The Image database, Images from the History of Medicine (IHM), is an online picture database of nearly 70,000 images from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) History of Medicine Division's Prints and Photographs Collection. IHM includes portraits, photographs, caricatures, genre scenes, posters, and graphic art illustrating the social and historical aspects of medicine dated from the 15th to 21st century.\nThe collection includes portraits, photographs, caricatures, genre scenes, posters, and graphic art illustrating the social and historical aspects of medicine dated from the 15th to 21st century.The collection includes portraits, photographs, caricatures, genre scenes, posters, and graphic art illustrating the social and historical aspects of medicine dated from the 15th to 21st century.The purpose of the IHM database is to assist users in finding and viewing visual material for private study, scholarship, and research. This site contains some materials that may be protected by United States or foreign copyright laws. It is the users' responsibility to determine compliance with the law when reproducing, transmitting, or distributing images found in IHM.
C. Szwedzicki: The North American Indian Works
Work Record ID:
Reproduction Record ID:
Work Class:
Work Type:
Retreat of Reno's Commnand
Title Type:
constructed title
Sioux Indian painting
Title Type:
collective title
11.40 x 19.05 in (28.96 x 48.39 cm) on sheet 15.30 x 19.50 in (38.86 x 49.53 cm)
Measurement Type:
paper (fiber product)
Material Type:
Image Top Center: Custer Battle Field / June 25 and 26 1876 / Crazy Horse
Above Image Right: 8 [Plate Number]
Bad Heart Bull, Amos, 1869-1913
Creator Dates:
Creator Nationality:
Oglala Lakota
Creator Name Variant:
Bad Heart Buffalo (Tatanka Cante Sice)
Creator Type:
personal name
Creator Role:
Little Bighorn Battlefield (Mont.)
Archives and Rare Books Library, University Libraries, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
Repository Type:
current repository
ID Number:
ID Number Type:
plate number
ID Number:
ARB RB Oversize E98.A7 S568 1938 Vol. 2
ID Number Type:
call number
Style Period:
Plains Indian
Style Period:
Indian art--North America
Native American
Oglala Lakota
Belts (Clothing)
Face painting
Body painting
Shirts, Men's
Hair pipes
Horseback riding
Saddle blankets
Indian warfare
Military uniforms
Bow lances
Crazy Horse (Tashunca-Uitco), ca. 1842-1877
Fixed-stone-head clubs
War shirts
Reno, Marcus A. (Marcus Albert), 1835-1889
Indians of North America--Wars
Create historical twitter character then tweet based on history research Quote from Mark Rounds Web-Ed Tools, "Participants choose a historical event, create Twitter accounts for individual characters, pore over primary source documents and think critically about the times, dates, and durations of events to create hundreds of Tweets as they might have been broadcast had Twitter existed before the 21st century. They then submit all those Tweets to the engineers at TwHistory, specifying a start date for their event, and then watch it unfold - over a day, a week, a month or more - reflecting the event's actual duration."
Internet World Stats is an International website that features up to date world Internet Usage, Population Statistics, Travel Stats and Internet Market Research Data, for over 233 individual countries and world regions. See the Internet Big Picture here.
Internet World Stats is an International website that features up to date world Internet Usage, Population Statistics, Travel Stats and Internet Market Research Data, for over 233 individual countries and world regions. See the Internet Big Picture here.
Daily Wordle puzzles based on famous books, locations, and dates. Not the most complicated use of Wordle, but rather inventive. Would be better to have comments turned on, so people could guess and discuss the daily puzzle.
"A superb online whiteboard suite of tools, including a random name picker, classroom sound level indicator, display a QR code, drawing and text tools, traffic lights, timers, clocks and dates, and even a fab exit poll tool. You can even change the background, including your own images to display extra resource information, or use your computer camera to show live video like a visualiser."
This edudemic list from 2012 still looks pretty up to date. Take a look at all of the places you can snag video. Of course, now, many are curating these into lists on pinterest, clacko, educlipper, diigo, and more, to align with standards, but these are good places to start.
"Visualizing Cultures was launched at MIT in 2002 to explore the potential of the Web for developing innovative image-driven scholarship and learning. The VC mission is to use new technology and hitherto inaccessible visual materials to reconstruct the past as people of the time visualized the world (or imagined it to be).
Topical units to date focus on Japan in the modern world and early-modern China. The thrust of these explorations extends beyond Asia per se, however, to address "culture" in much broader ways-cultures of modernization, war and peace, consumerism, images of "Self" and "Others," and so on."
