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Luciano Ferrer

Using Twitter in the classroom - my firsthand experience - Mr Kemp - 0 views

    "As an educator who is addicted to Twitter I have always read about students getting introduced to Twitter and wondered how it would work. After reading and reading I have finally decided to give it a go. Here is my introduction to Twitter in my classroom. Last Tuesday, the day started like any other. Roll call, discussion, introduction to an activity and a bit of a laugh with my Year 7 and 8 Technology class. We had been discussing the importance of being an active online user and being a positive digital citizen (the students are preparing some presentations for Year 2-3 children later in the term). The conversation moved into learning environments and we discussed the small and "un-student friendly" (their words) environment that they were currently sitting in. "Take the teachable moment and run with it" my inner, energetic teacher yelled from my shoulder. So there we were talking about the "Ultimate Learning Environment", when one of my students asked me "Why is social media so big?". Good question I thought, why is it 'so big'. So we unpacked that question and broke it down. We talked about Social Media and what it was and how it worked, they gave me excellent examples and we tied it back into our discussion about digital citizenship. From this point, as a class, we decided we would use social media to help us with our learning. The students had no idea how it could work. I suggested twitter and how I use it. We pulled up my profile and saw how it worked (discussion only). The decision was then made -> Let's ask the twitterverse to help us!! On rolled Monday 5th May and in our first class (I see this group twice a week) we decided that tomorrow would be the day, we would ask twitter for their advice on "What makes a GREAT learningenvironment?". The students already have some fantastic ideas and a plan of where they want to see their environment heading but they needed some depth to their plan and some other opinions outside of
Luciano Ferrer

Who's Asking? - Alfie Kohn - 0 views

    "It seems only fitting to explore the role of questions in education by asking questions about the process of doing so. I propose that we start with the customary way of framing this topic and then proceed to questions that are deeper and potentially more subversive of traditional schooling. 1. WHICH QUESTIONS? To begin, let's consider what we might ask our students. The least interesting questions are those with straightforward factual answers. That's why a number of writers have encouraged the use of questions described variously as "true" (Wolf, 1987), "essential" (Simon, 2002), "generative" (Perkins, 1992; Perrone, 1998), "guiding" (Traver, 1998), or "fertile" (Harpaz & Lefstein, 2000). What the best of these share is that they're open-ended. Sometimes, in fact, no definitive right answer can be found at all. And even when there is one - or at least when there is reason to prefer some responses to others - the answer isn't obvious and can't be summarized in a sentence. Why is it so hard to find a cure for cancer? Do numbers ever end? Why do people lie? Why did we invade Vietnam? Grappling with meaty questions like these (which were among those generated by a class in Plainview, NY) is a real project . . . literally. A question-based approach to teaching tends to shade into learning that is problem- (Delisle, 1997) and project-based (Kilpatrick, 1918; Blumenfeld et al., 1991; Wolk, 1998). Intellectual proficiency is strengthened as students figure out how to do justice to a rich question. As they investigate and come to understand important ideas more fully, new questions arise along with better ways of asking them, and the learning spirals upwards. Guiding students through this process is not a technique that can be stapled onto our existing pedagogy, nor is it something that teachers can be trained to master during an in-service day. What's required is a continual focus on creating a classroom that is about thinking rather
Luciano Ferrer

Inside the new economic science of capitalism's slow-burn energy collapse - 0 views

    "New scientific research is quietly rewriting the fundamentals of economics. The new economic science shows decisively that the age of endlessly growing industrial capitalism, premised on abundant fossil fuel supplies, is over. The long-decline of capitalism-as-we-know-it, the new science shows, began some decades ago, and is on track to accelerate well before the end of the 21st century. With capitalism-as-we-know it in inexorable decline, the urgent task ahead is to rewrite economics to fit the real-world: and, accordingly, to redesign our concepts of value and prosperity, precisely to rebuild our societies with a view of adapting to this extraordinary age of transition."
Luciano Ferrer

Graduate XXI » Las 10 plataformas de aprendizaje adaptativo que viajan al futuro de la educación - 0 views

