and vocabulary words by playing engaging learning games using any word list. The most popular activities are Spelling TestMe, HangMouse, and our vocabulary games, available to Premium Members. The most popular word lists are Sound Alikes, Compound Words, Hunger Games and SAT Words. This is a free app!
Over 35,000 spelling words and eight spelling games!- A REAL person who says each word and sentence- Thousands of free spelling lists. Or save your own!- A free forum and newsletter with more resources!
This is an INCREDIBLE website that NSharoff (http://twitter.com/nsharoff) from New York has shared with me!
It lets you as a parent or teacher create spelling lists, then the kids can have the program "teach" them the words. Then, they can play games like hangmouse and a lot of others to learn the words. I am using this with my son and was so happy when nsharoff forwarded it, I could have just flipped!
Teaching spelling is easy with SpellingCity.com. Input spelling lists for your students to use for free spelling help. Students can learn spelling words, practice spelling tests, and play fun spelling games. Keep track of your spelling list curriculum, sh
This site has millions of users. It's invaluable assistance for the weekly word study transforming this previously boring exercise into something fresh and fun. Great games, sweet user interface, free teacher training, a vocabulary of 45,000 words...It's worth using!
Help make spelling time a fun time! SpellingCity.com can be an invaluable part of every child's spelling and vocabulary education with over 42,000 spelling words and customizable sentences.
The www.spellingcity.com/dolch-words.html provides 15 different learning activities that you can use with the Dolch sight words, your own list, or any of the many other words lists available on Vocabulary spellingcity.
There's also a sister site: www.vocabulary.co.il - This quirky useful site has unique learning games and information for analogies, word roots, and compound words.
VocabularySpellingCity has a new summer word study program that allows children to sharpen academic skills as they play. These simple assignments are a daily workout for the brain, building literacy skills such as vocabulary, spelling, and writing.
VocabularySpellingCity provides the following sets of correlations to standards:
U.S. Standards by State
Common Core Standards for each States' Implementation
Australian Standards by State
Canadian Standards by Province
English National Curriculum Standards
Two New Free Games!
Just in time for the Holiday Season - two brand new games! Test-N-Teach (TNT) is our new spelling game and Read-A-Word is our first-ever reading game. Both games are available to everyone!