Excited to be in Virginia on July 17 at TechSplash! Hope you'll join us if you're the area.
"The purpose of Tech Splash 2013 is to showcase exemplary examples of technology integration in the K12 classroom as well as focus attention on new and emerging technologies.
Date: July 18, 2013 8-3:30pm
Location: Lebanon High School, Lebanon, Virginia
Cost: $25 prepaid, $35 onsite "
Help your kids submit their idea and work to Quest to matter. This is a great way to showcase what your students are doing. It will also open up opportunities for mentoring. If you know a kid who is doing something cool to change the world - SUBMIT IT. The end date is June 7th. Why not have your class create a quest to matter. If you haven't had a chance to do a genius project or some creative teacherpreneurship with passion projects - USE THIS opportunity. My friend Angela Maiers had this idea and many have joined in (like me) to help create a website showcasing and promoting all the great work that students are doing as social entrepreneurs to change the world. There will be a winning project that is showcased and mentored.
This site provides a stylish way to produce instant media rich web pages, polls and invites in seconds. Just choose the text, images, videos and link you want to show and publish it. Give out short link to share with others. You can also set an expiry date for your site.
Get a new maths question to solve every day of the year with this superb site. It's great for lesson starters and the answer and explanation can be shown with the click of a button. Search questions for other dates by clicking the link at the bottom of the screen.
Play-on: the boundaries between the real and virtual world have gone for kids, it's all just one big world of play. Now kids arrange play dates in the playground, swapping their penguin names to 'Play-on' after school in Club Penguin. The new friends functionality will allow kids to find their friends faster, teleporting them to their friends within Club Penguin, regardless of where they are playing from or what server they're on
Supportmobbing: Kidanthropy: Kidsourcing:
It is finally here. Here are the details on our Flat Classroom global book club. (click the link for more)
Every week for 10 weeks we will meet at an alternating time - 12 hours apart. (For the East Coast USA it is Sundays at 6 pm Eastern or Monday mornings at 6 am eastern)
Visit our Book club calendar to convert these times to your Time Zone. Subscribe to this calendar via Google calendar to keep up with events.This is Sunday evenings at 22:00GMT alternating with Monday mornings at 10:00GMT in our Blackboard Collaborate room .
The book club is free and everyone is welcome.
#flatclass Book Club Meeting Times
Week and Date Time Topic of Conversation
Week 1: Sunday March 11 22:00 GMT (6 pm EDT) Chapter 1 - Flattening Classrooms through Global Collaboration (p 1-17)
Chapter 2 - Impact on Learning: Research in the Global Collaborative Classroom (p18-30)
Week 2: Monday, March 19 10:00 GMT (6 am EDT) Chapter 3 - Step 1: Connection (p 31-61)
Week 3: Sunday, March 25 22:00 GMT (6 pm EDT) Chapter 4 - Step 2: Communication (p 62-96)
Week 4: Monday, April 2 10:00 GMT (6 am EDT) Chapter 5 - Step 3: Citizenship (p 97-125)
Take a break.
Week 5: Sunday, April 15 22:00 GMT (6 pm EDT) Chapter 6 - Step 4: Contribution and Collaboration (p 126-157)
Week 6: Monday, April 23 10:00 GMT (6 am EDT) Chapter 7 - Step 5: Choice (p 158-196)
Week 7: Sunday, April 29 22:00 GMT (6 pm EDT) Chapter 8 - Step 6: Creation (p197-214)
Week 8: Monday, May 7 10:00 GMT (6 am EDT) Chapter 9 - Step 7: Celebration (p 215-234)
Week 9: Sunday, May 13 22:00 GMT (6 pm EDT) Chapter 10 - Designing and Managing a Global Collaborative Project (p 235-267)
Week 10: Monday, May 21 10:00 GMT (6 am EDT) Chapter 11 - Challenge-Based Professional Development (p 268-293)
Chapter 12: Rock the World (p 293 - 304)
We're also inviting the educators featured in each chapter to be with us for the conversations about "th
I've used this site before but as we were talking on my FAcebook page the other day about how to start class, teacher, Donna Browne left this message, "Donna Browne Instead of writing the class agenda on the board, I simply send it as a message to Wifitti. It is easy to do when you are the creator of the screen. I send a message for things I would mention anyway, like upcoming due dates, school events, changes in schedule. The Wifitti screen is projected onto a screen and catches kids eye's as they walk in the door. Since Wifitti only flashes one message at a time, they continue paying attention to see what will pop up next. See one of the screens at" Cool idea.