    "Si los datos son el futuro de la inteligencia artificial, entonces la educación es el Santo Grial de los datos. Nada produce más datos que la interacción de un alumno con el conocimiento: pueden tomarse entre 5 y 10 millones de datos por día por alumno para construir predicciones sobre su futuro y crear secuencias personalizadas de aprendizaje. Eso es lo que hacen las plataformas de aprendizaje adaptativo. Se trata de un mercado incipiente, todavía en plena experimentación. Pero quizás ningún otro dispositivo sea tan crucial para anticipar lo que vendrá gracias al Big Data y la Inteligencia Artificial. Aquí repasamos 10 plataformas de aprendizaje adaptativo que están dominando la batalla actual por el futuro de la educación. (1) Dreambox: un maestro infinitamente paciente El software de Dreambox captura cada click del mouse de los alumnos y puede anticipar 60 parámetros distintos de comportamiento (por ejemplo, frecuencia, tipo y velocidad de respuestas, cantidad y tipos de errores, etc.). El programa amasa una cantidad inmensa de datos: 50.000 puntos de datos por alumno por hora. Con esta información cambia la presentación y el tipo de clases y la secuencia siguiente en tiempo real ante cada alumno. Como se define en el siguiente video, el maestro de Dreambox es "infinitamente paciente, tiene datos ilimitados y una memoria perfecta". Dreambox está diseñado para el trabajo individual de los alumnos entre 60 y 90 minutos por semana. Abarca alumnos desde el kínder y en 2014 lanzó una versión en español. (2) Cerego: la máquina de la memoria Cerego es una de las más conocidas: se basa en principios de las neurociencias y las ciencias cognitivas y utiliza la dimensión espacial como la base de la memoria de largo plazo. Los que se inscriben pueden hacer diversos trayectos de aprendizaje basados en la memorización. Es un sitio extremadamente innovador y limitado a la vez: en un tiempo donde se promueve el pensamiento crítico, la
Luciano Ferrer

Twitter y educación, ejemplos de uso e ideas. También podés colaborar. Por @_chrishaynes Et al - 0 views

    1) the ways they currently implement Twitter in their teaching and learning, 2) ideas for future development of Twitter-based assignments and pedagogical practices, and 3) issues concerning the integration of Twitter and other digital media into both traditional and non-traditional pedagogies. Collaborators should feel free to add material to these pages, to comment on existing material, and to share links to relevant external readings and resources. It may be helpful to tag your contributions with your Twitter handle. Collaborators are asked to please respect this space as a forum for open and respectful dialogue and networking. Let's fill up the pages below with great ideas! Share the ways you currently implement Twitter in your teaching and learning: Students in my course New Information Technologies do an "Internet Censorship" project, focused on a specific country. I ask them to follow a journalist who tweets on that country as part of their research to understand the state of Internet freedom in the country they select. -- Lora Since shortly after Twitter was launched, I've experimented with various iterations of "The Twitter Essay," an assignment that has students considering the nature of the "essay" as a medium and how they might do that work within the space of 140 characters. -- Jesse (@Jessifer) In my fully online classes, I've started using Twitter to replace the discussion forum as the central location for student interaction. -- Jesse (@Jessifer) Show Tweets that have gotten people arrested and prompt discussion on whether it is fair that anyone be arrested for any Tweet in the US, who is likely to be arrested for their Tweets, what kinds of Tweets are likely to prompt arrest, etc. Students in my First Year Seminar course "The Irish Imagination: Yeats to Bono" developed a platform for digital annotation of Irish literature. Embedded in their platform was a twitter feed of relevant individuals/groups, makin
Luciano Ferrer

Popular News in 2017, as Seen From Space - Planet Stories - Medium - 0 views

    "Planet makes its imagery available to news organizations, NGOs, and first responders, and below we've collected imagery of the most impactful events of 2017, as seen from space (we've linked to news articles that feature these stories in the subheads)."
Carlos Magro

