learning happens when knowledge is captured and shared by people other
than the original expert or owner of that knowledge. The knowledge can
be captured in any format—written, video, audio—as long as it can be
accessed anytime and anywhere, independent from the person who
originally had it. Examples of such formal knowledge transfer include
live virtual-classroom courses with prepared slides, self-paced
off-the-shelf instructional CBT courses, books, video- and audiotapes,
team rooms in which documents are stored, digital libraries and
repositories, a real-time seminar on the Web (or webinar), electronic
performance-support tools, programs accessed during a job or task,
instructor- led courses that follow an outline, repeatable lecture labs,
a recorded Web-based meeting, or even e-mails that can be forwarded.
Formal learning often requires prerequisites, pre- and post-assessments,
tests, and grades, and it sometimes results in certification. It is
often presented by an instructor, and attendance and outcomes are