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Vicki Davis - THE CALCULUS PAGE . - 0 views

    Great calculus website for teachers and students.
    Terry Freedman sent this to me for a student struggling with calculus. What a great resource for kids tking calculus. I particularly love the calculus applets.
Vicki Davis

Online and Blended Courses | techieMusings - 9 views

    Stacey Roshan writes about AP Calculus (which she flips, btw) but I think that this pondering on how she thinks classes should be redesigned to be online/ blended. I think her views are valuable because she's already flipping. Such views are very valuable and perhaps someone reading this will give her a chance to redesign Calculus or AP computer science in this way. Interesting post.
Ruth Howard

GeoGebra - 13 views

    dynamic mathematics software for all levels of education that joins arithmetic, geometry, algebra and calculus. It offers multiple representations of objects in its graphics, algebra, and spreadsheet views that are all dynamically linked. While other interactive software (e.g. Cabri Geometry, Geometer's Sketchpad) focus on dynamic manipulations of geometrical objects, the idea behind GeoGebra is to connect geometric, algebraic, and numeric representations in an interactive way. You can do constructions with points, vectors, lines, conic sections as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. Furthermore, GeoGebra allows you to directly enter and manipulate equations and coordinates. Thus you can easily plot functions, work with sliders to investigate parameters, find symbolic derivatives, and use powerful commands like Root or Sequence. Workshops You are interested in visiting or giving workshops about GeoGebra? Here is the right place for you with dates, addresses and materials: * GeoGebra Workshops
    award winning software that joins arithmetic, geometry, algebra and calculus.
Dave Truss

Change We Can Believe In - Opinionator Blog - (Calculus) - 8 views

    But the final answer is worth the struggle. It reveals that the fastest path obeys a relationship known as Snell's law. What's spooky is that nature obeys it, too. Snell's law describes how light rays bend when they pass from air into water, as they do when shining into a swimming pool.... The eerie point is that light behaves as if it were considering all possible paths and automatically taking the best one. Nature - cue the theme from "The Twilight Zone" - somehow knows calculus.
Vicki Davis

What Does It Mean to Flip a Class? (A Visual Answer) - Flipping Physics - 3 views

    Just got this note from my friend Jeff Stanzler at U Michigan. This looks very cool and is a website dedicated to flipping physics, algebra, and calculus. Lots of great videos and resources. The note from Jeff to me about this site and his student: " I wanted to share the work of a former student of mine named Jon Palmer, a Physics teacher who has done some wonderfully creative work "flipping" his classroom. He's now devoting himself to making videos for free use by Physics teachers everywhere. Knowing you, I figured you might appreciate his work. Here's an intro video about his vision of the flipped classroom model. Here's a link to his you tube channel, with more goodies."
Ben Curran

The Precalculus Photo Project / FrontPage - 13 views

    • Ben Curran
      This is great for high school teachers
  • types of functions
Michael Walker

Think Thank Thunk » How I Teach Calculus: A Comedy (Natural Exponent) - 12 views

    Recommended Math teacher's blog
Ted Sakshaug

FunnelBrain - Answers, Questions, Flashcards | AP Calculus, AP History, AP Psychology, ... - 0 views

    create and share flashcards
Ted Sakshaug

Online Resources for Math - Algebra, Trigonometric, Geometry, Calculus, Boolean Algebra... - 0 views

    High School Middle School Elementary Kindergarten maths Welcome to an online Free Learning website full of fun. This website is fully interactive and will allow kids to practice and learn math with ease. Our website is designed to help students of different grades, starts from Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle School and High School Math. The goal of this website is to provide new education tools to teachers, parents and off course students who can benefit from it.
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