The Computer Delusion - The Atlantic - 7 views

  • IN 1922 Thomas Edison predicted that "the motion picture is destined to revolutionize our educational system and ... in a few years it will supplant largely, if not entirely, the use of textbooks."
  • William Levenson, the director of the Cleveland public schools' radio station, claimed that "the time may come when a portable radio receiver will be as common in the classroom as is the blackboard.
  • B. F. Skinner, referring to the first days of his "teaching machines," in the late 1950s and early 1960s, wrote, "I was soon saying that, with the help of teaching machines and programmed instruction, students could learn twice as much in the same time and with the same effort as in a standard classroom."
  • ...39 more annotations...
  • a bridge to the twenty-first century ... where computers are as much a part of the classroom as blackboards
  • We could do so much to make education available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, that people could literally have a whole different attitude toward learning
  • Larry Cuban, a professor of education at Stanford University and a former school superintendent, observed that as successive rounds of new technology failed their promoters' expectations, a pattern emerged
  • Today's technology evangels argue that we've learned our lesson from past mistakes
  • The promoters of computers in schools again offer prodigious research showing improved academic achievement after using their technology
  • killed its music program last year to hire a technology coordinator
  • The possibilities of using this thing poorly so outweigh the chance of using it well, it makes people like us, who are fundamentally optimistic about computers, very reticent
  • Perhaps the best way to separate fact from fantasy is to take supporters' claims about computerized learning one by one and compare them with the evidence in the academic literature and in the everyday experiences I have observed or heard about in a variety of classrooms.
  • Computers improve both teaching practices and student achievement.
  • Computer literacy should be taught as early as possible; otherwise students will be left behind.
  • To make tomorrow's work force competitive in an increasingly high-tech world, learning computer skills must be a priority.
  • Technology programs leverage support from the business community—badly needed today because schools are increasingly starved for funds.
  • Work with computers—particularly using the Internet—brings students valuable connections with teachers, other schools and students, and a wide network of professionals around the globe.
  • Connecting K-12 Schools to the Information Superhighway
  • begins by citing numerous studies that have apparently proved that computers enhance student achievement significantly
  • n the early 1980s Apple shrewdly realized that donating computers to schools might help not only students but also company sales, as Apple's ubiquity in classrooms turned legions of families into Apple loyalists
  • there is scant evidence of greater student achievement.
  • They're especially weak in measuring intangibles such as enthusiasm and self-motivation
  • Computers in classrooms are the filmstrips of the 1990s
  • Apple quickly learned that teachers needed to change their classroom approach to what is commonly called "project-oriented learning
  • students learn through doing and teachers act as facilitators or partners rather than as didacts.
  • the guide on the side instead of the sage on the stage
  • But what the students learned "had less to do with the computer and more to do with the teaching,
  • Even in success stories important caveats continually pop up. The best educational software is usually complex — most suited to older students and sophisticated teachers.
  • Part of the answer may lie in the makeup of the Administration's technology task force
  • Each chapter describes various strategies for getting computers into classrooms, and the introduction acknowledges that "this report does not evaluate the relative merits of competing demands on educational funding
  • Hypertext Minds
  • Today's parents, knowing firsthand how families were burned by television's false promises, may want some objective advice about the age at which their children should become computer literate
  • Opinions diverge in part because research on the brain is still so sketchy, and computers are so new, that the effect of computers on the brain remains a great mystery.
  • that the mediated world is more significant than the real one.
  • n the past decade, according to the presidential task force's report, the number of jobs requiring computer skills has increased from 25 percent of all jobs in 1983 to 47 percent in 1993
  • told me the company rarely hires people who are predominantly computer experts, favoring instead those who have a talent for teamwork and are flexible and innovative
  • Many jobs obviously will demand basic computer skills if not sophisticated knowledge. But that doesn't mean that the parents or the teachers of young students need to panic.
  • NEWSPAPER financial sections carry almost daily pronouncements from the computer industry and other businesses about their high-tech hopes for America's schoolchildren
  • High-tech proponents argue that the best education software does develop flexible business intellects
  • IT is hard to visit a high-tech school without being led by a teacher into a room where students are communicating with people hundreds or thousands of miles away — over the Internet or sometimes through video-conferencing systems (two-way TV sets that broadcast live from each room).
  • The free nature of Internet information also means that students are confronted with chaos, and real dangers
  • We need less surfing in the schools, not more
  • chooling is not about information. It's getting kids to think about information. It's about understanding and knowledge and wisdom
    The Atlantic covers consequential news and ideas in politics, business, entertainment, technology, health, education, and global affairs.
Luciano Ferrer

Introducing The "Natural Law/Resource-Based Economy" (or "NLRBE") Model | Law Office of Tiffany Clark - 0 views

