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Jim Farmer - 0 views

    Educational Certificates, Sports Certificates, Special Occasion Certificates, Custom certificate templates
Dennis OConnor

Virtual School Meanderings By Michael Barbour K-12 Certificate Series: Univer... - 2 views

  • Continuing the Certificate Series, where I have been describing and discussing each of the certificates in online teaching that are focused on the K-12 environment. The sixth one I wanted to discuss was the E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate Program at University of Wisconsin-Stout.
Ted Sakshaug

Free Printables : Quick Certificate Maker : SEN Teacher ~ Free teaching resources for S... - 0 views

    on line certificate maker
David Wetzel

What is the Value of a Community College Education? - 3 views

    A common question some adults ask when considering enrollment in a two-year college to continue their education is - What is the value of a community college education? The significance of earning an associate degree or professional certificate lies in the employment prospects. Attainment of a degree or certificate not only improves employment opportunities, it often improves the person's quality of life.

Free Award Certificate Templates - - 0 views

    certificate maker
    This is the time of year we like to recognize students for their hard work. This site provides easy to use certificate templates.
Jim Farmer

Free Certificates - - 11 views

    Great certificates that are ready to use, just add your information and print!
Dennis OConnor

Job Opportunities - Ed.S. Degree in Career and Technical Education - UW Stout, Wisconsi... - 0 views

    This is a powerhouse connection to Jobs in Wisconsin's Technical College system. Provided buy the University of Wisconsin-Stout Ed.S Degree program. The E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate at UW-Stout is accepted as a concentration for the Ed.S program
    This is a powerhouse connection to Jobs in Wisconsin's Technical College system. Provided by the University of Wisconsin-Stout Ed.S Degree program. On the open web and available to any one. The E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate at UW-Stout is accepted as a concentration for the Ed.S program
Vicki Davis

Educator Certification - National Geographic Society - 2 views

    Opens September 10, 2018 for national geographic certification program
Martin Burrett

Communication4All - Awards - 8 views

    A collection of great looking printable reward certificates for both general use and subjects.
Claire Brooks

Testing the Feasibility of OER-Course Certification | OERtest - 2 views

    Aims Aims One of the OERtest project aims is to provide support for future OER-related initiatives by European HEIs. One way to do it so is by the establishment of a European network to promote and follow the development of OER and Open Educational Practices within the EHEA. The project partnership will act as a vivid example of a consortium of European universities that offer credit certification under a self-developed framework of learning based on study using OERs, which is shared among several universities and proves to be feasible. Formalised through a Memorandum of Understanding, the OER Europe Network is intended to initially consist of an agreement between the project partners to continue the sustainability objectives of the project beyond its lifetime. As a framework agreement for cooperation on the topic, the agreement will also however admit for other institutions to join, and for the network to take on its own life.
Vicki Davis

Certification Map | Where do you want to teach? - 0 views

    A map that will help you see certification requirements by state for teaching.
Marie Coppolaro

Education World® : Teacher Tools & Templates - 1 views

    templates for all sorts of classroom use: student profile, superb student, great helper, intro letters, calendars, award certificates, flyers, posters, signs etc.
    templates for all sorts of useful things: student profile, superb student, great helper, intro letters, calendars, award certificates, flyers, posters, signs etc.
Dennis OConnor

Instructional Design by Evan Sveum - 0 views

    A great resource for those interested in instructional design. Produced by Evan Sveum, graduate of the UW-Stout E-Learning and Online Graduate Certificate Program. This page would serve well as an overview of instructional design for any e-learning professional. The use of hyperlinks to models, references and resources make this a deep and rich presentation. Combine the content with the narrative context provided by Mr. Sveum and and you have a most useful guide to instructional design tuned to the needs and interests of e-learning professionals.
Dennis OConnor

E-Learning Graduate Certificate Program: Finding E-Learning Jobs - 10 views

  • Online teaching was the perfect part-time job for me. E-learning and online teaching replaced coaching and after school clubs as a way to supplement my income. I loved it! I was working with great teachers from around the world and learning new things everyday. I also realized I was opening a door to a new career. Eventually, after 25 years in a traditional classroom, I decided to take early retirement, and pursue my passion for online teaching and learning full time.
Vicki Davis

Mexico Education Reform: President Enrique Peña Nieto Faces Teachers' Revolt - 0 views

    Rebellion from teachers in Mexico who have bought and sold teaching jobs for generations without any national certification. Teachers are striking and bearing crowbars. These are reforms that most agree need to happen, but putting them in place is tough and sadly, it often hurts those we should protect the most... the children. Despite what some say, reforms need to happen in the US as well and this means upheaval here too. It can be challenging to separate the truth from the fabrications but I  hope that wherever the flag of edreform is raised that people will think of children and what is best for them. What is best for teachers is not always the best for children. It might be good in my own eyes to have a job, but if I'm not a good teacher, perhaps it is something that doesn't need to happen. Interesting reading. "The conflict is fueled by the importance of teaching jobs for the poor mountain and coastal villages where the dissident union is strongest. Teaching jobs in Guerrero with lifelong job security, benefits and pension pay about $495 and $1,650 a month, depending on qualifications and tenure, well above average in rural areas, according to teachers and outside experts. They said the price to get such as job can cost as much as $20,000, usually going to the departing teacher, with cuts for union and state officials."
Martin Burrett

Action Research - What and how? by @Clare2ELT - 0 views

    Many schemes of professional development for teachers, as well as advanced teaching certificates, include an element of 'Action Research' (AR). In my work as a team leader of EFL tutors, I've come to see just how important AR is for teachers to continue to develop and professionalise their teaching practices. And I'm so enthusiastic about teachers doing research that I want to share some introductory thoughts with a wider audience - with you, my dear blog readers! I hope I can inspire you to start your own AR projects, and would love to hear what you get up to...
Vicki Davis

Will MITx Disrupt Higher Education? - Casting Out Nines - The Chronicle of Higher Educa... - 3 views

    MIT will launch MITx in Spring 2012 credentials. Certificates will be offered for those who pay for an MITx course with NO admissions requirements. (wonder how they will confirm someone is actually taking the course and not have it taken for them by another.) Fascinating developments that should have all universities standing up and taking note.
Dennis OConnor

E-Learning and Online Teaching | - 9 views

    Hi impact, curated magazine of articles and professional resources for those interested in e-learning and online teaching. Published by Dennis O'Connor, Program Advisor for the University of Wisconsin Stout E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate Program.
Sue Ann Miller

Online Modules - 18 views

    On your own for professional development? Earn a certificate of completion by taking the Library'of Congress's self-paced interactive modules. Each multimedia-rich program delivers approximately one hour of staff development.
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