ber that when writing cover letters, it should be best just like your resume because both are in one wh
digiteen » WHS Middle School Action Planning Wiki - 0 views
The course planning wiki for the digiteen action project from my ninth graders for the middle school. They've done a nice job of planning and sharing the materials. I like their google presentation which has evolved significantly over the last three weeks.
The digital citizenship course planning wiki made by my ninth graders to teach the middle school about digital citizenship.
Wissahickon School District: WHS Graduation Project - 5 views
I'll be spending time to AJ Juliani, Steve Mogg and Rosie Esposito from Wissahikon school district. Here's a copy of their Graduation project required to graduate from their school. I think all schools should have graduation projects. There is information and manuals if you want to look into this for yourself. I saw this in Evansvlle High school as well. This can be part of your genius work. "As part of graduation from Wissahickon High School, every senior is required to complete a graduation project. The projects include research, writing and an oral presentation to assure that students are able to apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluation information and communicate significant knowledge and understanding. This is culminating project in one or more areas of concentrated study under the guidance and direction of the high school faculty. "
WHS CFF Showcase » Social Studies - 0 views
educators - Group | Diigo - 1 views
This will be my first "official" bookmark to the educators group on diigo. I'm sending it to the group to make use of the standard tagging dictionary I've set up to use with this group -- this will help us share at a further level.
As I'm tesing this I see that only 16 tags emerge from the group dictionary. I'll have to go back and edit that and see what we can do. This is the group itself to share with friends.
If you agree with me that this person is a spammer, please click on their name to the left and hit "spammer" on their profile page.
Avoid Fake Web Sites - 23 views
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