    "By "NLRBE," I mean core resource-based economy ("RBE") concepts, as fleshed out and expanded by Peter Joseph and his organization, "The Zeitgeist Movement" ("TZM"). *Important Reminder* Please remember that, by using this site, you agree to leave no confidential information in blog post comments or elsewhere on the site, or to rely upon anything in this post, or on this site generally, without qualified, independent, confirming research (per this site's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, which you agreed to by accessing this site). Why? Unfortunately, on this website and in my blog posts, I can and do offer nothing more than expressions of opinion and general information, which could be inadequately researched, inapplicable to your situation, out-of-date, and/or mistaken. Thus, no statement on my website or blog posts is intended to guarantee any particular outcome for you, or to constitute any kind of advice, legal or otherwise. Qualified "advice" is customized to your particular circumstances, current, accurate, and offered in direct relationship with a qualified professional. And qualified advice is critical to obtain before you take action. I do offer qualified legal advice and assurances of confidentiality, but only within the context of attorney-client relationships, which are formed exclusively via written attorney-client fee agreements, not through blog posts, blog post comments, website pages or communications, or any other means whatsoever (however, please visit my Services page to see whether or not I am currently accepting new clients). By "RBE," I mean the original economic model, as presented by Jacque Fresco and his "Venus Project" ("TVP"). My take on his RBE model is more fully explained in my last blog post, "What Do I Mean by 'Resource-Based Economy' (or 'RBE')?" Given what I heard in a recent talk by Joseph, I am now sorely tempted to begin using the term "NLRBE," rather than "RBE," to refer
Luciano Ferrer

Low tech website solar powered - 0 views

    "Our new blog is designed to radically reduce the energy use associated with accessing our content. Low-tech Magazine was born in 2007 and has seen minimal changes ever since. Because a website redesign was long overdue - and because we try to practice what we preach - we decided to build a low-tech, self-hosted, and solar-powered version of Low-tech Magazine. The new blog is designed to radically reduce the energy use associated with accessing our content. Why a Low-tech Website? We were told that the Internet would "dematerialise" society and decrease energy use. Contrary to this projection, it has become a large and rapidly growing consumer of energy itself. In order to offset the negative consequences associated with high energy consumption, renewable energy has been proposed as a means to lower emissions from powering data centers. For example, Greenpeace's yearly ClickClean report ranks major Internet companies based on their use of renewable power sources."
Luciano Ferrer

Draining peatlands gives global rise to greenhouse laughing-gas emissions -- ScienceDaily - 0 views

    "Drained fertile peatlands around the globe are hotspots for the atmospheric emission of laughing-gas -- a powerful greenhouse gas called nitrous oxide, which is partly responsible for global warming and destruction of the ozone layer, a new study shows. Research into natural peatlands such as fens, swamps and bogs, as well as drained peatlands, found that either draining wet soils or irrigating well drained soils boosts the emission of nitrous oxide significantly. Led by researchers at the University of Birmingham and the University of Tartu, Estonia, the study took in 58 peatland sites around the world. These included locations in the United States, Australia, Brazil, South America, Australia, New Zealand, East Africa, Southeast Asia, Siberia and Europe."
Luciano Ferrer

France to End Disposal of $900 Million in Unsold Goods Each Year - 1 views

    "France plans to outlaw the destruction of unsold consumer products, a practice that currently results in the disposal of new goods worth 800 million euros, or more than $900 million, in the country each year. By 2023, manufacturers and retailers will have to donate, reuse or recycle the goods, Prime Minister Édouard Philippe said on Tuesday of the measure, which the government billed as the first of its kind. "It is waste that defies reason," Mr. Philippe said at a discount store in Paris, according to Agence France-Presse, and he called the practice "scandalous." Under a new measure that will be part of a bill set to be debated by the government in July, destroying unsold goods could result in financial penalties or prison time. The practice - widespread across the retail and consumer industry as a way to free up warehouse space or prevent unwanted items from being sold at a significant discount - has received bad press in France recently. ..."
Luciano Ferrer

The UAE is investing $100 million in indoor farming - 0 views

    "With little water, scorching temperatures, and not much arable land, the UAE currently imports 80% of its food. Can it go local? In an industrial park built off a highway in the arid land between Abu Dhabi and Dubai, a sprawling new indoor farm will soon grow tomatoes under LED lights in a climate-controlled warehouse near a plastic production facility and other factories. The farm, the first in the world to commercially grow tomatoes solely under artificial light, is one part of a push to transform food production in the United Arab Emirates, where 80% of food is imported. The government realizes that to be resilient, it will need to find new ways to grow food in a desert climate with little rain and temperatures that regularly stay above 100 degrees."

