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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Eloise Pasteur


Clark Aldrich's Style Guide for Serious Games and Simulations: The Reason Why Most Rese... - 0 views

  • Why is most research on business issues so useless? Why doesn't it drive the results that businesses require? Organizations may have commissioned reports on new markets, or Second Life, or Web 2.0, or outsourcing or re-insourcing, but why don't the reports have a richer impact?
  • I have come to the fairly unambiguous conclusion: most business research sits unused on shelves. It is thus a valid question to ask, especially in tightening budgets, why is that so? Is that inevitable? And, to a lesser degree, who's fault is that?
  • The big problem is that most business research relies on the same faulty intellectual constructs as other forms of linear content - it relies on linear analysis, case studies, and inspirational examples. And like with movies and magazines, they impress us with their cleverness but don't actually enable effective action (or any action, except more presentations), because they ar not designed to. The reports focus on knowing, not doing. The people at the receiving end of such research seldom turn the concepts into productive actions, because the research does not help them enough in doing so. At best, most research I have studied only takes the reader on 20% of the journey.
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  • The content model advocated on this blog is that of actions, systems, and results. And, there is a multiplier effect between them. If you do not have all three you really don't have anything.
    Discussion of business research, why it's not so great and how it could be improved

Sex education - Eloise's thoughts and fancies - 0 views

  • it's about a rather surprising and to me quite worrying difference in how we teach adults about coping with it.
  • Anyway, this person during their nursing training had quite extensive training about how to cope with patients getting 'frisky' during treatment. He, being gay, found the compulsory training quite a giggle personally, although he did realise that it has the potential to be a real issue for some of the other people he was training with. The teacher training covers the potential issues in about 10 minutes, and basically says "don't do it" but doesn't offer any strategies for coping with it.
  • hat 10 minutes saying "Don't do it" is certainly excellent advice, is it really sufficient?
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  • But for teachers in their 20's it strikes me as more of an issue, and something we might like to address. Any thoughts?
    Thoughts about how we might be failing our student teachers.

When in doubts, prefer unimpressive negative results - 0 views

    A short report, with several links and quotes, that suggests peer review biases the publication and the advancement of our understanding!

Eloise's thoughts and fancies - 0 views

    Thoughts about the connectivism model of learning

Free Digital Texts Begin to Challenge Costly College Textbooks in California ~ Stephen'... - 0 views

  • Free Digital Texts Begin to Challenge Costly College Textbooks in California Expect to see more of this. Not only the writing and releasing of free textbooks. But also the attempts by publishers to lure their authors back into the commercial fold. They'll have to change their price points, though. As Tom Hoffman says, "he point is that there are lots of actors other than publishers who can pay a professor to write a text and release it under a free license, and $100,000 is not a lot of money to a state, country, large university or foundation."

Clark Aldrich's Style Guide for Serious Games and Simulations: A Taxonomy of Interactivity - 0 views

  • Many conversations around interactivity in formal learning programs rests on the tools. Does WebEx allow polling? Can you have threaded conversations in Second Life? What if you gave keypads to members of an audience? And those are all good questions. But at the same time, we need to nurture cultures around interactivity that are independent of any technology. We need vocabulary and expectations around interactivity itself.Here's a suggestion, hopefully useful in practice if not in theory:
  • Level 0: The instructor speaks regardless of audience.
  • Level 1: The instructor pauses and asks single answer questions of the students.
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  • Level 2: The instructor tests the audience and based on the collective response, skips ahead or backtracks.
  • Level 3: The instructor asks multiple choice questions of the audience, where a student might have the opportunity to defend different answers, or the instructor asks real time polling questions for data.
  • Level 5: Students engage labs or other activities and create unique content; however, most solutions will fall into fairly common patterns if done enough times.
  • Level 4: Students engage labs or other activities that have a single, typically process solution, such as putting together an engine.
  • Level 6: The students engage in long, open ended activities, such as writing a story or creating and executing a plan, and where the class "ends up" is unpredictable.
  • Culture, not TechnologyBut again, while technology examples are included, all of this can be done in a traditional classroom.
  • The implication is not that Level 6 should always be used. Most programs will start ideally at Level 1, and then transition to Level 3, 4, 5, or even 6 as quickly as possible.
    A discussion of, and model for how interactive your classes are - with a bias towards technology but the feet firmly in teaching in general.

digitalresearchtools / FrontPage - 0 views

    Wiki of Digital Research Tools

Doing Digital Scholarship: Presentation at Digital Humanities 2008 « Digital ... - 0 views

