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Vicki Davis

Gorman, Susan - US History/Coach / Technology User Agreement Forms - 4 views

    This teacher has permission forms for use of Toondoo, Edmodo, and Glogster, three excellent sites that I also use in my classroom. While I like to combine mine all into one, this is an option for those very conservative districts.
Vicki Davis

Digital Permission Form (1).doc - Google Drive - 8 views

    This permission form has many different tools including weebly, Google dlocs, voicethread, YouTube, Glogster, Xtranormal, Toondoo, and others. I'm not sure that Audacity has to be included as it is a program on the local machine, however. I do like how the teacher asks for permission "I agree to allow my student's work to be used as  a positive example of published work for demonstration or promotional purposes." Some parents are afraid their child will be made to look bad in online examples, this covers that concern although it puts the onus on the teacher to make sure he/she vets examples that are published.
Caroline Bucky-Beaver

ToonDoo - The Cartoon Strip Creator - Create, Publish, Share, Discuss! - 0 views

    Another cartoon creator web2.0 application.
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