Ranking Booster Guest Post On Google News Approved Guest Post-DA50+ Blog | Legiit - 0 views

    Ranking Booster Guest Post On Google News Approved Guest Post-DA50+ Blog | Legiit
Luciano Ferrer

Master PDF Editor for Linux - 0 views

    * Create new PDF or edit existing ones. * Add and/or edit bookmarks in PDF files. * Fast and simple PDF forms fill out. * Changing font attributes (size, family, color etc). * Encrypt and/or protect PDF files using 128 bit encryption. * Convert XPS files into PDF. * JavaScript support. * Dynamic XFA form support. * Validation Forms and Calculate Values. * Add PDF controls (like buttons, checkboxes, lists, etc.) into your PDFs. * Import/export PDF pages into common graphical formats including BMP, JPG, PNG, and TIFF. * Signing PDF documents with digital signature, signatures creation and validation. * Free PDF Editor on Linux ( for non-commercial use)
    * Create new PDF or edit existing ones. * Add and/or edit bookmarks in PDF files. * Fast and simple PDF forms fill out. * Changing font attributes (size, family, color etc). * Encrypt and/or protect PDF files using 128 bit encryption. * Convert XPS files into PDF. * JavaScript support. * Dynamic XFA form support. * Validation Forms and Calculate Values. * Add PDF controls (like buttons, checkboxes, lists, etc.) into your PDFs. * Import/export PDF pages into common graphical formats including BMP, JPG, PNG, and TIFF. * Signing PDF documents with digital signature, signatures creation and validation. * Free PDF Editor on Linux ( for non-commercial use)
Carlos Magro

The Barriers To Using Social Media In Education (Part 1 of 2) - Edudemic - 0 views

  • n this article, we have analysed the impact of Social Media on the education sector while also empathizing with educators on their resistance to the use of it in the classroom
  • Social Media As A Key Driver of Communication
  • Let’s open up our vision from seeing social media as just another distraction to seeing it as an opportunity to build a more meaningful education system for teachers and students.
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • Why Resistance?
  • Many of us might believe that social media is a place where students impulsively reveal their private lives for the world to see. It’s not true
  • Recent survey done by Facebook reveals that the new youth is deliberate about what they post. Any impression they leave on their social network is deliberate.
  • If educators don’t pay respect to the new ways of expression of youth, they will remain defensive and less likely engaging with their teachers on social media.
  • Indeed there are some real risks attached with children using social media and it can’t be taken lightly. But there are also dangers in crossing a road. Do we tell our kids not to cross the road? No, we don’t! We hold their hand and tell them how to do it.
  • Educators must show teens a level of respect as they create their space online to express themselves as individual
  • Privacy
  • According to a 2013 Pew Research Center study, teens are taking steps to protect their privacy.
  • Students are cognizant of their online reputations, and take steps to curate the content and appearance of their social media presence.
  • Critical Thinking
  • Power of Reasoning
  • The future of education is in helping children experience curiosity, wonder, and joy through playful learning.
  • A New Generation of Communicators
  • The students of today are big communicators through emails, social media and instant messaging
  • They are more connected to the outside world than how much we were at their age
  • Social Media has bridged the gap between students and the highest quality study material they need for learning
  • Shifting Role of Educators
  • A modern school needs to be a lot more than brick and mortar of studies
Luciano Ferrer

BID y UNESCO: urge atender deficiencias en infraestructura escolar para promover la calidad de los aprendizajes en América Latina y el Caribe - 0 views

    "Una parte importante de los estudiantes de la región, especialmente aquellos pertenecientes a familias de menores recursos o de las zonas rurales, no tiene asegurado el acceso a escuelas con características básicas de infraestructura. Un estudio dado a conocer el 9 de marzo de 2017 por la División de Educación del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y la Oficina Regional de Educación para América Latina y el Caribe (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago), analizó de manera comparativa la relación entre el estado de la infraestructura escolar de la región y los aprendizajes de niños y niñas de 15 países. "
Luciano Ferrer

This Air Conditioner for Homes and Offices Uses No Electricity - 0 views

    "Evaporative coolers have been known to purveyors of low-cost, sustainable technologies for years. Without the need for electricity, these cold containers have kept produce fresh from farms to tables, protecting against post-harvest losses in the field and food spoilage in hot pantries worldwide. Now the concept has been applied to air conditioning. Manoj Patel Design Studio in Vadodara, Gujarat (India) has built evaporative air conditioners that can cool a room for days on a single tank of water. The studio designs new products from recycled materials, and they built their air conditioners from ceramics and stone, integrating them with potted plants. By filling rows of ceramic tubes with water, the prototypes maximize their surface area for optimal evaporation while retaining a small footprint. ..."
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