  • My session, which explored the meaning and significance of “digital humanities,” also featured rich, engaging presentations by Edward Vanhoutte on the history of humanities computing and John Walsh on comparing alchemy and digital humanities.
  • I wondered: What is digital scholarship, anyway?  What does it take to produce digital scholarship? What kind of digital resources and tools are available to support it? To what extent do these resources and tools enable us to do research more productively and creatively? What new questions do these tools and resources enable us to ask? What’s challenging about producing digital scholarship? What happens when scholars share research openly through blogs, institutional repositories, & other means?
  • I decided to investigate these questions by remixing my 2002 dissertation as a work of digital scholarship.  Now I’ll acknowledge that my study is not exactly scientific—there is a rather subjective sample of one.  However, I figured, somewhat pragmatically, that the best way for me to understand what digital scholars face was to do the work myself. 
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  • The ACLS Commission on Cyberinfrastructure’s report points to five manifestations of digital scholarship: collection building, tools to support collection building, tools to support analysis, using tools and collections to produce “new intellectual products,” and authoring tools. 
  • Tara McPherson, the editor of Vectors, offered her own “Typology of Digital Humanities”: •    The Computing Humanities: focused on building tools, infrastructure, standards and collections, e.g. The Blake Archive •    The Blogging Humanities: networked, peer-to-peer, e.g. crooked timber •    The Multimodal Humanities: “bring together databases, scholarly tools, networked writing, and peer-to-peer commentary while also leveraging the potential of the visual and aural media that so dominate contemporary life,” e.g. Vectors
  • My initial diagram of digital scholarship pictured single-headed arrows linking different approaches to digital scholarship; my revised diagram looks more like spaghetti, with arrows going all over the place.  Theories inform collection building; the process of blogging helps to shape an argument; how a scholar wants to communicate an idea influences what tools are selected and how they are used.
  • I looked at 5 categories: archival resources as well as primary and secondary books and journals.   I found that with the exception of archival materials, over 90% of the materials I cited in my bibliography are in a digital format.  However, only about 83% of primary resources and 37% of the secondary materials are available as full text.  If you want to do use text analysis tools on 19th century American novels or 20th century articles from major humanities journals, you’re in luck, but the other stuff is trickier because of copyright constraints.
  • I found that there were some scanning errors with Google Books, but not as many as I expected. I wished that Google Books provided full text rather than PDF files of its public domain content, as do Open Content Alliance and Making of America (and EAF, if you just download the HTML).  I had to convert Google’s PDF files to Adobe Tagged Text XML and got disappointing results.  The OCR quality for Open Content Alliance was better, but words were not joined across line breaks, reducing accuracy.  With multi-volume works, neither Open Content Alliance nor Google Books provided very good metadata.
  • To make it easier for researchers to discover relevant tools, I teamed up with 5 other librarians to launch the Digital Research Tools, or DiRT, wiki at the end of May.
    Review of digital humanities scholarship tools

Google makes me smarter - 0 views

    Why Google is a good thing...

Are we all becoming the google generation? - Eloise's thoughts and fancies - 0 views

    Is there such a thing as the Google Generation? Yes, actually, but some of the characteristics of that group are spreading throughout all age groups. Libraries and governments need to work out how to react and adapt to this and some of the weaknesses of the Google Generation, and quickly.

Opposing Views: Issues, Experts, Answers - 0 views

    • Eloise Pasteur
      Hard to find text to highlight. This site has a strong US bias, although some global issues. They take strong, important issues and have two experts present arguments and counter-arguments. The quality rather depends on the speaker - even on some where I'm undecided there are objections by one side that are just facile, ignorant grandstanding, but overall there is some good content and there is often links to evidence rather than rhetoric too.
    Like it suggests, a place where public debate is encouraged and supported - although some of the debate is low quality.

Using visuals to discover deep metaphors » VisualsSpeak blog - 0 views

  • is the description how often we are lead astray in our thinking by focusing on surface differences rather than searching for the significant similarities expressed in deep metaphors. Three Levels of Metaphors The Zaltmans describe three levels of metaphors, and use this example: Surface Metaphors Money runs through his fingers I am drowning in debt Don’t pour your money down the drain The bank froze his assets Metaphor Theme Money is like liquid Deep Metaphor Resource
    Overview of deep metaphors and using visualisation to help clarify them

Deep learning and the google generation - Eloise's thoughts and fancies - 0 views

  • Does the google generation learn the necessary skills to develop into the high-flying academics of tomorrow? Pretty much whatever topic you do at higher degree level you will study intensively and for long periods. Does the multi-media fast burst learning they use so well at lower levels convert in enough of them to give us our professors of two decades time (I'm using professor in the UK sense, the highest level of university academic is a professor). Will it give us our surgeons - can they learn to concentrate for hours in surgery? At the same time, if middle and higher management in business don't stop to think deeply and make fast decisions for the short term, are the google generation actually better equipped than I am?
    A blog post from me about deeper learning and the google generation and fitness for higher learning and the world of work

Eppendorf International - It's called epMotion - 0 views

    • Eloise Pasteur
      Science is sexy or cool or something... I have to declare an interest - I've had that pippetting cramp that starts the whole thing off
    AN advert for a pippeting system, but a new look at Science Communication too!
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